^Shape keys are used to deform objects into new shapes for animation. In other terminology, shape keys may be called “morph targets” or “blend shapes”. Blender manual
^Blender can extrapolate results when the Value goes lower than 0.0 or above 1.0. Blender Manual
^A Morph Target is a morphable Mesh where primitives' attributes are obtained by adding the original attributes to a weighted sum of targets attributes. glTF 2.0 specification
^Sets the weight of a BlendShape for this Renderer. ... how much the Mesh has been blended (or morphed) from its original shape to a target BlendShape (another Mesh containing the same topology, but with different vertex positions than the original). Unity2020.1 スクリプトリファレンス
^The BlendShape weight range includes values between the minimum and the maximum weights defined in the model. Unity 2020.1 documentation