Kornēlijs Kastorjadis
Kornēlijs Kastorjadis (grieķu: Κορνήλιος Καστοριάδης; dzimis 1922. g. 11. martā Konstantinopolē, Osmaņu impērijā, miris 1997. gada 26. decembrī Parīzē) bija grieķu filozofs, ekonomists, psihoanalītiķis. Kornēlijs Kastoriadis ir grāmatas L'Institution imaginaire de la société autors un viens no grupas Socialisme ou Barbarie dibinātājiem.
Pazīstamākie darbi
- The Imaginary Institution of Society. (trans.:Kathleen Blamey) MIT Press, Cambridge 1998. 432 pp. ISBN 0-262-53155-0. (pb.)
- The Castoriadis Reader (ed./trans.: David Ames Curtis) Blackwell Publisher, Oxford 1997. 470 pp. ISBN 1-55786-704-6. (pb.)
- World In Fragments. Writings on Politics, Society, Psychoanalysis, and the Imagination. (ed./trans.: David Ames Curtis) Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA 1997. 507 pp. ISBN 0-8047-2763-5.
- Political and Social Writings. Volume 1: 1946-1955. From the Critique of Bureaucracy to the Positive Content of Socialism. (ed./trans.: David Ames Curtis) University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1988. 348 pp. ISBN 0-8166-1617-5. (PSW, vol. 1)
- Political and Social Writings. Volume 2: 1955-1960. From the Workers' Struggle Against Bureaucracy to Revolution in the Age of Modern Capitalism. (ed./trans.: David Ames Curtis) University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1988. 363 pp. ISBN 0-8166-1619-1.
- Political and Social Writings. Volume 3: 1961-1979. Recommencing the Revolution: From Socialism to the Autonomous Society. (ed./trans.: David Ames Curtis) University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1993. 405 pp. ISBN 0-8166-2168-3.
- Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy. Essays in Political Philosophy. (ed. David Ames Curtis) Oxford University Press, New York/Oxford 1991. 306 pp. ISBN 0-19-506963-3.
- Crossroads in the Labyrinth. (trans.: M.H.Ryle/K.Soper) MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1984. 345 pp.
- On Plato's Statesman. (trans.: David Ames Curtis) Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA 2002. 227 pp.
- Le Contenu du Socialisme. Paris 1979. (fr.) (in: PSW, vol.1)
- The Crisis of Western Societies. TELOS 53 (Fall 1982). New York: Telos Press
- La Brèche: vingt ans après. (Réédition du livre de 1968 complété par de nouveaux textes). Paris 1988. (fr.)
- Figures of the Thinkable. (trans.: Helen Arnold) Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 2007. 304 pp.
- A Society Adrift. Interviews and Debates, 1974-1997 (trans.: Helen Arnold) Fordham University Press, New York, 2010. 259 pp.
Ārējās saites
- Brockhaus Enzyklopädie raksts (vāciski)
- Encyclopædia Universalis raksts (franciski)
- Filozofijas interneta enciklopēdijas raksts (angliski)
- Herdera enciklopēdijas raksts (spāņu)
- Agora International - Kastoriada tīmekļa vietne
- L'Association Castoriadis - Kastoriada asociācija (Parīze)
- Figures of the Thinkable - Kastoriada rakstu apkopojums
- An Introduction to Cornelius Castoriadis' Work, Fabio Ciaramelli, Journal of European Psychoanalysis #6, 1998.
- "Cornelius Castoriadis and the triumph of the will", Alex Callinicos, Trotskyism, Chapter 4.3, 1990.
- Obituary: Castoriadis and the democratic tradition, Takis Fotopoulos, Democracy & Nature", Vol. 4 No. 1.