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جزء من سلسلة حول ثقافة اليابان التقاليد القيم الإتيكيت الزواج (en) الجنازات (en) سادو غيشا أون-سن / سينتو (en) الملابس الألعاب التقليدية (en) الفلكلور والأساطير الأساطير الفلكلور الدين الشنتو الفلسفة البوذية (en) الهندوسية المسيحية الإسلام أديان جديدة الفنون إيكيبانا بونساي حدائق

Competições em 2021 Dados Período Primeira e Segunda Parte do Ano ◄◄ Copas Estaduais de 2020 Copas Estaduais de 2022 ►► A lista a seguir traz dados acerca dos campeonatos das Copas Estaduais de futebol realizadas no Brasil em 2021. Significados das colunas: Estado: nome do estado, listados em ordem alfabética. Copa do Brasil 2022: times classificados para a Copa do Brasil em sua edição de 2022. Série D 2022: times classificados para o Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol - Série D...

Agence France-Presse Logo Rechtsform Öffentliches Unternehmen Gründung 1835 Sitz Paris, Frankreich Frankreich Leitung Fabrice Fries Mitarbeiterzahl 2400 Umsatz 300 Mio. Euro (2017) Branche Nachrichtenagentur Website www.afp.com Die französische Agence France-Presse oder kurz AFP ist die älteste internationale Nachrichtenagentur. Gegründet wurde sie 1835 in Paris von Charles-Louis Havas und war zuerst als „Agence des feuilles politiques, correspondence générale“ bekannt. Inzwis...

يفتقر محتوى هذه المقالة إلى الاستشهاد بمصادر. فضلاً، ساهم في تطوير هذه المقالة من خلال إضافة مصادر موثوق بها. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. (يوليو 2019) هذه المقالة تحتاج للمزيد من الوصلات للمقالات الأخرى للمساعدة في ترابط مقالات الموسوعة. فضلًا ساعد في تحسي...

Samuha y otras ciudades hititas. Samuha (Šamuḫa) [1] es el nombre de una ciudad hitita situada en el centro de Anatolia en la región del curso alto del río Kizilirmak, cuya ubicación exacta no ha sido determinada por la investigación arqueológica, aunque varios elementos apuntan al yacimiento arqueológico de Kayalıpına, excavado por arqueólogos alemanes.[2] La idea de que hubiese dos ciudades con el mismo nombre es apoyada por algunos hititólogos, que se basan...

American TV series The Big CGenreComedy dramaCreated byDarlene HuntStarringLaura Linney Oliver Platt John Benjamin HickeyGabriel BassoGabourey SidibePhyllis SomervilleOpening themeGame Called Lifeby Leftover CutiesComposersMarcelo Zarvos Jesse VocciaCountry of originUnited StatesOriginal languageEnglishNo. of seasons4No. of episodes40 (list of episodes)ProductionExecutive producersDarlene HuntLaura LinneyJenny BicksNeal H. MoritzVivian CannonMark J. KunerthMichael EnglerProducersCara DiPaoloL...

?Calomys hummelincki Нижній молярний ряд голотипу Охоронний статус Найменший ризик (МСОП 3.1) Біологічна класифікація Домен: Ядерні (Eukaryota) Царство: Тварини (Animalia) Тип: Хордові (Chordata) Клас: Ссавці (Mammalia) Підклас: Плацентарні (Eutheria) Надряд: Гризуни (Rodentia) Ряд: Мишоподібні (Muriformes) Родина:...

انتخابات الرئاسة الأمريكية 1972 →1968 7 نوفمبر 1972 1976← 538 عضوًا من المجمع الانتخابي270 عضوًا من المجمع مطلوبة للفوز عدد الناخبين 140777000 [1] إجمالي الأصوات 77625152 [1] نسبة المشاركة 55.2%[2] ▼ 5.7 نقطة مئوية المرشح ريتشارد نيكسون جورج ماكغفرن الحزب الجمهوري الد...

Cet article est une ébauche concernant le jeu vidéo. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) (voir l’aide à la rédaction). Liste des listes de jeux vidéo La liste de jeux vidéo basés sur les Jeux olympiques répertorie les jeux vidéo qui s'inspirent des Jeux olympiques, classés par ordre alphabétique. Historique Le premier jeu olympique officiel est Olympic Gold pour les Jeux d'été de 1992. Dès lors, chaque édition aura so...

American politician (born 1955) Pete SessionsMember of theU.S. House of Representativesfrom TexasIncumbentAssumed office January 3, 2021Preceded byBill FloresConstituency17th districtIn officeJanuary 3, 1997 – January 3, 2019Preceded byJohn BryantSucceeded byColin AllredConstituency5th district (1997–2003)32nd district (2003–2019)Chair of the House Rules CommitteeIn officeJanuary 3, 2013 – January 3, 2019Preceded byDavid DreierSucceeded byJim McGovernChair of the...

This is a list of television programs that have been produced by France. It includes series made by France alone as well as those produced in collaboration with various other countries. Almost all are in the French language; exceptions to this rule are also included in this list. Most of the programs on this list are original French creations. However, many French game shows and reality shows are based on one or more series or television show franchises from other countries, most commonly fro...

