Pertempuran Santa Clara adalah serangkaian peristiwa pada akhir Desember 1958 yang berujung pada ditaklukannya kota Kuba Santa Clara oleh para revolusioner di bawah komando Che Guevara. Pertempuran tersebut menjadi kemenangan mutlak bagi para pemberontak yang berjuang melawan rezim Jenderal Fulgencio Batista: dalam 12 jam, kota tersebut ditaklukkan, Batista lari dari Kuba dan pasukan Fidel Castro mengklaim kemenangan.
Brown, Walter J. (April 30, 1959). "During the recent revolution in Cuba God's work was safe Under HIS Wings"(PDF). Review and Herald. Washington, D. C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association. 136 (18): 16, 17, 21, 23, 24. Diakses tanggal August 2, 2011.[pranala nonaktif permanen] An eye witness account by the president of Antillian College, a Seventh-day Adventist institution located across the road from the Central University. Brown tells of meeting Commander Che Guevara and the college's choir sang at a special ceremony held at the Central University with the new premier, Fidel Castro, in the audience.