アル・ハリーリー ( محمد القاسم بن علي بن محمد بن عثمان الحريري, Muhammad al-Qasim ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Uthman al-Hariri、1054年 - 1122年 ) は、ムスリムの学者、詩人、著作家。本名はムハンマド・アル・カーシム・イブン・アリー。中世イスラーム世界で生まれた文学ジャンルのマカーマを大成した業績で知られる。
Theodore Preston(trans.) (1850) (英語). Makamat or Rhetorical Anecdotes of Al Hariri of Basra: Translated from the Original Arabic with Annotations. Cambridge University Press 序文と20篇を特に選んで訳し、註釈したもの。
^Grabar, O., "The Illustrated Maqamat of the Thirteenth Century: the Bourgeoisie and the Arts", In: Peter J. Chelkowski (ed), Islamic Visual Culture, 1100–1800, Volume 2, Constructing the Study of Islamic Art, Ashgate Publishing, (originally published in 1974), 2005, pp 169–70; the earliest is dated 1222 and the latest 1337.
^Grabar, O., "A Newly Discovered Illustrated Manuscript of the Maqamat of Hariri", in: Peter J. Chelkowski (ed.), Islamic Visual Culture, 1100–1800, Volume 2, Constructing the Study of Islamic Art, Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing, 2005., p. 93
^Ali, W. (ed.), Contemporary Art From The Islamic World, Scorpion publishing, 1989, p.166
^Ali, W., The Arab Contribution to Islamic Art: From the Seventh to the Fifteenth Centuries, American University in Cairo Press, 1999, p. 78
^Meri, J.W., Medieval Islamic Civilization: A-K, Taylor & Francis, 2006 p. 314; Decter, J. P, "Literatures of Medieval Sepharad", Chapter 5 in: Zohar, Z., Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry: From the Golden Age of Spain to Modern Times, NYU Press, 2005, p. 88
^Scott, J. and Meisami, P. S. Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature, Volume 1, Taylor & Francis, 1998, p. 272al-Aštarkūwī, M., Maqamat Al-luzumiyah,al Luzumiyah, BRILL, 2002,pp 41–42; See: Roger Allen and D. S. Richards (ed), Arabic Literature in the Post-Classical Period, Cambridge University Press, 2006,pp 150 -156.
^Nicholson, R.A., Literary History of the Arabs, Richmond, Surrey, Curzon, Press, 1993, p. 331
^Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, American Philosophical Society, 1971, p. 34
^See: Luisa Arvide, Maqamas de Al-Hariri, GEU, Granada 2009 (in Arabic and Spanish).
Ibn Khallikān. Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary. M.G.de Slane(trans.)