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Rudge-Whitworth Tipo marca, fabricante histórico de motocicletas y fabricante de bicicletasIndustria industria automotrizFundación 1894, por fusión de sus predecesoresFundador Daniel Rudge, Charles H. PughDisolución 1946Sede central Coventry, Birmingham (Reino Unido Reino Unido)Personas clave C.H., C.V. y John PughProductos Bicicletas, motocicletas, ruedasCronología Rudge Cycle Co, Whitworth Cycle Co ←Rudge-Whitworth [editar datos en Wikidata] Rueda de radios de ala...
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NGC 129 L'amas ouvert NGC 129 Données d’observation(Époque J2000.0) Constellation Cassiopée Ascension droite (α) 00h 29m 58,2s[1] Déclinaison (δ) +60° 12′ 40″ [1] Magnitude apparente (V) 6,5[2] Dimensions apparentes (V) 12 ′[3] Localisation dans la constellation : Cassiopée Astrométrie Distance environ 1 625 pc (∼5 300 al) [4] al Caractéristiques physiques Type d'objet Amas ouvert Classe IV2p[2] Dimensions 30 al[2] Décou...

Distrik Đồng Xuân Huyện Đồng XuânDistrikNegara VietnamWilayahPusat Pesisir SelatanProvinsiPhú YênPusatLa HaiLuas • Total410 sq mi (1.063 km2)Populasi (2003) • Total59.260Zona waktuUTC+7 (UTC + 7) Đồng Xuân merupakan sebuah distrik rural (huyện) di Provinsi Phú Yên, wilayah Pusat Pesisir Selatan, Vietnam. Pada tahun 2003, distrik ini memiliki populasi sebesar 59,260 jiwa.[1] Distrik ini memiliki area seluas 1,063 ...

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Our Lady's Rosary Makers – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (October 2015) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Part of a series on theMariologyof the Catholic ChurchVirgo by Josef Moroder-Lusenberg Overview Prayers Antiphons Titles H...

هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (أبريل 2019) لوري باول معلومات شخصية الميلاد 11 يناير 1881 الوفاة 23 فبراير 1957 (76 سنة) مواطنة أستراليا الحياة العملية المهنة لاعب كرة قدم أسترالية [لغات أخرى]...

Aeroporto di L'Aquila-ParchiaeroportoVeduta aerea dello scalo nel 2003 Codice IATAQAQ Codice ICAOLIAP Nome commercialeAeroporto dei Parchi Giuliana Tamburro DescrizioneTipoCivile Stato Italia Regione Abruzzo PosizioneL'Aquila (indirizzo: via Carlo D'Angiò 23 - 67100 L'Aquila) Costruzione1968 Classe ICAO2B Cat. antincendio2ª ICAO Altitudine674 m s.l.m. Coordinate42°22′46″N 13°18′34″E / 42.379444°N 13.309444°E42.379444; 13.309444Coordinate: 42°...

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Romuleon (homonymie). Romuléon de Benvenuto da Imola, dans la traduction de Sébastien Mamerot, illustré par Jean Colombe et son atelier (BnF ms. 364, folio 13r). Dans le bandeau inférieur, scène de présentation à Louis de Laval, alors que l’exemplaire est celui de Louis Malet de Graville. Par Romuléon (Mamerot) ou Romuléon de Mamerot, on entend la traduction française, par Sébastien Mamerot, de la compilation d'histoire romaine connue sous le tit...

Family of voting systems Part of the Politics seriesElectoral systems Single-winner/majoritarianPlurality First-past-the-post Plurality at-large (plurality block voting) General ticket (party block voting) Multi-round voting Two-round Exhaustive ballot Primary election Nonpartisan unified top-four Majority at-large (two-round block voting) Ranked / preferential systems Instant-runoff (alternative vote) Contingent vote Coombs' method Condorcet methods (Copeland's, Dodgson's, Kemeny–Young, Mi...

1958 World ChampionshipsLocationGarmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany← St. Moritz 1957St. Moritz 1959 → The FIBT World Championships 1958 took place in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany for the fourth time. The West German city had hosted the event previously in 1934 (Four-man), 1938 (Four-man), and 1953. Two man bobsleigh Pos Team Time Gold Italy (Eugenio Monti, Renzo Alverà) Silver Italy (Sergio Zardini, Sergio Siorpaes) Bronze Austria (Paul Aste, ...

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Pink Cream 69 album – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (November 2006) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) 1989 studio album by Pink Cream 69Pink Cream 69Studio album by Pink Cream 69Released2 October 1989RecordedMay–A...

См. также: Участники Второй мировой войны Антигитлеровская коалиция Дата основания / создания / возникновения 1939 Участвовал(а) в Вторая мировая война и Великая Отечественная война Война/сражение Вторая мировая война Зелёным цветом отмечены государства и страны анти...

Not to be confused with TD Garden in Boston. TD StationTD StationLocation within New BrunswickShow map of New BrunswickTD StationLocation within CanadaShow map of CanadaFormer namesHarbour Station (1993–2019)Location99 Station StreetSaint John, New BrunswickE2L 4X4Capacity6,308 (seated, hockey) 6,603 (seated, basketball) 8,100 (concert)Surface200' X 85'ConstructionBroke groundSummer 1992OpenedOctober 1993Renovated2005TenantsSaint John Flames (AHL) (1993–2003) Saint John Sea Dogs (QMJHL) (...

本條目存在以下問題,請協助改善本條目或在討論頁針對議題發表看法。 此條目的语调或风格可能不適合百科全書的寫作方式。 (2018年4月21日)請根據指南協助改善这篇条目,請在讨论页討論問題所在及加以改善。 此條目需要精通或熟悉相关主题的编者参与及协助编辑。 (2018年4月21日)請邀請適合的人士改善本条目。更多的細節與詳情請參见討論頁。 本文或本章節是關於高雄...

У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Кобе (значения). Город, определённый указом правительстваКобеяп. 神戸市 Сверху вниз, слева направо: порт Кобе, мост Акаси-Кайкё, исторический квартал Китано, китайский квартал, ночной вид на Кобе с горы Мая, башня порта Кобе Ф...

Group of comic book characters The Eternals redirects here. For the film based on the characters, see Eternals (film). For other uses, see Eternal (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Externals. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Eternals comics – news · newspapers · books · scholar · ...

Type of Philippine bread PandesalAlternative namesPan de salTypeBreadCourseBreakfastPlace of originPhilippinesMain ingredientsFlour, yeast, sugar, salt, oil Media: Pandesal Pandesal, also known as Pan de sal (Spanish: pan de sal, lit. salt bread) is a staple bread roll in the Philippines commonly eaten for breakfast.[1] It is made of flour, yeast, sugar, oil, and salt.[2][3] Description Pandesal is a popular yeast-raised bread in the Philippines. Individual l...

Susmit SenBackground informationOriginDelhi, IndiaGenresFusion rockOccupation(s)Guitarist, singerInstrument(s)GuitarYears active1990–presentWebsitesusmitsenmusic.comMusical artist Susmit Sen is an Indian guitarist formerly part of Indian Ocean, an Indian fusion rock band, which he founded with lead vocalist Asheem Chakravarty in 1990. Sen released his first solo album, Depths of the Ocean in 2011, in the following year, he also started touring with his separate band, The Susmit Sen Chronicl...

نماذج أنظمة تكون صالحة للحياة تعتمد على ضياء أنواع من النجوم اَلْنِطَاقُ اَلصَّالِـحُ لِلْحَيَاةِ أو نِطَاقُ اَلْحَيَاةِ هو مصطلح في علم الفلك وعلم الأحياء الفلكي (بالإنجليزية: habitable zone) يشير إلى المنطقة حول نجم ما حيث يوجد كوكب له حجم كوكب الأرض وذو تركيب مشابه لها ويحتوي...