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This is a list of airlines currently operating in the Falkland Islands. Airline IATA ICAO Callsign Image Commencedoperations British Antarctic Survey - BAN PENGUIN[1] 1943 Falkland Islands Government Air Service - - - 1948 See also List of airlines References ^ FAA Document JO 7340.2E Page 262 vteLists of airlinesBy airline codes All 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z By continent Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania By countryvteExpand for full listA Abkhazia Afgh...


Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada.Este aviso fue puesto el 6 de junio de 2012. Alianza de Fuerzas Democráticas para la Liberación del Congo'Alliance des Forces Democratices por la Libérate du Congo-Zaïre' Bandera usada por la coalición rebeldeLiderado por Joseph KabilaLaurent-Désiré KabilaObjetivos Derrocar el gobierno de Mobutu Sese SekoRegiones activas República Democrática del CongoBrazo político NingunoAliados Uganda Rwan...


يفتقر محتوى هذه المقالة إلى الاستشهاد بمصادر. فضلاً، ساهم في تطوير هذه المقالة من خلال إضافة مصادر موثوق بها. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. (ديسمبر 2018) هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها...

Yuniesky Quezada. Yuniesky Quezada Pérez (Santa Clara, Cuba, 1984) es un Gran Maestro Internacional de ajedrez cubano.[1]​ En la lista de la FIDE de enero de 2008, Quezada tenía un ELO de 2546, siendo el número 6 de Cuba.[1] Palmarés y participaciones destacadas Ganó el Campeonato de Cuba de ajedrez en 2008. Se impuso en la final al Maestro FIDE, Lelys Martínez.[2]​ El torneo se jugó en Santa Clara, Cuba, en enero de 2008. Con esta victoria se rompe la racha de 6 Campeonato...


Artikel atau sebagian dari artikel ini mungkin diterjemahkan dari List of Chancellors of Germany di Isinya masih belum akurat, karena bagian yang diterjemahkan masih perlu diperhalus dan disempurnakan. Jika Anda menguasai bahasa aslinya, harap pertimbangkan untuk menelusuri referensinya dan menyempurnakan terjemahan ini. Anda juga dapat ikut bergotong royong pada ProyekWiki Perbaikan Terjemahan. (Pesan ini dapat dihapus jika terjemahan dirasa sudah cukup tepat. Lihat pula: p...


Gereja GloriaNossa Senhora de GloriaAgamaAfiliasi agamaKatolik RomaEcclesiastical or organizational statusActiveDiberkati1632LokasiLokasi Byculla, Mumbai, IndiaKoordinat18°58′30″N 72°50′3″E / 18.97500°N 72.83417°E / 18.97500; 72.83417Koordinat: 18°58′30″N 72°50′3″E / 18.97500°N 72.83417°E / 18.97500; 72.83417ArsitekturGaya arsitekturGothik Inggris Gereja Gloria (Portugis: Nossa Senhora de Gloria) adalah salah satu gereja ...

Wallenius Marine ABTypeAktiebolagIndustryMarine engineeringFounded2003HeadquartersStockholm, SwedenNumber of locations4ServicesNewbuilding, ship repair, ship conversion, ship managementNumber of employees800ParentSoya Wallenius Marine is a ship design and ship management company in Sweden.[1] Headquartered in Stockholm, the company has additional offices in Singapore[2] and employs some 800 people. The company was spun off from Wallenius Lin...


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The Australian Rowing Championships is an annual rowing event that determines Australia's national rowing champions and facilitates selection of Australian representative crews for World Championships and the Olympic Games. It is Australia's premier regatta, with states, clubs and schools sending their best crews. The Championships commence with the National Regatta - men's, women's and lightweight events in open, under 23, under 19, under 17 and school age events. Rowers at the National Rega...

Beehives in Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine Hives in the spring near Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine Local beekeeper near Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine Beekeeping in Ukraine is a major economic activity. Approximately 700,000 people, 1.5% of the Ukrainian population, are engaged in the production of honey.[citation needed] Ukraine is ranked as the number one country in Europe and among the top five countries in the world for honey production, producing 75 million metric tons (74,000,000 long tons; 83,0...


