Bactris gasipaes (binomen a Kunth anno 1816 statutum) est arbor fructifera in Amazonia sponte crescens ibique propter fructus edules culta. Ex his fructibus potio fortis (chicha de chonta) conficitur.[1]
↑"The yellow fruit of the pupunha palm ... is cooked to taste like potatoes or made into an alcoholic brew of considerable potency": Louis Hagen, ed., Alfred Boeldeke: With Graciela to the head-hunters (Londinii: Barrie & Jenkins, 1958)
Charles R. Clement, "Domestication of the pejibaye palm (Bactris gasipaes): past and present" in M. J. Balick, ed., The palm: tree of life (Advances in Economic Botany, vol. 6, 1988) pp. 155-174
Charles R. Clement, Michelly de Cristo-Araújo, Geo Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge, Alessandro Alves Pereira, Doriane Picanço-Rodrigues, "Origin and Domestication of Native Amazonian Crops" in Diversity vol. 2 (2010) pp. 72-106
J. Mora Urpi, "Pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes)" in J. E. Hernández Bermejo, J. León, edd., Cultivos marginados: otra perspectiva de 1492 (Romae: Food and Agriculture Organization, 1992) pp. 209-220