Magna Depressione saeviente, praesesFranklinus D. Rooseveltopera publica et alia proposita magnopere expandere ad quaestum ampliandum instituit. Omnis ratio Negotium Novum appellabatur. Roosevelt, momentum utilitatemque artium in culturaAmericana magni aestimans, dixit "somnium Americanum . . . esse promissum non solum iustitiaeoeconomicae et socialis, sed ornamenti culturalis."[4] Mense Iulio 1935, Foederale Unum (Federal One), propositum Negotii Novi sic appellatum, inauguratum est. Quod comprehendit quinque proposita artium, inter quae Propositum Musicum Foederale.[5] Hoc propositum fuit primum in Civitatibus Foederatis ubu pecunia rei publicae foederalis amplificationi culturae adhibita est.
Bellmore, Audra, and Amy S.l Jackson. 2012. The New Mexico Federal Music Project: Embodying the Regional Spirit of Roosevelt's New Deal. Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 69(1). ISSN 0027-4380.
Bindas, Kenneth J. 2003. All of This Music Belongs to the Nation: The WPA's Federal Music Project and American Society Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. ISBN 0-87049-909-2.
Canon, Cornelius Baird. 1963. The Federal Music Project of the Works Progress Administration: Music in a Democracy. University of Minnesota Press.
Galván, Gary. 2008. The ABCs of the WPA Music Copying Project and the Fleisher Collection. American Music 26(4). ISSN 0734-4392.
Gough, Peter. 2015. Sounds of the New Deal: the Federal Music Project in the West. Praefatio Peggy Seeger. Urbanae et Sicagi: University of Illinois Press. ISBN 978-0-252-03904-1, ISBN 0-252-03904-1.