전갈자리의 항성 목록

이 문서는 전갈자리에 있는 별들을 다루고 있다. 겉보기 등급이 밝은 것부터 어두운 별의 순서로 정렬하였다.

이름 B F HD HIP RA Dec vis.
거리 (ly) 분광형 주석
안타레스 α 21 148478 80763 16h 29m 24.47s −26° 25′ 55.0″ 1.06 −5.28 604 M1Ib + B2.5V 코르 스코르피, 콸브 알-아크라브, 베스페르틸로; 16번째로 밝은 별; 쌍성; 변광성
전갈 람다 λ 35 158926 85927 17h 33m 36.53s −37° 06′ 13.5″ 1.62 −5.05 703 B1.5IV+... 샤울라
전갈 세타 θ 159532 86228 17h 37m 19.13s −42° 59′ 52.2″ 1.86 −2.75 272 F1II 사르가스
전갈 델타 δ 7 143275 78401 16h 00m 20.01s −22° 37′ 17.8″ 2.29 −3.16 401 B0.2IV 드슈바, 알 자바, 이클라크라우
전갈 엡실론 ε 26 151680 82396 16h 50m 10.24s −34° 17′ 33.4″ 2.29 0.78 65 K2IIIb 웨이
전갈 카파 κ 160578 86670 17h 42m 29.28s −39° 01′ 47.7″ 2.39 −3.38 464 B1.5III 기르타브
전갈 베타1 β1 8 144217 78820 16h 05m 26.23s −19° 48′ 19.4″ 2.56 −3.50 530 B0.5V 아크라브, 엘라크라브, 그라피아스, 그라시아스
전갈 웁실론 υ 34 158408 85696 17h 30m 45.84s −37° 17′ 44.7″ 2.70 −3.31 518 B2IV 레사스, 레수스
전갈 타우 τ 23 149438 81266 16h 35m 52.96s −28° 12′ 57.5″ 2.82 −2.78 430 B0V 알니야트, 알 니야트
전갈 파이 π 6 143018 78265 15h 58m 51.12s −26° 06′ 50.6″ 2.89 −2.85 459 B1V + B2V 브리스키카
전갈 시그마 σ 20 147165 80112 16h 21m 11.32s −25° 35′ 33.9″ 2.90 −3.86 734 B1III 알니야트, 알 니야트
전갈 이오타1 ι1 161471 87073 17h 47m 35.08s −40° 07′ 37.1″ 2.99 −5.71 1791 F3Ia 아폴리온
전갈 뮤1 μ1 151890 82514 16h 51m 52.24s −38° 02′ 50.4″ 3.00 −4.01 821 B1.5IV + B 데네바크라브; 거문고자리 베타형 변광성
전갈 G G 161892 87261 17h 49m 51.45s −37° 02′ 36.1″ 3.19 0.24 127 K0/K1III = 망원경자리 감마; 바사니스무스
전갈 에타 η 155203 84143 17h 12m 09.18s −43° 14′ 18.6″ 3.32 1.61 72 F3p
전갈 뮤2 μ2 151985 82545 16h 52m 20.15s −38° 01′ 02.9″ 3.56 −2.44 517 B2IV
전갈 제타2 ζ2 152334 82729 16h 54m 35.11s −42° 21′ 38.7″ 3.62 0.30 150 K4III
전갈 로 ρ 5 142669 78104 15h 56m 53.09s −29° 12′ 50.4″ 3.87 −1.62 409 B2IV/V
전갈 오메가1 ω1 9 144470 78933 16h 06m 48.43s −20° 40′ 08.9″ 3.93 −1.64 423 B1V 자브하트 알 아크라브
