『ゴッドファーザーPART II』の場合、物語は、前作の続き(マイケル・コルレオーネ率いるマフィア一家の物語)と、それに先立つ出来事(父ヴィトー・コルレオーネの若かりし頃の物語)の2つの物語を相互に組み合わせることで、前日譚の要素と、より一般的な続編の要素を組み合わせている。この意味で、この作品は「Prequel and a sequel」(前日譚と続編)(つまり、先行する物語と継続する物語)とも言え、このように呼ばれることが多い[7]。
^Silverblatt, Art (2007). Genre Studies in Mass Media: A Handbook. M. E. Sharpe. p. 211. ISBN9780765616708. "Prequels focus on the action that took place before the original narrative. For instance, in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith the audience learns about how Darth Vader originally became a villain. A prequel assumes that the audience is familiar with the original—the audience must rework the narrative so that they can understand how the prequel leads up to the beginning of the original."
^Burgess, Steve (1999年6月26日). “Richard Lester: A Hard Day's Life”. 2021年7月28日閲覧。 “Lester may also have locked up the dubious distinction of inaugurating the term 'prequel' in 1979 when he directed 'Butch and Sundance: The Early Days.'”
^Burgess, Steve (1999年6月26日). “Richard Lester: A Hard Day's Life”. 2021年7月28日閲覧。 “Lester may also have locked up the dubious distinction of inaugurating the term 'prequel' in 1979 when he directed 'Butch and Sundance: The Early Days.'”
^Silverblatt, Art (2007). Genre Studies in Mass Media: A Handbook. M. E. Sharpe. p. 211. ISBN9780765616708. "Prequels focus on the action that took place before the original narrative. For instance, in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith the audience learns about how Darth Vader originally became a villain. A prequel assumes that the audience is familiar with the original—the audience must rework the narrative so that they can understand how the prequel leads up to the beginning of the original."