A Michigani Egyetem (angolul University of Michigan ) egy állami fenntartású kutatóegyetem és állami fenntartású oktatási intézmény az USA -ban. Gabriel Richard alapította 1817 . augusztus 26 -án.
Az egyetem az alábbi szervezeteknek a tagja:
Digitális Könyvtárak Szövetsége
World Wide Web Consortium
Consortium of Social Science Associations
Shibboleth Konzorcium
Orbital Reef University Advisory Council
Association of American Universities
Amerikai Oktatási Tanács
Open Education Network
Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship
Információhálózati Koalíció
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Kutatókönyvtárak Központja
Open Education Global
Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
National Digital Stewardship Alliance
Michigan Digital Preservation Network
Az egyetem alá az alábbi szervezetek tartoznak:
Biomedical Engineering Department, University of Michigan
Bone and Joint Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Center, University of Michigan
Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan
Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, University of Michigan
National Center for Institutional Diversity, University of Michigan
Michigan Sea Grant
University of Michigan Medical School
University of Michigan Herbarium
Michigan Space Grant Consortium
University of Michigan School of Information
University of Michigan Law School
University of Michigan College of Engineering
University of Michigan School of Dentistry
University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability
University of Michigan School of Social Work
University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance
University of Michigan School of Public Health
University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
University of Michigan Institute for Social Research
Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies
Ingatlanok és szervezetek
Az egyetem alá az alábbi ingatlanoknak és szervezeteknek a tulajdonosa:
Michigan Stadium
Crisler Center
Angell Hall
Bursley Hall
Ferry Field
Matthaei Botanical Gardens
Nichols Arboretum
Ray Fisher Stadium
The Michigan Daily
Yost Ice Arena
Michigan Radio
Monroe Street Journal
Waterman Gymnasium
Fiske, Edward B.. Fiske Guide to Colleges 2005 (Twenty-first Edition) . Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, Inc (2004). ISBN 1-4022-0229-6
Fleming, Robben W.. Tempests into Rainbows: Managing Turbulence . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (1996). ISBN 0-472-10674-0
Hebel, Sara (2004. október 15.). „State Regents: Should They Be Elected or Appointed? ”. The Chronicle of Higher Education 51 (8), A1. o.
Hinsdale, Burke A.. History of the University of Michigan . University of Michigan (1906). ISBN 0-932212-33-6
Holtzer (editor), Susan.. Special to the Daily: The 1st 100 Years of Editorial Freedom at the Michigan Daily . Caddo Gap Press (1990). ISBN 0-9625945-2-0
Peckham, Howard H.. The Making of The University of Michigan 1817–1992 . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (1994). ISBN 0-472-06594-7
Facts & Figures . University of Michigan Office of Budget & Planning. [2010. augusztus 17-i dátummal az eredetiből archiválva]. (Hozzáférés: 2008. október 25.)
Nelson, Greg. (2009). M is for Michigan Football Archiválva 2012. szeptember 13-i dátummal a Wayback Machine -ben University of Michigan Press. ISBN 978-0-472-03387-4 .
Duderstadt, Anne. Karels, Liene. (editors). (2003). The University of Michigan: A Seasonal Portrait. University of Michigan Press. ISBN 978-1-85841-107-1 .
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