전갈 누 ν 14 145502 79374 16h 11m 59.74s −19° 27′ 38.3″ 4.00 −1.63 436 B2IV 자바흐, 레사스; 사중성
크시 전갈 ξ 144069 78727 16h 04m 21.63s −11° 22′ 24.8″ 4.16 F6IV 육중성계
전갈 H H 149447 81304 16h 36m 22.46s −35° 15′ 19.3″ 4.18 −0.90 339 K5III = 직각자자리 베타
전갈 N N 148703 80911 16h 31m 22.94s −34° 42′ 15.6″ 4.24 −2.56 746 B2III-IV = 직각자자리 알파
전갈 Q Q 159433 86170 17h 36m 32.85s −38° 38′ 05.5″ 4.26 1.03 144 G8/K0III/IV
전갈 오메가2 ω2 10 144608 78990 16h 07m 24.30s −20° 52′ 07.2″ 4.31 −0.24 265 G6/G8III 자브하트 알 아크라브
전갈 오미크론 ο 19 147084 80079 16h 20m 38.18s −24° 10′ 09.4″ 4.55 −3.24 1177 A4II/III
전갈 13 c2 13 145482 79404 16h 12m 18.21s −27° 55′ 34.7″ 4.58 −1.20 468 B2V
전갈 2 A 2 142114 77840 15h 53m 36.73s −25° 19′ 37.5″ 4.59 −1.03 434 B2.5Vn
전갈 1 b 1 141637 77635 15h 50m 58.75s −25° 45′ 04.4″ 4.63 −1.39 522 B1.5Vn
전갈 제타1 ζ1 152236 82671 16h 53m 59.73s −42° 21′ 43.3″ 4.70 B1Iae
전갈 크시 ξ 144070 16h 04m 22.10s −11° 22′ 23.0″ 4.77
전갈 이오타2 ι2 161912 87294 17h 50m 11.11s −40° 05′ 25.5″ 4.78 −5.50 3705 A6Ib
전갈 22 i 22 148605 80815 16h 30m 12.48s −25° 06′ 54.6″ 4.79 −0.61 393 B3V
161840 87220 17h 49m 10.47s −31° 42′ 11.5″ 4.79 −1.56 607 B8Ib/II
HD 146624 d 146624 79881 16h 18m 17.92s −28° 36′ 49.6″ 4.80 1.63 140 A0V:
HD 154090 k 154090 83574 17h 04m 49.35s −34° 07′ 22.5″ 4.83 −4.74 2672 B2Iab
163145 87846 17h 56m 47.43s −44° 20′ 31.9″ 4.85 −0.29 347 K2III
163376 87936 17h 57m 47.81s −41° 42′ 58.5″ 4.88 −1.24 547 M0III
전갈 베타2 β2 8 144218 78821 16h 05m 26.58s −19° 48′ 06.6″ 4.90 −2.80 1132 B2V
전갈 프시 ψ 15 145570 79375 16h 12m 00.00s −10° 03′ 51.1″ 4.93 1.41 165 A3IV
143787 78650 16h 03m 20.67s −25° 51′ 54.5″ 4.96 0.90 212 K3III
153613 83336 17h 01m 52.65s −32° 08′ 36.2″ 5.03 −0.86 491 B8V
154948 84033 17h 10m 42.35s −44° 33′ 27.2″ 5.06 0.24 300 G8/K0III+..
