2002年には、ヘザー・アシュトンによる『ベンゾジアゼピン-それはどのように作用し、離脱するにはどうすればよいか』(Benzodiazepines: How They Work and How to Withdraw)[6]がオンラインで入手可能となる。邦訳は2012年8月に公開され、これは出典論文が省略され、新たな付記も存在する。内容としては、離脱を管理するために長時間型のジアゼパムに置換し、ジアゼパムが10mgになるまで週あたり残りの10%を減量するといった、1996年の世界保健機関によるものよりさらにペースを落とした方法が紹介されている。
2012年のコロンビア大学嗜癖物質乱用国立センター(The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University)によるさまざまな薬物の嗜癖についての科学的根拠の精査は[40]、ベンゾジアゼピンのような中枢神経抑制剤からの離脱は、アルコールにおける発作やせん妄に似た症状により一部では致死的となる場合があり、離脱症状は一般的には10 - 14日だが半年程度持続することもあるため、数週間から数か月にわたって漸減すべきであり、選択肢としてクロルジアゼポキシドやクロナゼパムのような長時間型の薬剤を処方することもあるとしている。
イギリスでは『英国国民医薬品集』(British National Formulary)にて漸減を推奨している[42]。英国国立医療技術評価機構(NICE)の2004年不眠症診療ガイドラインでは、処方は4週間を限度とし、かつベンゾジアゼピンの慢性的使用者の10〜30%が身体的依存を生じ、半数が離脱症状を経験すると記されている[43]。
『精神科救急のすべて』(Handbook of Emergency Psychiatry)は、救急医療におけるものだが、ベンゾジアゼピンを含む鎮静催眠剤の離脱はアルコールと同様の処置が必要であるとし、バルビツール酸系のフェノバルビタールの置換や、ベンゾジアゼピン系のクロルジアゼポキシドやクロナゼパムへの置換を候補として挙げ、1日の服用量をフェノバルビタールに等価換算し1日に3分割して投与する方法を紹介している[55]。しかし、すでに見てきたように通常ベンゾジアゼピン系において用いられるのはバルビツール酸系ではなく、ベンゾジアゼピン系である。
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MuntokKecamatanKong Fuk Miau dan Masjid Jami di pusat kota MuntokMuntokPeta lokasi Kecamatan MuntokTampilkan peta Bangka BelitungMuntokMuntok (Sumatra)Tampilkan peta SumatraKoordinat: 2°03′53″S 105°09′53″E / 2.064794°S 105.164653°E / -2.064794; 105.164653Koordinat: 2°03′53″S 105°09′53″E / 2.064794°S 105.164653°E / -2.064794; 105.164653Negara IndonesiaProvinsiKepulauan Bangka BelitungKabupatenBangka BaratPemerintahan&...
This article's lead section may be too short to adequately summarize the key points. Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article. (November 2014) Heavy duty tractor Thornycroft Antar Antar Mk2 tractor and DAF trailer with Centurion tank loadTypeHeavy duty tractorPlace of originUnited KingdomService historyIn service1951–1984Production historyDesignerThornycroftManufacturerThornycroftProduced1951-1964VariantsMk 1...
Politics of Benin Constitution Human rights Government President (List) Patrice Talon Vice President Mariam Chabi Talata Cabinet of Benin Parliament National Assembly President: Louis Vlavonou Administrative divisions Departments Communes Arrondissements Elections Recent elections Presidential: 20162021 Parliamentary: 20192023 Political parties Foreign relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs and African Integration Minister: Aurélien Agbénonci Diplomatic missions of / in Benin Passport Visa r...
Semitic kingdom in Syria YamhadHalabc. 1810 BC–c. 1517 BCYamhad at its greatest extent c. 1752 BCCapitalHalabCommon languagesAmoriteHurrian (among Hurrians)Religion ancient Levantine religion (Hadad was the chief deity)[1]GovernmentAbsolute monarchyKing, Great King.[2][3] • c. 1810 – c. 1780 BC Sumu-Epuh• c. 1780 – c. 1764 BC Yarim-Lim I• mid. 16th century BC – c. 1524 BC Ilim-Ilimma I Historical eraBronze Age• Established ...
American economist William F. SharpeSharpe in 2007Born (1934-06-16) June 16, 1934 (age 89)Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.Alma materUniversity of California, Los Angeles (BA, MA, PhD)Known forCapital asset pricing modelSharpe ratioAwardsNobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (1990)Scientific careerFieldsEconomicsInstitutionsWilliam F. Sharpe Associates Stanford University University of California, Irvine University of Washington 1961–68RAND CorporationDoctoral advisorArmen Alch...