Cancelled Wii video game Video gameSadnessDeveloper(s)NibrisDesigner(s)Piotr Bielatowicz[1]Writer(s)Adam Artur Antolski[2]Composer(s)Arkadiusz Reikowski[3]Łukasz BabienoEngineGamebryo[4]Platform(s)WiiReleaseCancelledGenre(s)Survival horrorMode(s)Single-player Sadness was a survival horror video game in development by Nibris for the Wii console, and was one of the earliest titles announced for the system.[5] While the game initially drew positive attent...

Governing body for basketball on the island of Cyprus Cyprus Basketball FederationSportBasketballJurisdictionCyprusAbbreviationCBFFounded1966 (1966)AffiliationFIBARegional affiliationFIBA EuropeHeadquartersNikosiaPresidentAndreas MouzouridesOfficial websitewww.cbf.basketball The Cyprus Basketball Federation (CBF) (Greek: Κυπριακή Ομοσπονδία Καλαθοοσφαίρισης (ΚΟΚ)) is the governing body for basketball on the island of Cyprus and is a division of the Cy...

Highest floorball governing body in Indonesia Indonesian Floorball AssociationAbbreviationIFAFormation28 October 2009; 14 years ago (2009-10-28)TypeNational Sport AssociationLocationIndonesiaPresidentKomarudinAffiliationsIFF, AOFCWebsitehttp://www.floorball.or.id Indonesian Floorball Association (IFA) is the highest floorball governing body in Indonesia. IFA is founded on 28 October 2009. It has been recognized as 51st member (provisional) of IFF in the same year.[1]...

Línea Marunouchi 丸ノ内線 Un tren de la serie 02 de la línea MarunouchiLugarUbicación Tokio, JapónDescripciónTipo MetroInauguración 20 de enero de 1954Inicio OgikuboFin IkebukuroCaracterísticas técnicasLongitud 27,4 kmEstaciones 28 (Incluyendo el ramal)Ancho de vía 1.435 mm (ancho estándar)ExplotaciónPasajeros 1.089.257/día (2010)[1]Flota Serie 02Velocidad media 75km/hOperador Tokyo Metro, Buró de transporte de TokioMapa Líneas relacionadas Metro de Tokio: Metro Toeí...

Paweł Gil Informazioni personali Arbitro di Calcio Federazione Polonia Professione Commercialista Attività nazionale Anni Campionato Ruolo 2005- Ekstraklasa Arbitro Attività internazionale 2009- UEFA e FIFA Arbitro Esordio Giappone-Argentina 1-08 ottobre 2010 Paweł Gil (Lublino, 28 giugno 1976) è un arbitro di calcio polacco. Indice 1 Biografia 2 Note 3 Altri progetti 4 Collegamenti esterni Biografia Arbitro del massimo campionato di calcio polacco dal 2005, è nominato internazion...

Chuka Umunna Chuka Harrison Umunna (/ˈtʃʊkə əˈmuːnə/; lahir 17 Oktober 1978)[1] adalah seorang politikus Britania Raya yang menjabat sebagai anggota parlemen dari dapil Streatham sejak tahun 2010. Ia merupakan anggota Partai Buruh hingga tahun 2019, dan kemudian ia mundur dan membentuk The Independent Group bersama dengan enam anggota Partai Buruh lainnya. Sebelum itu, ia pernah menjadi anggota Kabinet Bayangan Partai Buruh sebagai Menteri Bayangan dalam bidang Usaha dari tahu...
Shopping centre in suburban northern Dublin Charlestown Shopping CentreLocationDublin, IrelandCoordinates53°24′14″N 6°18′11″W / 53.4039°N 6.3031°W / 53.4039; -6.3031AddressSt. Margaret's Road, Dublin 11Opening dateOctober 2007No. of floors2: Retail, 5: ApartmentsWebsitecharlestowncentre.ie Charlestown Shopping Centre is a shopping centre located on St. Margaret's Road, Dublin, Ireland, north of Finglas village.[1] It opened in October 2007. Shops Du...

Coppa Italia Dilettanti 1996-1997 Competizione Coppa Italia Dilettanti Sport Calcio Edizione 31ª Organizzatore Lega Nazionale Dilettanti Date dal 1º settembre 1996all'8 giugno 1997 Luogo Italia Partecipanti 2 (1452[1] alle qualificazioni) Formula Eliminazione diretta Risultati Vincitore Astrea(1º titolo) Secondo Noicattaro Semi-finalisti Albinese e Ivrea Cronologia della competizione 1995-1996 1997-1998 Manuale La Coppa Italia Dilettanti 1996-1997 è stata la 31ª edizion...

Community of women in Ireland Two members of the Wrens of the Curragh The Wrens of the Curragh were a community of women in nineteenth-century Ireland who lived outside society on the plains of Kildare, many of whom were sex workers at Curragh Camp. Records date back to the 1840s of women living on the Curragh nearby the army camp. Many of the women were orphans because of the Great Famine, resulting in them using prostitution to provide for themselves. The women developed a lifestyle in whic...