145250 79302 16h 11m 02.13s −29° 24′ 57.6″ 5.09 0.62 255 K0III
157243 85162 17h 24m 13.09s −44° 09′ 45.0″ 5.10 −1.73 756 B7III
151804 82493 16h 51m 33.72s −41° 13′ 49.9″ 5.23 −6.36 6792 O9e
전갈 키 χ 17 145897 79540 16h 13m 50.91s −11° 50′ 15.8″ 5.24 −0.41 439 K3III
148688 80945 16h 31m 41.77s −41° 49′ 01.7″ 5.31 −6.79 8579 B1Ia
144690 79050 16h 08m 07.52s −26° 19′ 36.0″ 5.35 −0.23 425 M2III
HD 147513 147513 80337 16h 24m 01.24s −39° 11′ 34.8″ 5.37 4.82 42 G3/G5V 행성 HD 147513 b가 있음
142165 77858 15h 53m 53.92s −24° 31′ 59.1″ 5.38 −0.14 414 B5V
147722 80399 16h 24m 39.73s −29° 42′ 16.1″ 5.40 2.91 102 G0
142184 77859 15h 53m 55.87s −23° 58′ 40.9″ 5.41 0.01 393 B2V
147628 80390 16h 24m 31.77s −37° 33′ 57.5″ 5.42 −0.36 468 B8V
142990 78246 15h 58m 34.87s −24° 49′ 53.1″ 5.43 −0.45 488 B5V
전갈 16 16 145607 79387 16h 12m 07.29s −08° 32′ 51.3″ 5.43 1.01 250 A4V
149404 81305 16h 36m 22.57s −42° 51′ 31.9″ 5.46 −4.39 3047 O9Ia
152234 82676 16h 54m 01.84s −41° 48′ 23.0″ 5.46 −5.84 5927 B0.5Ia
151078 82135 16h 46m 47.97s −39° 22′ 36.8″ 5.48 0.21 369 K0III
전갈 27 27 152820 82960 16h 57m 11.17s −33° 15′ 34.1″ 5.48 −1.25 724 K5III
전갈 18 18 146233 79672 16h 15m 37.13s −08° 22′ 05.7″ 5.49 4.76 46 G1V 유사 태양
144987 79199 16h 09m 52.61s −33° 32′ 44.5″ 5.50 −0.12 433 B8V
146836 79980 16h 19m 32.68s −30° 54′ 24.4″ 5.53 2.44 135 F5IV
156098 84551 17h 17m 03.71s −32° 39′ 45.7″ 5.53 2.01 165 F6V
160668 86698 17h 42m 51.09s −36° 56′ 43.8″ 5.53 −0.57 542 K5III
162587 87569 17h 53m 23.47s −34° 53′ 42.4″ 5.58 −1.97 1055 K3III
155806 84401 17h 15m 19.25s −33° 32′ 54.3″ 5.60 −5.08 4466 O9
전갈 4 4 142445 77984 15h 55m 30.10s −26° 15′ 57.3″ 5.63 0.02 432 A3V
150742 81972 16h 44m 42.60s −40° 50′ 22.6″ 5.64 −0.26 492 B3V
155259 84150 17h 12m 16.22s −39° 30′ 24.4″ 5.66 1.61 211 A0/A1V
전갈 12 c1 12 145483 79399 16h 12m 16.05s −28° 25′ 01.9″ 5.67 0.87 298 B9V
159176 86011 17h 34m 42.49s −32° 34′ 54.0″ 5.69 −4.40 3396 O5/6(e)
전갈 11 11 144708 79005 16h 07m 36.44s −12° 44′ 43.2″ 5.75 0.17 426 B9V
156293 84690 17h 18m 47.84s −44° 07′ 46.9″ 5.76 0.68 339 B9V
152408 82775 16h 54m 58.51s −41° 09′ 03.1″ 5.78 −6.56 9588 O8Iab+...
148247 80672 16h 28m 14.46s −37° 10′ 47.3″ 5.79 0.84 319 K1IIICN...
