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Medical conditionErythroplakiaOther namesErythroplasia[1]: 734 Erythroleukoplakia (speckled leukoplakia), left commissure. Biopsy showed mild epithelial dysplasia and candida infection. Antifungal medication may turn this type of lesion into a homogenous leukoplakia (i.e. the red areas would disappear)SpecialtyOral medicine Erythroplakia is a clinical term to describe any erythematous (red) area on a mucous membrane,[2] that cannot be attributed to any ot...

Опис файлу Опис файлу Опис укр. Основні одиниці SI, їх визначальні константи та взаємозв'язки між ними після змін 2018—2019 років. Див. також File:Unit relations in the old SI ru.svg, File:Unit relations in the new SI ru.svg. Джерело: Richard Davis, An introduction to the revised international system of units (SI) // IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, vol. 22, no. 3, ...

الصورة تصف انبعاث الغازات اقتصاد منخفض الكربون (بالإنجليزية: Low-carbon economy)هو اقتصاد يعتمد على مصادر طاقة منخفضة الكربون وبالتالي ينتج الحد الأدنى من انبعاثات الغازات الدفيئة في الغلاف الجوي، وتحديدًا ثنائي أكسيد الكربون. تُعد انبعاثات الغازات الدفيئة الناتجة عن النشاط الب

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Russian fighter aircraft Su-30 A Russian Air Force Su-30SM Role Multirole fighter,[1] air superiority fighterType of aircraft National origin Soviet Union Russia Design group Sukhoi Built by KnAAPO Irkut Corporation First flight 31 December 1989; 33 years ago (1989-12-31) Introduction 1996 Status In service Primary users Russian Aerospace ForcesAlgerian Air Force Armenian Air Force Vietnam People's Air Force Produced 1992–present Number built 630+[2]...
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Novel by Richard Condon The Vertical Smile First editionAuthorRichard CondonCountryUnited StatesLanguageEnglishGenrePolitical SatirePublisherNew York, Dial PressPublication date1971Media typePrint (Hardback, Paperback)Pages334 pp (first edition, hardback)ISBN978-0803796133OCLC195069 The Vertical Smile is a political satire novel by Richard Condon, published in 1971. It deals with politics, sex and greed, centering on the 68-year-old mother of a political candidate falling in love with a ...

Jason Kottke Información personalNacimiento 1973 de septiembre del 27Nacionalidad AmericanEducaciónEducado en Coe CollegeInformación profesionalOcupación Bloguero, Diseñador gráficoSitio web [editar datos en Wikidata] Jason Kottke (nacido el 27 de septiembre de 1973) es un bloguero, diseñador gráfico y diseñador web estadounidense conocido por su blog[1] Ha ganado el premio Lifetime Achievement Award como bloguero.[2] En julio de 201...
乾清门外西侧内右门以西,隆宗門内北侧,坐北向南的庐房面阔十二间,进深两间,自东向西分别为:侍卫值宿房(东四间)、军机处大臣值房(中四间)、内务府大臣办事处(西四间)。现东四间的原侍卫值宿房内设有“军机处史料展”,中四间的军机处大臣值房为原状陈列。 军机大臣列表,旨在列出中国清朝自雍正七年(1729年)至宣统三年(1911年)历任军机大臣。军...

Syrian-dominated faction of the Ba'ath party This article is about the pan-Arab Ba'ath Party, which is Syrian-led but has branches in multiple countries. For the branch that controls Syria, see Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Syria Region. Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party حزب البعث العربي الاشتراكيGeneral SecretaryBashar al-AssadFounded25 February 1966 (25 February 1966)Split fromBa'ath Party (unitary)HeadquartersDamascus, SyriaNewspaperBa'ath Message[1]Ide...

First Book of Samuel chapter 1 Samuel 17← chapter 16chapter 18 →David and Goliath (1888), by Osmar Schindler (1869-1927)BookFirst book of SamuelHebrew Bible partNevi'imOrder in the Hebrew part3CategoryFormer ProphetsChristian Bible partOld TestamentOrder in the Christian part9 1 Samuel 17 is the seventeenth chapter of the First Book of Samuel in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible or the first part of the Books of Samuel in the Hebrew Bible.[1] According to Jewish t...
Short Recoil Lock from Walther P38 Locked breech is the design of a breech-reloading firearm's action. This is important in understanding how a self-reloading firearm works. In the simplest terms, the locked breech is one way to slow down the opening of the breech of a self-reloading firearm when fired. The source of power for the movement is recoil. Blowback action Roller locking action Sig Sauer short recoil system The principle of firing a projectile from a firearm is that when the propell...

Japanese manga series This article uses bare URLs, which are uninformative and vulnerable to link rot. Please consider converting them to full citations to ensure the article remains verifiable and maintains a consistent citation style. Several templates and tools are available to assist in formatting, such as reFill (documentation) and Citation bot (documentation). (August 2022) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) The Devil WithinCover of the first volume of The Devil Within...

هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (أغسطس 2019) معركة الحناكية الأولى 1228هـ/1813م جزء من الحرب السعودية العثمانية معلومات عامة الموقع الحناكية بالمدينة المنورة النتيجة انتصار السعوديين وانسحاب الجيش المصر...

一般県道 青森県道184号 下派立沼崎線 制定年 1961年 起点 つがる市稲垣町福富下派立(北緯40度54分40.2秒 東経140度23分1.9秒 / 北緯40.911167度 東経140.383861度 / 40.911167; 140.383861 (県道184号起点))県道2号交点 終点 つがる市稲垣町沼崎(北緯40度52分29.6秒 東経140度23分15.6秒 / 北緯40.874889度 東経140.387667度 / 40.874889; 140.387667 (県道184号...

This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Kagul Obelisk – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (December 2009) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Kagul Obelisk. The Kagul Obelisk in Tsarskoye Selo is one of several such structures erected on behest of Catherine II of Russia in 1772 to commemorat...

Договор о функционировании Европейского союзаангл. Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union Церемония подписания Лиссабонского договора, который дал TFEU его нынешнее название Тип договора Международное соглашение (учредительный договор) Дата подписания 25 марта 1957 Вступление в ...