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SMA Negeri 5 KediriInformasiDidirikan9 Oktober 1982Nomor Statistik Sekolah301056302022Kepala SekolahEko Agus Suwandi, S.Pd, MM.Jumlah kelas29 Kelas RegulerJurusan atau peminatanIPA dan IPSRentang kelasX, XI IPA, XI IPS, XII IPA, XII IPSKurikulumKurikulum Tingkat Satuan PendidikanStatusNegeriAlamatLokasiJalan Selomangleng No. 2, Kediri, Jawa Timur, Indonesia IndonesiaKoordinat7°48′34″S 111°58′34″E / 7.80936278341472°S 111.97621822357178°E / -...

Sebuah menhir di Situs Pahoman, Pasir Peuteuy Peradaban Gunung Karang adalah peradaban Sunda kuno yang terdapat di wilayah sekitar Gunung Karang, Banten. Peradaban ini dapat ditelusuri dari masa lalu hingga sejarah runtuhnya Kerajaan Salakanagara. Hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan dengan ditemukannya sejumlah situs peninggalan Kerajaan bercorak Hindu, yakni menhir dan Situs Pahoman di Pasir Peuteuy.[1][2] Lihat juga Salakanagara Gunung Karang Referensi ^ Aldo Marantika. Dikenal Mi...
آن كوري كوري في تايم 100 معلومات شخصية الميلاد 19 نوفمبر 1956 (العمر 67 سنة)غوام، الولايات المتحدة الإقامة نيو كانان، كونيتيكت، الولايات المتحدة مواطنة الولايات المتحدة الزوج براين روز (ز.1989) الأولاد وكينزيوليام وولكر الحياة العملية المدرسة الأم جامعة أوريغون المهنة إعلامي...

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Berikut merupakan daftar 324 komune di département Tarn, di Prancis. (CAC) Communauté d'agglomération de Castres-Mazamet, created in 2000. (CAA) Communauté d'agglomération de l'Albigeois, created in 2003. Kode INSEE Kode pos Komune 81001 81470 Aguts 81002 81200 Aiguefonde (CAC) 81003 81250 Alban 81004 81000 Albi (CAA) 81005 81240 Albine 81006 81470 Algans 81008 81190 Almayrac 81007 81140 Alos 81009 81170 Amarens 81010 81430 Ambialet 81011 81500 Ambres 81012 81140 Andillac 81013 81350 And...

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Cet article est une ébauche concernant le monde insulaire et l’Ukraine. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. RoussanivkaGéographiePays UkraineCapitale KievCoordonnées 50° 26′ 21″ N, 30° 35′ 52″ EFonctionnementStatut Subdivisions administratives de Kievmodifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Roussanivka (en ukrainien : Русанівка) e...

Grosnez CastleSaint Ouen, Jersey Grosnez CastleCoordinates49°11′58″N 2°01′10″W / 49.19944°N 2.01944°W / 49.19944; -2.01944Site informationOwnerStates of JerseyOpen tothe publicYesConditionRuinSite historyBuilt1330MaterialsGranite Grosnez Castle is a ruined 14th-century castle in Saint Ouen, situated in Grosnez in the north-west corner of the island of Jersey in the Channel Islands.[1] Philippe de Carteret held it against the French when th...

ألناشي الاسم الرسمي (بudm: Алнаш) الإحداثيات 56°11′15″N 52°28′45″E / 56.18738°N 52.47919°E / 56.18738; 52.47919 تقسيم إداري البلد روسيا[1] خصائص جغرافية ارتفاع 120 متر عدد السكان عدد السكان 5964 (2017)[2] معلومات أخرى منطقة زمنية ت ع م+04:00 اللغة الرسمية ا...

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1952 British filmGift HorseUK DVD coverDirected byCompton BennettWritten byWilliam FairchildHugh HastingsWilliam RoseProduced byGeorge PitcherStarringTrevor HowardRichard AttenboroughJames DonaldSonny TuftsCinematographyHarry WaxmanEdited byAlan OsbistonMusic byClifton ParkerProductioncompanyMolton FilmsDistributed byIndependent Film Distributors (UK)Release date 16 July 1952 (1952-07-16) (UK) Running time100 minutesCountryUnited KingdomLanguageEnglishBudget£218,784[1&...

Municipality in Southeast, BrazilMendesMunicipalityMunicípio de MendesRailway Station FlagSealLocation of Mendes in the state of Rio de JaneiroMendesLocation of Mendes in BrazilCoordinates: 22°31′37″S 43°43′58″W / 22.52694°S 43.73278°W / -22.52694; -43.73278Country BrazilRegionSoutheastState Rio de JaneiroGovernment • PrefeitoRogério Riente (PP)Area • Total96.300 km2 (37.182 sq mi)Elevation395 m (1,296 ...