149711 81472 16h 38m 26.30s −43° 23′ 54.2″ 5.83 −0.79 686 B2.5IV
142883 78168 15h 57m 40.47s −20° 58′ 58.9″ 5.84 0.11 455 B3V
150331 81741 16h 41m 45.50s −33° 08′ 44.2″ 5.84 1.08 292 G1II
152293 82716 16h 54m 26.94s −42° 28′ 44.0″ 5.84 F5Ib-II
158799 85889 17h 33m 07.39s −41° 10′ 23.0″ 5.84 −1.55 982 B9Ib/II
162391 87472 17h 52m 19.76s −34° 25′ 00.6″ 5.84 −0.95 744 G8/K0III
144844 79098 16h 08m 43.73s −23° 41′ 07.3″ 5.86 0.28 426 B9V
145191 79320 16h 11m 17.77s −41° 07′ 10.2″ 5.86 1.66 226 F0IV
전갈 3 3 142301 77909 15h 54m 39.54s −25° 14′ 37.2″ 5.87 0.14 455 B8III/IV
160928 86847 17h 44m 42.01s −42° 43′ 45.5″ 5.87 1.29 269 A2/A3IV/V
162374 87460 17h 52m 13.66s −34° 47′ 57.1″ 5.88 −1.15 830 B6Ib
144334 78877 16h 06m 06.38s −23° 36′ 22.5″ 5.90 0.03 487 B8V
145838 79596 16h 14m 22.37s −33° 00′ 39.8″ 5.91 −0.56 643 K0III
153890 83491 17h 03m 50.87s −38° 09′ 09.0″ 5.91 1.88 209 F3V
156384 84709 17h 18m 56.36s −34° 59′ 22.5″ 5.91 6.69 23 K4V
157097 85048 17h 22m 54.73s −37° 13′ 14.5″ 5.91 0.36 421 K1III
149886 81523 16h 39m 05.24s −37° 13′ 02.1″ 5.93 0.31 434 B9.5V+...
154783 83896 17h 08m 47.55s −30° 24′ 12.8″ 5.93 1.36 267 Fm
162189 87390 17h 51m 32.57s −40° 46′ 20.4″ 5.94 −0.83 738 M2III
152161 82650 16h 53m 42.44s −43° 03′ 03.2″ 5.95 −1.81 1160 M3II/III
153368 83235 17h 00m 36.99s −35° 56′ 02.3″ 5.95 1.19 292 K2IIICN...
155450 84226 17h 12m 58.56s −32° 26′ 18.0″ 5.95 −4.35 3747 B1Ib
155826 84425 17h 15m 36.08s −38° 35′ 34.6″ 5.95 3.52 100 G0V
146850 79938 16h 19m 00.43s −14° 52′ 22.2″ 5.97 −1.15 865 K3IIICNpvar
154310 83693 17h 06m 20.20s −37° 13′ 39.1″ 5.98 0.42 422 A2IV
158105 85543 17h 28m 56.09s −36° 46′ 41.8″ 5.98 −0.47 637 K0III
150894 81992 16h 45m 00.21s −28° 30′ 34.8″ 5.99 −0.83 755 A3IV
162724 87616 17h 53m 54.77s −34° 45′ 09.8″ 6.00 −1.45 1009 B9IV/V
160371 86527 17h 40m 58.55s −32° 12′ 52.0″ 6.01 −2.35 1531 K3III + (G)
162517 87532 17h 52m 57.60s −35° 37′ 27.1″ 6.03 1.99 209 F2V
150608 81904 16h 43m 47.60s −38° 09′ 22.5″ 6.05 −0.62 703 B9II/III
153072 83100 16h 58m 52.25s −37° 37′ 13.5″ 6.05 1.47 269 A3III
162496 87516 17h 52m 49.22s −34° 06′ 53.4″ 6.05 −0.60 697 K1III
162926 87722 17h 55m 08.03s −36° 28′ 32.3″ 6.05 −0.75 748 B9.5III
146001 79622 16h 14m 53.44s −25° 28′ 36.9″ 6.06 0.30 462 B8V
143619 78575 16h 02m 39.40s −29° 08′ 08.8″ 6.07 0.37 451 K2/K3III
148760 80910 16h 31m 22.87s −26° 32′ 15.2″ 6.07 1.87 225 K1III
152248 82691 16h 54m 10.06s −41° 49′ 30.1″ 6.07 O7e
146254 79692 16h 15m 51.49s −14° 50′ 56.8″ 6.09 −0.28 614 A0III
155974 84489 17h 16m 21.68s −35° 44′ 58.1″ 6.09 3.55 105 F6V
159707 86311 17h 38m 08.45s −42° 52′ 48.7″ 6.09 −0.54 692 B8V
151771 82453 16h 51m 00.04s −37° 30′ 52.1″ 6.10 −0.99 853 B8II/III
162817 87671 17h 54m 27.12s −34° 28′ 00.2″ 6.10 −0.96 842 B9.5/A0III
146954 80066 16h 20m 32.63s −39° 25′ 48.8″ 6.11 0.20 496 B9V
150591 81914 16h 43m 54.09s −41° 06′ 47.9″ 6.14 0.28 485 B6/B7V
157486 85237 17h 25m 02.67s −34° 41′ 45.6″ 6.14 0.19 505 Ap...
