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Ліга БаїяноCampeonato BaianoЗасновано 1905Конфедерація КОНМЕБОЛКількість команд 12Рівень в ієрархії 1Поточний чемпіон «Віторія» (Салвадор) (28-й титул)Найбільше перемог «Баїя» (46 титулів) 2016 Ліга Баїяно — чемпіонат штату Баїя з футболу, в якому беруть участь всі найсильніші клуб...


Grabado que representa el desembarco de Drake en California en 1590 La placa de Drake (abajo), y la plancha utilizada para martillarla (arriba) La llamada placa de latón de Drake es una falsificación, presentada en su momento como la presunta placa que el navegante inglés Francis Drake colocó en algún lugar del Norte de California, donde desembarcó en 1579. El bulo tuvo éxito durante 40 años, a pesar de las primeras dudas que suscitó su aparición. Después de que la placa llamó la ...


عامر بن عمران الضبي معلومات شخصية مواطنة  الدولة العباسية اللقب أبو عكرمة. الحياة العملية المهنة من علماء اللغة والأدب. تعديل مصدري - تعديل   عامر بن عمران بن زياد الضبي يُكنَى أبو عكرمة، من علماء اللغة من أهل بغداد، وكان من أعلم الناس بأخبار العرب وأشعارهم، وأكثرهم رو...

Ця стаття не містить посилань на джерела. Ви можете допомогти поліпшити цю статтю, додавши посилання на надійні (авторитетні) джерела. Матеріал без джерел може бути піддано сумніву та вилучено. (липень 2014) Гранулоци́ти — клітини крові з фракції лейкоцитів, характерн...


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Film Titel Mara und der Feuerbringer Produktionsland Deutschland Originalsprache Deutsch Erscheinungsjahr 2015 Länge 94 Minuten Altersfreigabe FSK 6[1] JMK 8[2] Stab Regie Tommy Krappweis Drehbuch Tommy Krappweis,Sebastian B. Voss Produktion Christian Becker Musik Andreas Lenz von Ungern-Sternberg,Dominik Schuster Kamera Stephan Schuh Schnitt Jochen Donauer Besetzung Lilian Prent: Mara Lorbeer Jan Josef Liefers: Prof. Weissinger Esther Schweins: Christa Lorbeer Christoph...


Dieser Artikel beschreibt das Buch von Primo Levi mit diesem Titel. Für das Periodensystem der Elemente siehe dort. Das periodische System (Originaltitel: Il Sistema Periodico) ist eine Sammlung von 21 kurzen Geschichten des italienischen Autors und Chemikers Primo Levi, die bis auf wenige Ausnahmen einen direkten autobiographischen Bezug haben. Es ist nach dem Periodensystem der Elemente benannt. Das italienische Original wurde 1975 veröffentlicht, die deutsche Übersetzung von Edith Plack...

American comic strip by Jok Church You Can with Beakman and JaxTitle logo of comic, with Beakman (left), Jax (right), their U-can, and rainbow star.Author(s)Jok ChurchWebsitehttp://www.beakman.comCurrent status/scheduleEndedLaunch dateJuly 14, 1991[1][2]End dateJuly 17, 2016[3]Syndicate(s)Universal Press Syndicate/Universal UclickGenre(s)Science, education You Can with Beakman and Jax, also known in its Spanish-language version as El Mundo de Beakman (The World of Beak...


Vanara (monkey), who is credited as the engineer of the Rama Setu Fictional character NalaRight:Nala (white monkey with blue face) and Nila (blue monkey) talking with Rama. Left: Nala and Nila directing the monkeys to place the stones in the ocean.InformationRaceVanaraFamilyVishwakarma (father)Nila (brother) In the Hindu epic Ramayana, Nala (Sanskrit: नल, IAST: nala, lit. lotus), is the vanara (monkey), who is credited as the engineer of the Rama Setu, a bridge across the ocean between Ra...


Overview of the events of 2019 in paleoentomology List of years in paleoentomology … 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 … In paleontology 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 In paleobotany 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 In arthropod paleontology 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 In paleoichthyology 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 In paleomalacology 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 In paleomammalogy 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 In reptile paleontology 2016 2017 2018 2019 202...

Trans–New Guinea language spoken in Indonesia Not to be confused with Sumerian language. This article is about the Tanah Merah language spoken on Bomberai Peninsula on the western coast of Papua. For the Tanah Merah language spoken on Tanahmerah Bay on the northern coast of Papua, see Tabla language. SumuriSumeriTanah MerahRegionSumuri District, Teluk Bintuni Regency, West Papua (Bapai Rover and Gondu River areas)EthnicitySumuriNative speakers(500 cited 1978)[1]Language familyTrans...


Japanese architectural motif Diagram showing square tiles, on the diagonal, nailed at all four corners and grouted in mounds over the joins and nails. Namako wall or Namako-kabe (sometimes misspelled as Nameko) is a Japanese wall design widely used for vernacular houses, particularly on fireproof storehouses by the latter half of the Edo period.[1] The namako wall is distinguished by a white grid pattern on black slate. Geographically, it was most prominent in parts of western Japan, ...


Protektorat Afrika Timur1895–1920 Bendera Afrika Timur Britania Lambang Lagu kebangsaan: God Save the Queen/KingPeta Afrika Timur Britania tahun 1911StatusDominion Kesultanan Zanzibar dan Protektorat Imperium BritaniaIbu kotaMombasa (1895–1905)Nairobi (1905–1920)Bahasa yang umum digunakanInggris (resmi)Kiswahili, Kikuyu, Kamba, Luo, Kisii, Kimeru, Nandi–MarkwetaAgama Kristen, Islam, Hinduisme, agama tradisional AfrikaPemerintahanMonarki konstitusionalPenguasa • 1...

British television channel The topic of this article may not meet Wikipedia's general notability guideline. Please help to demonstrate the notability of the topic by citing reliable secondary sources that are independent of the topic and provide significant coverage of it beyond a mere trivial mention. If notability cannot be shown, the article is likely to be merged, redirected, or deleted.Find sources: MTV Hits British and Irish TV channel – news · newspapers...


Military engagement This article is about combat. For other uses, see Battle (disambiguation). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Battle – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (April 2021) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) British (red) and French (blue) armies begin en...


Market hall New Spitalfields Market New Spitalfields Market is a fruit and vegetable market on a 31-acre (13 ha) site in Leyton, London Borough of Waltham Forest in East London. The market is owned and administered by the City of London Corporation. The market is Europe's leading horticultural market specialising in exotic fruit and vegetables - and the largest revenue earning wholesale market in the UK.[1] History It had previously been located at Spitalfields Market just off Bi...

Instant Insanity puzzle in the solved configuration. From top to bottom, the colors on the back of the cubes are white, green, blue, and red (left side), and blue, red, green, and white (right side) Nets of the Instant Insanity cubes – the line style is for identifying the cubes in the solution Instant Insanity is the name given by Parker Brothers to their 1967 version of a puzzle which has existed since antiquity, and which has been marketed by many toy and puzzle makers under a variet...


Dreharbeiten zu einem Musikvideo Musikvideos sind Kurzfilme, die ein Musikstück filmisch umsetzen. Sie werden zumeist von einer Plattenfirma zur Verkaufsförderung für dieses Stück in Auftrag gegeben, von einer auf Musikvideos spezialisierten Filmproduktionsgesellschaft konzipiert und hergestellt und sollen im Musikfernsehen oder im Internet zu sehen sein. Meist dauern sie genau so lang wie das Stück und nutzen es als einzige Tonquelle. Ein Bestandteil der meisten Musikvideos ist die Insz...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!