For related races, see 2004 United States gubernatorial elections. 2004 Montana gubernatorial election ← 2000 November 2, 2004 2008 → Turnout71.4%11.5[1] Nominee Brian Schweitzer Bob Brown Party Democratic Republican Running mate John Bohlinger Dave Lewis Popular vote 225,016 205,313 Percentage 50.4% 46.0% County resultsSchweitzer: 40–50% 50–60% 60–70%...
Procès du grand complot Les 19 défenseurs lors du procès du grand complot (mai 1889) Type Cour d'assises Pays Belgique Localisation Mons, Province de Hainaut Date 6 mai 1889 - 25 mai 1889 Répression Procès de manifestants 27 prévenus modifier Le Procès du grand complot est un procès d'assises qui connut un important écho politique et médiatique. Il s'est déroulé à la cour d'assises de Mons en mai 1889. Il entendait faire toute la lumière sur les agissements de fauteur...
Comparative study of group decisions Part of a series onPolitical andlegal anthropology Basic concepts Status and rank Ascribed status Achieved status Social status Caste Age grade/Age set Leveling mechanism Leadership Big man Patriarchy Matriarchy Elder Pantribal sodalities Chief Paramount chief Polities Band society Segmentary lineage Tribe Chiefdom Petty kingdom House society Ethnic group Theatre state Law and custom Customary law Legal culture Case studies Acephelous Societies without hie...
City in Minnesota, United States City in Minnesota, United StatesHackensackCityNickname: Home of Paul Bunyan's SweetheartLocation of Hackensackwithin Cass County, MinnesotaCoordinates: 46°55′36″N 94°31′32″W / 46.92667°N 94.52556°W / 46.92667; -94.52556CountryUnited StatesStateMinnesotaCountyCassArea[1] • Total1.03 sq mi (2.67 km2) • Land1.02 sq mi (2.64 km2) • Water0.01 sq...
Naming system for time on Earth This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this article. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: New Earth Time – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (August 2010) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) The Greenwich 24-hour analog clock at 14:06:49 UTC. The hour hand is at an angle ...
Historical princely state in India This article is about the princely state during the British Raj. For the dynasty, see Holkar. 22°43′31″N 75°51′56″E / 22.7252°N 75.8655°E / 22.7252; 75.8655 Indore State1732–1950 Top: Flag (1732–1818)Bottom: Flag (1818–1950) Coat of arms Map of the territories of Indore State, some forming enclaves in neighbouring Gwalior and Bhopal statesCapitalIndoreHistory • Established 29 July 1732• Accession t...
Untuk tokoh Alkitab yang menjadi nama dari kitab ini, lihat Maleakhi. Bagian dari Alkitab KristenPerjanjian LamaYosua 1:1 pada Kodeks Aleppo Taurat Kejadian Keluaran Imamat Bilangan Ulangan Sejarah Yosua Hakim-hakim Rut 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Raja-raja 2 Raja-raja 1 Tawarikh 2 Tawarikh Ezra Nehemia Ester Puisi Ayub Mazmur Amsal Pengkhotbah Kidung Agung Kenabian Besar Yesaya Yeremia Ratapan Yehezkiel Daniel Kecil Hosea Yoël Amos Obaja Yunus Mikha Nahum Habakuk Zefanya Hagai Zakharia Maleakhi Deu...
Artikel atau sebagian dari artikel ini mungkin diterjemahkan dari Wreath product di en.wikipedia.org. Isinya masih belum akurat, karena bagian yang diterjemahkan masih perlu diperhalus dan disempurnakan. Jika Anda menguasai bahasa aslinya, harap pertimbangkan untuk menelusuri referensinya dan menyempurnakan terjemahan ini. Anda juga dapat ikut bergotong royong pada ProyekWiki Perbaikan Terjemahan. (Pesan ini dapat dihapus jika terjemahan dirasa sudah cukup tepat. Lihat pula: panduan penerjema...
British actress This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately from the article and its talk page, especially if potentially libelous.Find sources: Kim Hartman – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (March 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Kim Ha...
Assistant to a member of the clergy This article's lead section may be too short to adequately summarize the key points. Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article. (September 2010) A Czech altar server Part of a series on theHierarchy of theCatholic ChurchSaint Peter Ecclesiastical titles (order of precedence) Pope Cardinal Cardinal Vicar Crown Prince Protector Moderator of the curia Chaplain of His Holiness Papal legate Papal...
10th episode of the 6th season of The X-Files TithonusThe X-Files episodeAlfred Fellig, the metaphorical Tithonus, takes a picture of a dying Dana Scully. In order to achieve the effect, the film was reverse-film colorized.Episode no.Season 6Episode 10Directed byMichael W. WatkinsWritten byVince GilliganProduction code6ABX09Original air dateJanuary 24, 1999 (1999-01-24)Running time45 minutesGuest appearances Geoffrey Lewis as Alfred Fellig Richard Ruccolo as Agent Peyton R...