162586 87567 17h 53m 19.58s −34° 43′ 50.9″ 6.14 −0.88 825 B4III
142250 77900 15h 54m 30.12s −27° 20′ 18.9″ 6.15 0.09 531 B7V
154368 83706 17h 06m 28.37s −35° 27′ 03.7″ 6.15 −1.67 1194 O9.5Iab
158741 85839 17h 32m 24.64s −34° 16′ 45.6″ 6.16 1.06 341 F2IV
144927 79173 16h 09m 31.76s −32° 38′ 56.2″ 6.18 1.07 344 K1III
152667 82911 16h 56m 35.98s −40° 49′ 24.4″ 6.18 B0.5Ia
154153 83650 17h 05m 48.47s −44° 06′ 18.4″ 6.18 2.08 215 A4III
162396 87523 17h 52m 52.47s −41° 59′ 45.8″ 6.19 3.62 107 F8V
155940 84445 17h 15m 51.36s −30° 12′ 38.2″ 6.20 0.92 370 B9/B9.5V
150573 81903 16h 43m 45.70s −41° 07′ 08.9″ 6.21 0.61 430 A4V
143900 78699 16h 03m 54.71s −24° 43′ 34.8″ 6.22 −0.09 597 K2/K3III
159633 86246 17h 37m 26.92s −38° 03′ 58.9″ 6.26 −3.44 2835 G2Ib
152235 82669 16h 53m 58.85s −41° 59′ 39.6″ 6.28 B1Ia
154025 83594 17h 05m 05.39s −45° 30′ 07.4″ 6.28 1.33 319 A2V
163433 87948 17h 57m 57.80s −39° 08′ 11.3″ 6.28 0.29 513 A0IV/V
146834 79945 16h 19m 07.71s −20° 13′ 04.9″ 6.29 0.40 490 K0III
152636 82855 16h 55m 57.74s −33° 30′ 24.8″ 6.29 0.03 581 K5III
전갈 누 ν 14 145501 16h 11m 58.60s −19° 26′ 59.0″ 6.30 전갈자리 누 항성계의 구성원
152424 82783 16h 55m 03.33s −42° 05′ 27.0″ 6.30 O9Ia
155276 84151 17h 12m 16.55s −38° 49′ 20.7″ 6.30 1.03 370 K1IIICN...
158042 85549 17h 29m 00.86s −43° 58′ 26.0″ 6.30 −2.04 1516 B5III
144585 78955 16h 07m 03.53s −14° 04′ 16.8″ 6.32 4.02 94 G5V
144661 79031 16h 07m 51.90s −24° 27′ 44.2″ 6.32 0.97 384 B8IV/V
145997 79605 16h 14m 39.30s −18° 32′ 07.2″ 6.32 1.63 282 K1III
157038 85020 17h 22m 39.22s −37° 48′ 16.7″ 6.33 B4Ia+...
152431 82731 16h 54m 35.94s −30° 35′ 14.4″ 6.34 −0.09 631 A5IIIm...
151965 82554 16h 52m 27.42s −40° 43′ 23.2″ 6.35 0.07 588 B9p Si
151932 82543 16h 52m 19.25s −41° 51′ 16.2″ 6.36 WN...
