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«Centre» redirige aquí. Para la localidad del estado estadounidense de Alabama, véase Centre (Alabama). Centro-Valle del LoiraCentre-Val de Loire Región Castillo de Chambord BanderaEscudo Centro-Valle del LoiraCoordenadas 47°30′N 1°45′E / 47.5, 1.75Capital OrleansIdioma oficial FrancésEntidad Región • País FranciaPresidente regional François Bonneau (PS)Departamentos CherEure-et-LoirIndreIndre-et-LoireLoir-et-CherLoiret (ver)Distritos 20Comunas 1.84...

Träsket (Byträsket)InsjöLand SverigeLänNorrbottens länKommunBodens kommunLandskapNorrbottenSockenRåneå sockenKoordinater WGS 8465°50′46″N 22°30′23″Ö / 65.84619°N 22.50641°Ö / 65.84619; 22.50641 (Träsket (Råneå socken, Norrbotten)) SWEREF 99 TM7323252, 842088 Träsket Topografiska kartan över Träsket. FlödenHuvudavrinningsområdeVitåns huvudavrinningsområde (6000)ÖvrigtSjöID732139-18...

Pour les articles homonymes, voir 5e armée. 5e armée de chars Un char KV-1 détruit près de Voronej en juin 1942. Création 5 juin 1942 Dissolution 20 avril 1943 Pays Union soviétique Allégeance Armée rouge Branche Armée de terre Type troupes blindées et mécanisées Rôle exploitation dans la profondeur Guerres Grande Guerre patriotique Batailles défense de Voronejopération UranusPetit Saturneopération Galop Commandant Alexandre LizioukovProkofi Romanenko modifier La 5e...

Esta página ou seção foi marcada para revisão devido a incoerências ou dados de confiabilidade duvidosa. Se tem algum conhecimento sobre o tema, por favor, verifique e melhore a coerência e o rigor deste artigo.Considere colocar uma explicação mais detalhada na discussão. Mitsubishi Motors de Portugal, S.A. Mitsubishi Motors de Portugal Fundação 1989 Sede Lisboa, Portugal Pessoas-chave Paulo Cabrita Produtos Importação de veículos da Mitsubishi Motors Website oficial www.mitsubi...

Düsseldorfatas: Düsseldorf-Hafen, bawah dari kiri: Ständehaus Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Königsallee, dan Stadttor BenderaLambang kebesaranLetak Düsseldorf di Nordrhein-Westfalen NegaraJermanNegara bagianNordrhein-WestfalenWilayahDüsseldorfKreisDistrik perkotaanSubdivisions10 distrik, 49 wilayahPemerintahan • Lord MayorThomas Geisel (SPD) • Governing partiesSPDLuas • Total217 km2 (84 sq mi)Ketinggian38 m (125 ft)Popula...

Relazioni tra Italia e San Marino Mappa che indica l'ubicazione di Italia e San Marino Italia San Marino Le relazioni bilaterali tra Italia e San Marino hanno attraversato diverse fasi e hanno il loro inizio ufficiale dopo l'Unità d'Italia proclamata al Parlamento Subalpino da Vittorio Emanuele II il 17 marzo 1861. Indice 1 Rapporti tra San Marino e l'Italia liberale 2 San Marino e l'Italia fascista 3 San Marino e la g...

Tablica najważniejszcych orderów, w pierwszym rzędzie europejskich, z 1862 roku Falerystyka (z łac. i gr. phalerae, ozdoba piersi lub czoła) – nauka pomocnicza historii zajmująca się orderami, odznaczeniami i innymi odznakami i znakami honorowymi, nadawanymi osobom zasłużonym dla monarchy, państwa lub innej organizacji posiadającej prawo nadawania odznaczeń. Falerystyka, podobnie jak i weksylologia, wyodrębniła się z heraldyki, zachowując wspólne z nią metody badawcze. Zai...

9th-century Viking ship The Gokstad ship at the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo, Norway History NameGokstadskipet Completed9th century General characteristics Length23.80 metres (78.1 ft) Beam5.10 m (16.7 ft) The Gokstad ship is a 9th-century Viking ship found in a burial mound at Gokstad in Sandar, Sandefjord, Vestfold, Norway. It is displayed at the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo, Norway.[1] It is the largest preserved Viking ship in Norway.[2][3][4] Di...

Retired ocean liner and cruise ship MV Doulos Phos hoisted onto dry land and converted into a hotel in Bintan, Indonesia History United States NameMedina[2] NamesakeMedina River, Texas OperatorMallory Steamship Company (1914–1932) Clyde-Mallory Line (1932–1948)[3] Ordered28 August 1913[1] BuilderNewport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company[2] Yard number176[2] Laid down21 January 1914 Launched22 August 1914[1] Sponsored byFrances Stuart Se...

