Anno 1911 causidicus operam dare coepit. His annis etiam carmina scribebat lingua Persica, philosophiam religionis Islamicae hoc modo evolvens. Liber Asrar-i-Khudi ("Secreta sui ipsius") anno 1915 prodit atque anno 1920 a Reynoldo Nicholson Cantabrigiensi Anglice versus est. Liber insequens Rumuz-i-Bekhudi anno 1917 prodit. Anno 1922eques a Georgio V rege Britannico factus est propter opera litteraria.[3]
Arthur J. Arberry, interpr., The Mysteries of Selflessness [Rumuz-i-Bekhudi]. Londinii, 1953 Textus apud Internet Archive
Johann Christoph Bürgel, interpr., Steppe im Staubkorn. Texte aus der Urdu-Dichtung Muhammad Iqbals. Freiburg im Üechtland, 1982
Javid Iqbal, Khurram Ali Shafique, edd., Stray Reflections: The Private Notebook of Muhammad Iqbal. 3a ed. Lahorii: Iqbal Academy Pakistan, 2006 Textus
Victor G. Kiernan, interpr., Poems from Iqbal. Karachi, 1999
David J. Matthews, interpr., Iqbal: a selection and translation of the Urdu verse. Londinii, 1993
Axel Monte, Thomas Stemmer, interprr., Die Wiederbelebung des religiösen Denkens im Islam. Berolini: Hans Schiler, 2004
Axel Monte, interpr., Streunende Gedanken. Monaci: Books Ex Oriente, 2012
Mir Mustansir, interpr., Tulip in the Desert: a selection of the poetry of Muhammad Iqbal. Monte Regio: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2000
R. A. Nicholson, interpr., The Secrets of the Self (Asrar-i-Khudi): a philosophical poem of Sheikh Muhammad Iqbal of Lahore. Londinii: Macmillan, 1920 Textus apud Internet Archive
Annemarie Schimmel, interpr., Das Buch der Ewigkeit (Javīdnāma), Übers. Annemarie Schimmel, München 1957
Annemarie Schimmel, interpr., Muhammad Iqbal, Botschaft des Ostens. Ausgewählte Werke. Tubingae: Horst Erdmann, 1977. ISBN 3-7711-0268-5
Syed Akbar Ali Shah, interpr., Gabriel’s Wing [Bal-i-Jibril]. Islamabad, 1979
Syed Akbar Ali Shah, interpr., The Rod of Moses [Zarb-i Kalim]. Lahorii, 1983
Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch, interpr., Mohammed Iqbal: Reconstruire la pensée de l’Islam. Lutetiae: Adrien Maisonneuve, 1955
Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch, Mohammed Achena, interprr., Mohammad Iqbal: Message de l’Orient. Lutetiae: Les Belles Lettres, 1956
Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch, interpr., Mohammad Iqbal: Le Livre de l’éternité. Lutetiae: Albin Michel, 1962
Abdul Ghani, Khwaja Nur Ilahi, Bibliography of Iqbal. Lahorii, 1955[?]
K. Abdul Waheed, A Bibliography of Iqbal. Karachi, 1965
Malik Mueen Nawaz Azhar, A Bibliography of Articles on Iqbal, 1900-1977. Lahorii, 1978.
Dieter Tailleu et al., A Descriptive Bibliography of Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938). Lovanii, 2000
Khurram Ali Shafique, Iqbal: his life and our times. Lahorii: Iqbal Academy Pakistan, 2014. ISBN 978-0-9571416-6-7
Khurram Ali Shafique, Iqbal: an illustrated biography. Lahorii: Iqbal Academy Pakistan, 2006
Iqbal Singh, The Ardent Pilgrim: An introduction to the life and work of Muhammad Iqbal. Londinii: Longmans, Green, 1951
De philosophia
Abdennour Bidar, L'Islam face à la mort de Dieu: Actualité de Mohammed Iqbal. Lutetiae: François Bourin, 2010
Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Islam et société ouverte: La fidélité et le mouvement dans la philosophie d'Iqbal. Lutetiae: Maisonneuve et Larose, 2001
Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Bergson postcolonial: L'élan vital dans la pensée de Léopold Sédar Senghor et de Mohamed Iqbal. Lutetiae: CNRS éditions, 2011
Riffat Hassan, An Iqbal Primer: An introduction to Iqbal’s philosophy. Lahorii: Aziz, 1979
Annemarie Schimmel, Gabriel's Wing: A study of the religious ideas of Sir Muhammad Iqbal. Lugduni Batavorum: Brill, 1963
Singh Sevea, The Political Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal: Islam and nationalism in late colonial India. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 2012
De litteris
Anil Bhatti, "Iqbal and Goethe" in Yearbook of the Goethe Society of India (1999/2000) pp. 184-201
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi, "How to Read Iqbal" in Annual of Urdu Studies vol. 20 (2005)
Annemarie Schimmel, "Ikbal" in Encyclopaedia of Islam, nova ed., vol. 3 (Lugduni Batavorum: Brill, 1998) pp. 1057–1059
M. Shabbir Ahsen, "Iqbal, Muhammad (1877–1938)" in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science, and Technology in Islam (Oxonii, 2014) vol. 1 pp. 400-403 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
Bilgehan Yıldız, Siavash Saffari, "Iqbal, Muhammad (1877–1938)" in Islam: A Worldwide Encyclopedia (ABC-CLIO, 2017) vol. 2 pp. 733-737 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)