Ng Cho-nam

Ng Cho-nam

Ng Cho-nam (Hanzi: 吳祖南, 15 Agustus 1960 – 13 Desember 2019), SBS, JP, adalah seorang cendekiawan kajian lingkungan hidup Hong Kong dan konservationis yang menjabat sebagai wakil profesor dalam Jurusan Geografi di Universitas Hong Kong.[1] Ia menjabat sebagai penasehat papan atas pada sejumlah komite pemerintahan Hong Kong dalam bidang konservasi, pembangunan berkelanjutan, perlindungan lingkungan hidup, perencanaan tata kota dan anggota aktif di berbagai organisasi non-pemerintah lingkungan hidup.[2] Ia menjadi direktur Conservancy Association dari 2000 sampai 2019.

Publikasi pilihan

  • Xu, Q., Chen, J., Peart, M. R., Ng, C. N., Hau, B. C. H. and Law, W. W. Y. (2018) “Exploration of Severities of Rainfall and Runoff Extremes in Ungauged Catchments: A case study of Lai Chi Wo in Hong Kong, China.” Science of the Total Environment 634: 640–649. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.024 PMID: 29635206
  • Xie, Y., Yu, X., Ng, C. N. and Fang, L. (2018) “Exploring the Dynamic Correlation of Landscape Composition and Habitat Fragmentation with Surface Water Quality in the Shenzhen River and Deep Bay cross-border watershed, China.” Ecological Indicators 90: 231–246. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.11.051
  • Qi, X., Fu, Y., Wang, R. Y., Ng, C. N., Dang, H. and He, Y. (2018) “Improving the Sustainability of Agricultural Land use: An Integrated Framework for the conflict between Food Security and Environmental Deterioration.” Applied Geography 90: 214–223. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2017.12.009
  • Wang, R. Y., Ng, C. N., Lenzer Jr, J. H., Dang, H. P., Liu, T. and Yao, S. J. (2016) “Unpacking Water Conflicts: A Reinterpretation of Coordination Problems in China’s Water Governance System.” International Journal of Water Resources Development 33(4): 553–569. doi: 10.1080/07900627.2016.1197824
  • Wang, R. Y., Z. Si, C. N. Ng, and S. Scott (2015) "The transformation of trust in China’s alternative food networks: disruption, reconstruction, and development." Ecology and Society 20(2): 19. doi: 10.5751/ES-07536-200219
  • Ng, Cho-nam and Ting-Leung. 1992. "The Environment," in The Other Hong Kong Report-1992, edited by Joseph Y.S. Cheng and Paul C.K. Kwong, pp. 365–382. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.


  1. ^ "Dr Cho-Nam Ng". Department of Geography, University of Hong Kong. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2021-01-21. Diakses tanggal 2020-05-09. 
  2. ^ "港大地理系副教授吳祖南逝世 生前致力推動環保". 無綫新聞 (dalam bahasa Tionghoa). December 12, 2019. Diakses tanggal 2020-06-17. 

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