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International song competition Eurovision Song Contest 1966DatesFinal5 March 1966HostVenueVilla LouvignyLuxembourg City, LuxembourgPresenter(s)Josiane ShenMusical directorJean RoderèsDirected byJos PaulyRené SteichenExecutive supervisorClifford BrownHost broadcasterCompagnie Luxembourgeoise de Télédiffusion (CLT) ParticipantsNumber of entries18Debuting countriesNoneNon-returning countriesNone Participation map      Partici...

هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (مارس 2023)   لمعانٍ أخرى، طالع هاري كوبر (توضيح). هاري كوبر معلومات شخصية الميلاد 20 فبراير 1943 (العمر 80 سنة)نيوكاسل، أستراليا مواطنة أستراليا  أسماء أخرى دكتور هاري...


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Japanese bobsledder and sprinter Shintaro SatoPersonal informationNationalityJapaneseBorn (1980-08-20) 20 August 1980 (age 43)Tsurugashima, JapanEducationPhysical educationAlma materUniversity of Tsukuba Graduate schoolHeight1.83 m (6 ft 0 in)Weight85 kg (187 lb)SportCountry JapanSport Bobsleigh AthleticsNow coachingKirara ShiraishiShuhei TadaAchievements and titlesPersonal best(s)100 m: 10.36 (2004) 200 m: 20.83 (2000) Shintaro Sato (佐藤 ...

Bishop of Beauvais Philip of DreuxBishop of BeauvaisReign1175–1217PredecessorBartholomew of MontcornetSuccessorMilo of NanteuilBorn1158Died4 November 1217 (aged 68–69)BurialBeauvais CathedralHouseHouse of DreuxFatherRobert IMotherAgnes de Baudemont, Countess of Braine Philip of Dreux (Philippe de Dreux; 1158–1217) was a French nobleman, Bishop of Beauvais, and figure of the Third Crusade. He was an active soldier, an ally in the field of Philip Augustus, the French king and his cousin,&...


Elected head of Wellington City Council, New Zealand Mayor of WellingtonCoat of arms of the City of WellingtonFlag of the City of WellingtonIncumbentTory Whanausince 15 October 2022Wellington City CouncilStyleHis/Her WorshipMember ofWellington City CouncilSeatWellington Town HallAppointerElectors of Wellington CityTerm lengthThree years, renewableInaugural holderGeorge HunterFormation3 October 1842DeputyLaurie FoonSalary$167,800[1]Websiteofficial website The Mayor of Wellington i...


Mikhail Dmitriyevich SkobelevMikhail SkobelevJulukanJenderal PutihWhite PashaMata BerdarahLahir(1843-09-29)29 September 1843Sankt-Peterburg, Kekaisaran RusiaMeninggal7 Juli 1882(1882-07-07) (umur 38)Moskwa, Kekaisaran RusiaPengabdian Kekaisaran RusiaDinas/cabang Angkatan Darat Kekaisaran RusiaLama dinas1861–1882PangkatJenderal InfanteriKomandanKorps Angkatan Darat ke-4 (Kekaisaran Rusia)Perang/pertempuranPemberontakan JanuariPerang Rusia-TurkiPenghargaanOrdo St. GeorgeOrdo St...

Koordinat: 8°12′32″S 114°16′31″E / 8.208795°S 114.275396°E / -8.208795; 114.275396 LicinKecamatanKantor Camat LicinPeta lokasi Kecamatan LicinNegara IndonesiaProvinsiJawa TimurKabupatenBanyuwangiPemerintahan • Camat-Populasi • Total- jiwaKode Kemendagri35.10.24 Kode BPS3510171 Desa/kelurahan8 Rumah keluarga Belanda di licin pada tahun 1915-1916 Licin adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia...


Language family spoken in Colombia and Ecuador BarbacoanGeographicdistributionColombia and EcuadorLinguistic classificationOne of the world's primary language familiesProto-languageProto-BarbacoanSubdivisions Awan Coconucan Cayapa–Tsafiki ? Cañari–Puruhá Glottologbarb1265Barbacoan language at present, and probable areas in the 16th century: 1 Guambiano 2 Totoró 3 Barbacoa (†) 4 Sindagua (†?) 5 Awá Pit 6 Pasto-Muellama (†?) 7 Cha'palaachi 8 Tsáfiki 9 Caranqui (†?) Barbacoan (a...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!