ドロテアにちなんだコミュニティに、活動修道会の修道女が参加する"The Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Dorothy"があり、主に花や農産物の育て方を教えている。
また、ドロテアの生涯と殉教は、1622年に出版されたフィリップ・マッシンジャーとトーマス・デッカーによる『The Virgin Martyr』の基礎となった。
^Joseph Martin Peterson, The Dorothea Legend: Its Earliest Records, Middle English Versions, and Influence of Massinger’s "Virgin Martyr" (University of Heidelberg, 1910), 13.
Butler, Alban. The Lives of the Saints. Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, 1995. (Originally published 1878.) Nihil obstat and Imprimatur 1955.
Englebert, Omer. The Lives of the Saints. Christopher and Anne Fremantle, trans. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1994. Nihil obstat and Imprimatur 1951.
Harvey, Sir Paul, ed. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967.
Peterson, Joseph Martin, The Dorothea Legend: Its Earliest Records, Middle English Versions, and Influence of Massinger’s "Virgin Martyr" (University of Heidelberg, 1910).
The Swedish Nationalecyklopedin Volume 5 p. 102
Medeltidens ABC edited by The Swedish national museum of history p. 93, 276.