Maximus Ferdinandus Scheler

Max Ferdinand Scheler.

Maximus Ferdinandus (Theodisce Max Ferdinand) Scheler (Monaci 22 Augusti 1874; Francofurti 19 Maii 1928) fuit philosophus Germanus qui opere phaenomenologico, ethico, anthropologico innotuit. Methodologiam enim philosophicam Edmundi Husserl, conditoris phaenomenologiae, excoluit, ac "primus homo paradisi philosophici"[1] ab Iosepho Ortega y Gasset appellatus est. Scheler anno 1928 mortuo, Martinus Heidegger confirmavit, cum Ortega y Gasset, omnes saeculi philosophos multum ei debere, atque eum laudavit "potissimam vim philosophicam in Germania recenti, immo, in Europa hodierna et in ipsa philosophia hodierna."[2][3] Anno 1953, Carolus Wojtyła, postea Ioannes Paulus Papa II, thesim doctoralem de "aestimatione possibilitatis ethicae Christianae secundum rationem Maximi Scheler constructae"[4] defendit.

Alma mater eius Universitas Ludovico-Maximilianea Monacensis ubi medicinam studuit, deinde Universitas Litterarum Ienensis ubi philosophiam studuit et gradum academicum acquisit sub directione Rudolpho Eucken.

Nexus interni


  1. Anglice: "the first man of the philosophical paradise."
  2. Anglice: "the strongest philosophical force in modern Germany, nay, in contemporary Europe and in contemporary philosophy as such."
  3. Martinus Heidegger, "The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic," In memoriam Max Scheler, conv. Michael Heim (Indiana University Press, 1984), 50-52.
  4. Polonice: "Ocena możliwości oparcia etyki chrześcijańskiej na założeniach systemu Maksa Schelera." Anglice: ""An Evaluation of the Possibility of Constructing a Catholic ethic on the Basis of the System of Max Scheler."


  • Zur Phänomenologie und Theorie der Sympathiegefühle und von Liebe und Hass, 1913
  • Der Genius des Kriegs und der Deutsche Krieg, 1915
  • Der Formalismus in der Ethik und die materiale Wertethik, 1913–1916
  • Krieg und Aufbau, 1916
  • Die Ursachen des Deutschenhasses, 1917
  • Vom Umsturz der Werte, 1919
  • Neuer Versuch der Grundlegung eines ethischen Personalismus, 1921
  • Vom Ewigen im Menschen, 1921
  • Probleme der Religion. Zur religiösen Erneuerung, 1921
  • Wesen und Formen der Sympathie, 1923 (neu aufgelegt als Titel von 1913: Zur Phänomenologie ...)
  • Schriften zur Soziologie und Weltanschauungslehre, 3 Bände, 1923/1924
  • Die Wissensformen und die Gesellschaft, 1926
  • Der Mensch im Zeitalter des Ausgleichs, 1927
  • Die Stellung des Menschen im Kosmos, 1928
  • Philosophische Weltanschauung, 1929
  • Logik I. (Fragment, Korrekturbögen). Amsterdam 1975

Libri Anglice converti

  • Philosophical Perspectives. conv. Oscar Haac. Bostoniae: Beacon Press. 1958  (Theodisce: Philosophische Weltanschauung.)
  • On the Eternal in Man. conv. Bernardus Noble. Londoninii: SCM Press. 1960 .
  • The Nature of Sympathy. conv. Peter Heath. Novi Eboraci: Archon Books. 1970  ISBN 0208014012.
  • Ressentiment. ed. Lewis A. Coser, conv. William W. Holdheim. Novi Eboraci: Schocken Books. 1972  201 pages. ISBN 0805203702.
  • Selected Philosophical Essays. conv. David R. Lachterman. Evanstoniae Illinoesiae: Northwestern University Press. 1973  ISBN 0810103796.
  • Formalism in Ethics and Non-Formal Ethics of Values: A new attempt toward the foundation of an ethical personalism. conv. Manfred S. Frings et Roger L. Funk. Evanstoniae Illinoesiae: Northwestern University Press. 1973 . ISBN 0810104156. (Prima editio Theodisca: Der Formalismus in der Ethik und die materiale Wertethik, 1913–16.)
  • Problems of a Sociology of Knowledge. conv. Manfred S. Frings. Londinii: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1980  ISBN 0710003021.
  • Person and Self-value: three essays. ed. et partim conv. Manfred S. Frings. Bostoniae: Nijhoff. 1987  ISBN 9024733804.
  • On Feeling, Knowing, and Valuing. Selected Writings. ed. et partim conv. Harold J. Bershady. Sicagi: University of Chicago Press. 1992  ISBN 0226736717.
  • The Human Place in the Cosmos. conv. Manfred S. Frings. Evanstoniae: Northwestern University Press. 2009  ISBN 9780810125292.


  • Barber, Michael. 1993. Guardian of Dialogue: Max Scheler's Phenomenology, Sociology of Knowledge, and Philosophy of Love. Lewisburgi: Bucknell University Press.
  • Blosser, Philip. 1995. Scheler's Critique of Kant's Ethics. Athenis Ohii: Ohio University Press.
  • Deeken, Alfons. 1974. Process and Permanence in Ethics: Max Scheler's Moral Philosophy. Novi Eboraci: Paulist Press.
  • Frings, Manfred S. 1965. Max Scheler: A concise introduction to the world of a great thinker. Pittsburgi Pennsylvaniae: Duquesne University Press.
  • Frings, Manfred S. 1969. Person und Dasein: Zur Frage der Ontologie des Wertseins. Hagis: Martinus Nijhoff.
  • Frings, Manfred S., ed. 1974. Max Scheler (1874–1928): centennial essays. Hagis: Nijhoff.
  • Frings, Manfred S. 1997. The Mind of Max Scheler: The first comprehensive guide based on the complete works. Milwaukee Wisconsiniae: Marquette University Press. Ed. 2a., 2001.
  • Frings, Manfred S. 2003. Life-Time. Springer. Ed. 2a., 2001.
  • Kelly, Eugene. 1977. Max Scheler. Sicagi: Twayne Publishers.
  • Kelly, Eugene. 1997. Structure and Diversity: Studies in the Phenomenological Philosophy of Max Scheler. Bostoniae: Kluwer.
  • Nota, John H. 1983. Max Scheler: The Man and His Work. Conv. Theodore Plantinga et John H. Nota. Sicagi: Franciscan Herald Press. (Primus titulus: Max Scheler: De man en zijn werk.)
  • Ranly, Ernest W. 1966. Scheler's Phenomenology of Community. Hagae: Martinus Nijhoff.
  • Schneck, Stephen F. 1987. Person and Polis: Max Scheler's Personalism and Political Theory. Albaniae: State University of New York Press.
  • Spader, Peter. 2002. Scheler's Ethical Personalism: Its logic, Development, and Promise. Novi Eboraci: Fordham University Press.

Nexus externi

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