《The Economy of the Covenants between God and Man》 (originally published as 《De oeconomia foderum Dei cum hominibus》 (라틴어), Leeuwarden, 1677). (양자됨의 교리에 대해 28페이지의 길이로 서술함.)[1]
《Judaeus christianizans circa principia fidei et SS. Trinitatem》 (라틴어), Utrecht, 1661.
《Diatribe de septem epistolarum apocalypticarum sensu historico et prophetico》 (라틴어), Franeker, 1678.
《Exercitationes sacrae in symbolum quod apostolorum dicitur et in orationem Dominicam》 [Sacred dissertations on the symbol called the Apostles’ and in the Lord's Prayer] (라틴어), Franeker, 1681.
McMahon, C. Matthew, A summary of Witsius' The Economy of the Covenants Between God and Man, A Puritan’s mind, archived from the original on 2006-08-20.
Packer, JI, Introduction to The Economy of the Covenants, Gospel pedlar.