البحرية الإسرائيليةחיל הים הישראלי طلاب من الأكاديمية البحرية الإسرائيلية، ديسمبر 2007. الدولة إسرائيل الإنشاء 1948؛ منذ 75 سنوات (1948) النوع قوات بحرية الدور حرب بحرية الحجم 7 فرقيطة (ساعر 5)، (ساعر 6)8 زورق صواريخ (ساعر 4.5)5 غواصة (دولفين)45 زورق دورية2 سفينة دعم9,500 فرد ...

Galați County Județul GalațiProvinsi Lambang kebesaranCountry RumaniaDevelopment region1Sud-EstHistoric regionMoldaviaCapital city (Reședință de județ)GalațiPemerintahan • JenisCounty Board • President of the County BoardEugen Chebac • Prefect2Cosmin PăunLuas • Total4.466 km2 (1,724 sq mi)Peringkat34th in RomaniaPopulasi (2011 census[1]) • Total536.167 • Peringkat14th in Romania...
This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article may contain an excessive amount of intricate detail that may interest only a particular audience. Please help by spinning off or relocating any relevant information, and removing excessive detail that may be against Wikipedia's inclusion policy. (January 2021) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)This biography of...

|provinsi =Jawa Tengah |dati2 =Kabupaten |nama dati2 =Wonosobo |kecamatan =Watumalang |kode pos =56352 |nama pemimpin = |luas =4,57 km2 |penduduk =- |kepadatan Banyukembar adalah sebuah desa yang terletak di kecamatan Watumalang, kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Dusun-dusun dibanyukembar,kemiri jlubang sunten gumuruh pranten pager gunung bedahan krangean kulon krangean wetan secoet lbsKecamatan Watumalang, Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa TengahKelurahan Wonoroto Desa Banyukembar Binangun ...

Cabinet ministry in charge of a country's foreign affairs Foreign office redirects here. For the British government department, see Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. British Foreign Secretary James Callaghan and Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Max van der Stoel in 1975 In many countries, the ministry of foreign affairs (abbreviated as MFA or MOFA) is the government department responsible for the state's foreign policy and relations, diplomacy, bilateral, and multilateral relatio...

The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United States and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page, or create a new article, as appropriate. (January 2023) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) This is a list of some of the highest-selling magazine cover issues. It does not take into consideration centerfolds and posters. It includes any type of magazine and single special edi...

Not to be confused with Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs. Academic journalPacific AffairsDisciplineArea StudiesLanguageEnglishEdited byMark TurinPublication detailsHistory1928–presentPublisherUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)FrequencyQuarterlyImpact factor1.38 (2022)Standard abbreviationsISO 4 (alt) · Bluebook (alt1 · alt2)NLM (alt) · MathSciNet (alt )ISO 4Pac. Aff.IndexingCODEN (alt · alt2) · JSTOR (alt...
Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Theologi JakartaNama lainSTFT JakartaNama sebelumnyaHoogere Theologische SchoolSekolah Tinggi Teologi JakartaJenisSekolah tinggiDidirikan1934; 88 tahun lalu (1934)RektorPdt. Septemmy E. Lakawa, Th.D.AlamatJl. Proklamasi No. 27, 10320, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, IndonesiaSitus webstftjakarta.ac.id Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Theologi (STFT) Jakarta, sebelumnya Sekolah Tinggi Teologi (STT) Jakarta, adalah sebuah sekolah tinggi teologi Kristen yang berlokasi di Jakarta, Ind...

Israeli lawyer and social activist Gonen Ben Itzhakגונן בן יצחקGonen Ben Itzhak at a protest in Haifa, 26 November 2020Born (1971-03-03) 3 March 1971 (age 52)NationalityIsraeliAlma materUniversity of Beer ShevaIDC HerzliyaTel Aviv UniversityOccupationlawyerYears active1996–presentKnown forWork in the Shin Betsocial activismentrepreneurshipprotests against Benjamin Netanyahu Gonen Ben Itzhak (Hebrew: גונן בן יצחק; born: 3 March 1971) is an Israe...

«Non dobbiamo illuderci che sia solamente il fascismo che terrorizza le piazze d'Italia; è la borghesia col suo governo, le sue spie, i suoi armati, che cerca tutti i mezzi per strangolare la volontà dei lavoratori... Non sono le sole organizzazioni fasciste, perché allora basterebbero le forze giovanili nostre per ridurre al silenzio questa gente, ma è tutta l'intera borghesia» (Ferruccio Ghinaglia, su Falce e Martello del 19 febbraio 1921) Ferruccio Ghinaglia Ferruccio Ghinaglia (Casa...