156325 84650 17h 18m 20.51s −32° 33′ 11.1″ 6.36 −1.57 1259 B5III
158156 85589 17h 29m 25.60s −38° 31′ 01.0″ 6.38 1.34 332 A1V
145792 79530 16h 13m 45.50s −24° 25′ 19.4″ 6.40 0.69 453 B6IV
146436 79788 16h 16m 59.20s −20° 06′ 14.7″ 6.40 −0.03 631 G8III
145964 79599 16h 14m 28.89s −21° 06′ 27.2″ 6.41 1.29 345 B9V
161390 87042 17h 47m 07.30s −38° 06′ 43.5″ 6.41 1.07 381 A0V
162725 87624 17h 53m 58.13s −34° 49′ 51.8″ 6.41 −0.96 973 Ap...
155603 84332 17h 14m 27.66s −39° 45′ 59.9″ 6.42 K0Ia
157060 85019 17h 22m 37.90s −35° 54′ 39.4″ 6.42 3.58 121 F8V
145100 79203 16h 09m 55.31s −18° 20′ 25.6″ 6.43 2.96 161 F3V
149174 81198 16h 35m 07.77s −45° 14′ 39.2″ 6.43 0.06 614 K2/K3III
158619 85786 17h 31m 47.36s −33° 42′ 11.1″ 6.43 0.98 401 K2III
160748 86716 17h 43m 06.86s −33° 03′ 04.6″ 6.44 −3.13 2672 M1III
147553 80324 16h 23m 56.72s −33° 11′ 57.6″ 6.45 1.11 381 A0V+...
150638 81891 16h 43m 38.73s −32° 06′ 21.2″ 6.46 −0.44 784 B8V
155985 84556 17h 17m 05.54s −44° 46′ 42.9″ 6.46 B0.5Iab:
163234 87865 17h 56m 55.89s −40° 18′ 20.3″ 6.46 0.22 576 K3III
150420 81803 16h 42m 29.11s −37° 04′ 44.9″ 6.47 1.09 388 G3III
153919 83499 17h 03m 56.77s −37° 50′ 39.0″ 6.48 O5f
159312 86098 17h 35m 43.08s −37° 26′ 23.3″ 6.48 1.40 338 A0V
153234 83202 17h 00m 14.26s −44° 59′ 18.5″ 6.50 2.98 165 F3V
전갈 V636 156979 85035 17h 22m 46.48s −45° 36′ 51.4″ 6.68 F7/F8Ib/II
전갈 25 25 151179 82140 16h 46m 51.35s −25° 31′ 42.7″ 6.72 −0.10 755 K0II
전갈 RR 152783 82912 16h 56m 37.85s −30° 34′ 48.1″ 6.97 −0.76 1148 M6IIIe
HD 159868 159868 86375 17h 38m 59.53s −43° 08′ 43.8″ 7.27 3.66 172 G5V 행성 HD 159868 b가 있다.
전갈자리 X-1 16h 19m 55.07s −15° 38′ 24.8″ 12.2 9000 엑스선 쌍성
PSR B1620-26 16h 23m 38.22s −26° 31′ 53.8″ 21.30 5600 pulsar+DB 중성자 별/백색 왜성으로 이루어진 쌍성계로, 외계 행성 PSR B1620-26c가 주위를 돌고 있음; 구상 성단 M4의 일원
OGLE-2005-BLG-071L 17h 50m 09s −34° 40′ 23″ 9500 M? 행성 OGLE-2005-BLG-071Lb가 있다.
OGLE-2005-BLG-390L 17h 54m 19s −30° 22′ 38″ 21500 M? 행성 OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb가 있다.

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The topic of this article may not meet Wikipedia's notability guideline for biographies. Please help to demonstrate the notability of the topic by citing reliable secondary sources that are independent of the topic and provide significant coverage of it beyond a mere trivial mention. If notability cannot be shown, the article is likely to be merged, redirected, or deleted.Find sources: Nigel Paul Villarete – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR ...


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