윌프레드 칸트웰 스미스 (Wilfred Cantwell Smith , 1916년 7월 21일 – 2000년 2월 7일)는 캐나다의 비교종교학 교수였다. 1964년부터 1973년까지 하바드 대학교의 세계종교 연구센터의 소장이었다. 종교학연구 분야에서 가장 영향력있는 학자들 가운데 한사람이었다.[1] 1962년 작품 The Meaning and End of Religion에서 종교 개념의 타당성에 대하여 의문을 제기했다 .[2]
Modern Islam in India: A Social Analysis (1943, 1946, 1963), Victor Gollancz, London, ISBN0-8364-1338-5
The Muslim League, 1942-1945 (1945) Minerva Book Shop, 57 p.
Pakistan as an Islamic State: Preliminary Draft (1954), Shaikh Muhammad Ashraf, 114 p.
Islam in Modern History: The tension between Faith and History in the Islamic World (1957), Princeton University Press 1977 paperback: ISBN0-691-01991-6
Scripture: Issues as Seen by a Comparative Religionist (1985) Claremont Graduate School, 22 p., no ISBN
Towards a World Theology: Faith and the Comparative History of Religion (1989) Macmillan paperback: ISBN0-333-52272-9, Orbis Books 1990 paperback: ISBN0-88344-646-4
What Is Scripture?: A Comparative Approach, Fortress Press 1993: ISBN0-8006-2608-7
Patterns of Faith Around the World, Oneworld Publications 1998: ISBN1-85168-164-7
"Wilfred Cantwell Smith. A Chronological Bibliography", compiled by Russell T. McCutcheon, in Michel Despland, Gerard Vallée (eds.), Religion in History. The Word, the Idea, the Reality, Waterloo, Ontario, Wilfrid Laurier University Press 1992, pp. 243–252.
↑Smith, W.C. (1962) The Meaning and End of Religion. First Fortress Press Edition 1991.
추가 자료
Talal Asad. "Reading a Modern Classic: W. C. Smith's The Meaning and End of Religion," History of Religions 40, no. 3 (2001): 205-22.
Edward J Hughes. Wilfred Cantwell Smith: A Theology for the World (1986), SCM Press, ISBN0-334-02333-5
Bård Mæland, Rewarding Encounters: Islam and the Comparative Theologies of Kenneth Cragg and Wilfred Cantwell Smith (2003), Melisende, ISBN1-901764-24-9
Kuk-Won Bae, Homo Fidei: A Critical Understanding of Faith in the Writings of Wilfred Cantwell Smith and Its Implications for the Study of Religion (2003), Peter Lang, ISBN0-8204-5112-6