Judith Tarr
Judith Tarr ( jdb. 30ê kanûna paşîn , 1955 li Augusta , Maine ) nivîskareke amerîkî ye. Weşanên wê bi taybet romanên aşopî û dîrokî ne.
Li Zanîngeha Yale ew dîroka kevnar û ya serdema navînê û paşê jî ew dîroka klasîk, latînî û înglîzî li Zanîngeha Cambridge de xwend. Kariyera wê ya nivîsandinê bi nivîsandina xwendinên xeyalî, ku her gav hêmanên dîrokî, vedihewîne, hat nîşankirin. Dûv re, di heman demê de, ew bala xwe kişand ser romanên dîrokî . Digel xebata xwe wekî nivîskarek, ew li renca xwe de hespan dihêvisîne.
Berhemên wê
The Hound and the Falcon , 1993, ISBN 0-312-85303-3 , a collection of earlier works:
Avaryan Chronicles series:
The Hall of the Mountain King, Tor, 1986, ISBN 0-312-94210-9
The Lady of Han-Gilen , Tor, 1987, ISBN 0-312-94271-0
A Fall of Princes , Tor, 1988, ISBN 0-312-93063-1
Arrows of the Sun , Tor, 1993, ISBN 0-312-85263-0
Spear of Heaven , Tor, 1994, ISBN 0-312-85543-5
Avaryan Rising (omnibus of The Hall of the Mountain King , The Lady of Han-Gilen , and A Fall of Princes ), Orb, 1997, ISBN 0-312-86388-8
Tides of Darkness , Tor, 2002, ISBN 0-312-87615-7
Avaryan Resplendent (omnibus of Arrows of the Sun , Spear of Heaven , and Tides of Darkness ), Tor, 2003, ISBN 0-765-30902-5
A Wind in Cairo , Bantam Spectra, 1989, ISBN 0-553-27609-3
Ars Magica , Bantam Spectra, 1989, ISBN 0-553-28145-3
The Alamut series (set in the same universe as The Hound and the Falcon ):
Blood Feuds (with S.M. Stirling , Susan Shwartz , and Harry Turtledove ), Baen, 1993, ISBN 0-671-72150-X
Lord of the Two Lands , Tor, 1993 ISBN 0-312-85362-9
His Majesty's Elephant , Jane Yolen Books, 1993, ISBN 0-15-200737-7
Blood Vengeance (with Jerry Pournelle , S.M. Stirling, Susan Shwartz, and Harry Turtledove), Baen, 1993, ISBN 0-671-72201-8
Throne of Isis , Forge, 1994, ISBN 0-312-85363-7
The Eagle's Daughter , Forge, 1995, ISBN 0-312-85819-1
Pillar of Fire , Forge, 1995, ISBN 0-312-85542-7
King and Goddess , Forge, 1996, ISBN 0-312-86092-7
Queen of Swords , Forge, 1997, ISBN 0-312-85821-3
Epona :
White Mare's Daughter , Forge, 1998, ISBN 0-312-86112-5
The Shepherd Kings , Forge, June 1999 ISBN 0-312-86113-3
Lady of Horses , Forge, June 2000, ISBN 0-312-86114-1
Daughter of Lir , Forge, June 2001, ISBN 0-312-87616-5
Household Gods (with Harry Turtledove), Tor, 1999, ISBN 0-312-86487-6
Kingdom of the Grail , Roc, September 2000, ISBN 0-451-45797-8
Pride of Kings , Roc, September 2001, ISBN 0-451-45847-8
Devil's Bargain , Roc, September 2002, ISBN 0-451-45896-6
House of War , Roc, November 2003, ISBN 0-451-52900-6
Queen of the Amazons , Tor, April 2004, ISBN 0-765-30395-7
Rite of Conquest , Roc, November 2004, ISBN 0-451-46002-2
King's Blood , Roc, October 2005, ISBN 0-451-46045-6
Bring Down the Sun , Tor, 2008, ISBN 978-0-765-30397-4
Living in Threes , Book View Cafe, 2014, ISBN 978-1-61138-450-5
Forgotten Suns , Book View Cafe, 2015, ISBN 978-1-611-38491-8
Stories[ 1]
Weşandina ewil
"Fool's errand"
Tarr, Judith (kanûna paşîn–sibat 2015). "Fool's errand". Analog Science Fiction and Fact . 135 (1&2): 100–111.
Li ser bernavka Caitlin Brennan
The White Magic series
The Mountain's Call , Luna, 2004, ISBN 0-373-80210-2
Song of Unmaking , Luna, 2005, ISBN 0-373-80232-3
Shattered Dance , Luna, 2006, ISBN 0-373-80248-X
Li ser bernavka Kathleen Bryan
The War of the Rose series
The Serpent and the Rose , Tor, 2007, ISBN 0-765-31328-6
The Golden Rose , Tor, 2008, ISBN 978-0-765-31329-4
The Last Paladin , Tor, 2009, ISBN 978-0-765-31330-0
^ Short stories unless otherwise noted.
Xelatên wergirtî
Isle of Glass xelata William Crawford ya 1987 de wergirtibû
Kurteçîroka "Death an the Lady " ji bo Xelata Theodore Sturgeon ya 1993-an cîhê duyemîn bû.
Lord of the Two Lands di 1994 de ji bo xelata herî baş a romanê û xelata Locus ji bo romana çêtirîn a aşopiyê di 1994 de xelata cîhanî ya fantasy navzedî bû.
Girêdanên derve
Navneteweyî Neteweyî Yên din