Fulbright Scholarship (en) Nebula Award for Best Novel (, , û ) Hugo Award for Best Novel ( û ) Locus Award for Best Novel (en) ( û ) Newbery Honor (en) () Hugo Award for Best Novella () National Book Award (en) () Nebula Award for Best Short Story () Hugo Award for Best Short Story () Locus Award for Best Short Story (en) (, û ) Locus Award for Best Collection (d) (, , , û ) Locus Award for Best Novelette (en) (, , û ) Rhysling Award (en) () Premio Gigamesh (d) () Janet Heidinger Kafka Prize (en) () Ditmar Award for Best International Fiction (d) () World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (en) () Hugo Award for Best Novelette () Pilgrim Award (en) () Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (en) ( û ) Prometheus Award - Hall of Fame (d) () Otherwise Award (en) (, û ) World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement (en) () Nebula Award for Best Novelette () Locus Award for Best Novella (en) ( û ) Library of Congress Living Legend () Endeavour Award (en) ( û ) Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (en) () Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame (en) () World Fantasy Award for Best Novel (en) () PEN/Malamud Award (en) () Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award (en) () Margaret Edwards Award (en) () Grand prix de l'Imaginaire for best foreign-language short story (d) () Emperor Has No Clothes Award (d) () Ken Kesey Award for Fiction (d) () Hugo Award for Best Related Work ( û ) Ignotus Award for Best Non-Fiction Book (d) ()
Xebatên navdar
Earthsea series (d), The Left Hand of Darkness (d), The Dispossessed (d), The Eye of the Heron (d), Malafrena (d)
Ew di sala 1951ê de ligel Charles A. Le Guin zewicî, sê zarokên wan çêbûn.
Ursula K. Le Gun di destpêka salên 1960î de dest bi wêjeyê kir. Di sala 1962an de yekem pirtûka wê ya çîrokan hat weşandin. Pê re li gelek zanîngehan ders da, gelek gotarên wê hatin weşandin. Di sala 1969an de "The Left Hand of Darkness" weşand û bi vê du xelatên mezin ên cîhana honaka zanistî Xelata Hugo û Nebula girtin, bi vê yekê navdar bû. Di sala 1974an de romana honaka zanistî ya anarşîzm utopîk "The Dispossessed" nivîsî û 1975an de careke din xelata Hugo û Nebula girtin.
Di sala 1973an de bi "The Farthest Shore" xelata neteweyî ya DYAyê "National Book Award" ku ji bo pirtûkên zarokan tê belavkirin girt. Di sala 1990an de carek din xelata Nebula girt.
Pirtûkên wê ji bo 40î zêdetir zimanan hatine wergerandin. Nivîskara navdar Ursula K. Le Gun di 88 saliya xwe de mir.
Piştî mirina wê yek ji nivîskarên din ê vî warî Stephen King ji ser Twitterê re ji bo wê wisa nivîsî: "Ew ne tenê nivîskareke honaka zanistî bû, ew îkoneke wêjeyê bû."
Lavinia, 2008
Powers, 2007
Voices, 2006
Gifts, 2004
Earthsea 5: The Other Wind, 2001
The Telling, 2000
Always Coming Home, 1985
Earthsea 4: Tehanu, 1990
The Eye of the Heron, 1983
The Beginning Place, 1980
Malafrena, 1979
Very Far Away from Anywhere Else, 1976
The Word for World is Forest, 1976
The Dispossessed, An Ambiguous Utopia, 1974
Earthsea 3: The Farthest Shore, 1972
The Lathe of Heaven, 1971
Earthsea 2: The Tombs of Atuan, 1970
The Left Hand of Darkness, 1969
Earthsea 1: A Wizard of Earthsea, 1968
City of Illusion, 1967
Planet of Exile, 1966
Rocannon's World, 1966
Changing Planes, 2003
The Birthday of the World, 2002
Tales from Earthsea, 2001
Unlocking the Air, 1996
Four Ways to Forgiveness, 1995
A Fisherman of the Inland Sea, 1994
Searoad, 1991
Buffalo Gals, and Other Animal Presences, 1987
The Compass Rose, 1982
Orsinian Tales, 1976
The Wind's Twelve Quarters, 1975
The Wave in the Mind, 2004
Steering the Craft, 1998
Dancing at the Edge of the World, 1992
The Language of the Night, 1989
Sixty Odd, 1999
Going Out with Peacocks, 1994
Blue Moon Over Thurman Street (Roger Dorband'la birlikte), 1994