// The graph name and the semicolons are optional
graph graphname {
a -- b -- c;
b -- d;
digraph graphname {
a -> b -> c;
b -> d;
graph graphname {
// This attribute applies to the graph itself
// The label attribute can be used to change the label of a node
a [label="Foo"];
// Here, the node shape is changed.
b [shape=box];
// These edges both have different line properties
a -- b -- c [color=blue];
b -- d [style=dotted];
// [style=invis] hides a node.
// This is a single line comment.
/* This is a
multiple line
comment. */
# Lines like this are also ignored.
graph ethane {
C_0 -- H_0 [type=s];
C_0 -- H_1 [type=s];
C_0 -- H_2 [type=s];
C_0 -- C_1 [type=s];
C_1 -- H_3 [type=s];
C_1 -- H_4 [type=s];
C_1 -- H_5 [type=s];