Pandemi COVID-19 di AntarktikaPenyakitCOVID-19Galur virusSARS-CoV-2LokasiAntarktikaKasus pertamaBase General Bernardo O'Higgins, Teritorial Antarktika ChiliTanggal kemunculan21 Desember 2020(2 tahun, 11 bulan dan 2 hari ago)AsalWuhan, Hubei, TiongkokKasus terkonfirmasi58 Pandemi COVID-19 di Antarktika adalah bagian dari pandemi seluruh dunia penyakit koronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) yang disebabkan oleh sindrom penapasan akut berat koronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Karena terpencil, Antar...

System to identify resources on a network DNS redirects here. For other uses, see DNS (disambiguation). Internet protocol suite Application layer BGP DHCP (v6) DNS FTP HTTP (HTTP/3) HTTPS IMAP IRC LDAP MGCP MQTT NNTP NTP OSPF POP PTP ONC/RPC RTP RTSP RIP SIP SMTP SNMP SSH Telnet TLS/SSL XMPP more... Transport layer TCP UDP DCCP SCTP RSVP QUIC more... Internet layer IP v4 v6 ICMP (v6) NDP ECN IGMP IPsec more... Link layer ARP Tunnels PPP MAC more... vte The Domain Name System (DNS) is a h...

Application of linguistics to forensics Part of a series onForensic science Physiological Anthropology Biology Bloodstain pattern analysis Dentistry DNA phenotyping DNA profiling Entomology Epidemiology Limnology Medicine Palynology Pathology Podiatry Toxicology Social Psychiatry Psychology Psychotherapy Social work Criminalistics Accounting Body identification Chemistry Colorimetry Election forensics Facial reconstruction Fingerprint analysis Firearm examination Footwear evidence Forensic ar...

No debe confundirse con Francisco Nicolás Gómez Iglesias (apodado por la prensa española como el Pequeño Nicolás). El pequeño Nicolás de René Goscinny Género literatura infantilTema(s) niños traviesosEdición original en francésTítulo original Le petit NicolasIlustrador Jean-Jacques Sempé Fecha de publicación 1959 Edición traducida al españolTraducido por Esther BenítezIlustrador Jean-Jacques SempéArtista de la cubierta Jean-Jacques SempéEditorial AlfaguaraPaís Franci...

Traktat LondonPenandatangan Traktat London 1867.JenisPerjanjian multilateralDitandatangani11 Mei 1867 (1867-05-11)LokasiLondon, Britania RayaPenanda tanganasalAustria, Belgia, Prancis, Italia, Luksemburg, Belanda, Prusia, Rusia, Britania RayaRatifikasiAustria, Belgia, Prancis, Italia, Luksemburg, Belanda, Prusia, Rusia, Britania Raya Traktat London (Prancis: Traité de Londres), juga disebut Traktat London Kedua setelah traktat tahun 1839, adalah sebuah perjanjian internasional yang ...

Sanskrit text, linked to Atharva Veda Tejobindu UpanishadTejobindu states meditation is difficult but empoweringDevanagariतेजोबिन्दुTitle meansRadiant power of pointDate100 BCE to 300 CE[1]Linked VedaYajurveda or AtharvavedaVersesVaries by manuscriptPhilosophyYoga, Vedanta The Tejobindu Upanishad (Sanskrit: तेजोबिन्दु उपनिषद्) is a minor Upanishad in the corpus of Upanishadic texts of Hinduism.[2] It is one of the five Bind...

Motor vehicle Mercedes-Benz B-ClassOverviewManufacturerDaimlerChrysler (2005–2007)Daimler AG (2007–2022)Mercedes-Benz Group(2022–present)Production2005–presentBody and chassisClassSubcompact executive MPV[1]Body style5-door hatchbackLayoutFront-engine, front-wheel-drive / four-wheel-drive The Mercedes-Benz B-Class is a subcompact executive car manufactured and marketed by Mercedes-Benz since 2005. Based on the A-Class with larger dimensions, the European New Car Assessmen...

Process of replacing analogue terrestrial with digital terrestrial television in the UK UK digital switchover dates The digital switchover was the process by which analogue terrestrial television in the United Kingdom was replaced with digital terrestrial television. It is sometimes referred to as the analogue switch off. In the United Kingdom, the terrestrial switchover started on 17 October 2007 and was completed on 24 October 2012. Each group of transmitters within each TV region had its a...