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Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada Januari 2023. Hoshi no Furumachiほしのふるまち MangaPengarangHidenori HaraPenerbitShogakukanMajalahWeekly Young SundayTerbit2006 – 2008Volume7 Film laga hidupTayang26 Maret 2011  Portal anime dan manga Hoshi no Furumachi (ほしのふるまちcode:...


Cycling race Cycling race Men's time trial2020 UCI Road World ChampionshipsRace detailsDates25 September 2020Stages1Distance31.7 km (19.70 mi)Winning time35' 54.10[1]Medalists   Gold  Filippo Ganna (ITA)   Silver  Wout van Aert (BEL)   Bronze  Stefan Küng (SUI)← 2019 2021 → Events at the 2020 UCIRoad World ChampionshipsElite eventsElite road racemenwomenElite time trialmenwomenvte The Men's ti...


2023 film by Diego Vicentini Not to be confused with the 2018 short film by the same director, Simón. SimónTheatrical release posterDirected byDiego VicentiniWritten byDiego VicentiniProduced byJorge GonzálezMarcel RasquinDiego VicentiniStarringChristian McGaffneyCinematographyHoracio MartinezEdited byDiego VicentiniMusic byFreddy SheinfeldProductioncompanyBlack Hole EnterprisesRelease dates April 15, 2023 (2023-04-15) (Florida Film Festival) September 7, 2023&...

Вустерський музей мистецтв 42°16′23″ пн. ш. 71°48′07″ зх. д. / 42.27310000002777457° пн. ш. 71.802000000027788928° зх. д. / 42.27310000002777457; -71.802000000027788928Координати: 42°16′23″ пн. ш. 71°48′07″ зх. д. / 42.27310000002777457° пн. ш. 71.802000000027788928° зх. д. / 42.2731000...


UjungjayaKecamatan Coordinat: 6°42′49″S 108°06′14″E / 6.71356009365°S 108.103970247°E / -6.71356009365; 108.103970247Koordinat: 6°42′49″S 108°06′14″E / 6.71356009365°S 108.103970247°E / -6.71356009365; 108.103970247Peta lokasi Kecamatan UjungjayaNegara IndonesiaProvinsiJawa BaratKabupatenSumedangPemerintahan • Camat-Populasi • Total- jiwaKode Kemendagri32.11.25 Kode BPS3211130 Luas-km²Desa/ke...


2017 role-playing mobile game 2017 video gameDesperate Housewives: The GameDeveloper(s)megazebraPublisher(s)MegaZebraPlatform(s)iOS, AndroidReleaseJune 2017Genre(s)Casual, role-playing game Desperate Housewives: The Game is a casual free-to-play role-playing game that was released on iOS in June 2017 by MegaZebra. Players step into the role of a new resident, who is a popular advice columnist. By building friendships with the Housewives and other residents on Wisteria Lane, the player explore...

Lemur sportif Sahamalaza Lepilemur sahamalazensis Status konservasiTerancam kritisIUCN136645 TaksonomiKerajaanAnimaliaFilumChordataKelasMammaliaOrdoPrimatesFamiliLepilemuridaeGenusLepilemurSpesiesLepilemur sahamalazensis Distribusi EndemikMadagaskar lbs Lemur sportif Sahamalaza adalah seekor lemur endemik di Madagascar. Hewan tersebut memiliki panjang sekitar 51 sentimeter (20 in) sampai 54 sentimeter (21 in), yang sekitar 26-27 sentimeter adalah ekor.[1] Lemur Sahamalaza di...


Campeonato Mundial de Ciclismo em Pista de 1956 Dados Datas 26 agosto -2 setembro 1956 Cidade sede Copenhague, Dinamarca Vélodrome Velódromo de Ordrup Eventos 5 ← 1955 1957 → O Campeonato Mundial UCI de Ciclismo em Pista de 1956 foi realizado em Copenhague, na Dinamarca, entre os dias 26 de agosto e 2 de setembro, no Velódromo de Ordrup. Foram disputadas cinco provas masculinas, três de profissionais e duas para amadores.[1] Sumário de medalhas Antonio Maspes vencedor da prov...


Координати: 51°25′35″ пн. ш. 0°20′37″ зх. д. / 51.42639° пн. ш. 0.34361° зх. д. / 51.42639; -0.34361 Національна фізична лабораторія Нова будівля лабораторії Нова будівля лабораторії Основні дані Засновано 1900 Абревіатура NPL Сфера фізикаКількість співробітникі...

Commercial offices in San Francisco, California535 Mission StreetView from Salesforce Park in 2021Location within San FranciscoShow map of San Francisco535 Mission Street (California)Show map of California535 Mission Street (the United States)Show map of the United StatesGeneral informationTypeCommercial officesArchitectural styleModernismLocation535 Mission StreetSan Francisco, CaliforniaCoordinates37°47′20″N 122°23′54″W / 37.788866°N 122.39821°W / 37.7888...


Wappen Deutschlandkarte 48.0427777777789.0136111111111806Koordinaten: 48° 3′ N, 9° 1′ O Basisdaten Bundesland: Baden-Württemberg Regierungsbezirk: Tübingen Landkreis: Sigmaringen Höhe: 806 m ü. NHN Fläche: 47,19 km2 Einwohner: 2169 (31. Dez. 2022)[1] Bevölkerungsdichte: 46 Einwohner je km2 Postleitzahl: 88637 Vorwahl: 07466 Kfz-Kennzeichen: SIG, SLG, STO, ÜB Gemeindeschlüssel: 08 4 37 072 Gemeindegliede...


Part of the enteric nervous system Myenteric plexusThe myenteric plexus from the rabbit. X 50.DetailsIdentifiersLatinPlexus myentericus, plexus AuerbachiMeSHD009197TA98A14.3.03.041TA26727Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy[edit on Wikidata] This article is one of a series on theGastrointestinal wall General structure Epithelium Mucosa Submucosa Circular muscle Longitudinal muscle Serosa Adventitia Specific Meissner's plexus Auerbach's plexus Organs Esophagus Stomach Intestines vte The myente...

Iglesia parroquial de la Inmaculada Concepción Bien de interés culturalPatrimonio histórico de España LocalizaciónPaís España EspañaComunidad Castilla y León Castilla y LeónProvincia Ávila ÁvilaLocalidad BecedasDatos generalesCategoría MonumentoCódigo RI-51-0004817Declaración 23/02/1983Construcción Siglo XIV-XVI-Estilo renacentista[editar datos en Wikidata] La iglesia de la Inmaculada concepción,[1]​ es un templo católico ubicado en la loc...


2005 studio album by Xiu XiuLa ForêtStudio album by Xiu XiuReleasedJuly 12, 2005 (2005-07-12)Genre Art rock experimental post-punk Length44:11Label5 Rue ChristineProducerCory McCullochXiu Xiu chronology Life and Live(2005) La Forêt(2005) The Air Force(2006) La Forêt is the fourth studio album by Xiu Xiu, released on July 12, 2005 on 5 Rue Christine. The album features John Dieterich of Deerhoof and Devin Hoff as contributors.[1][2] Overview La Forêt'...


Станіслав Кабірович Галіакберовтат. Станислав Кәбир улы ГалиәкбәревНародився 30 липня 1931(1931-07-30)НовопавлівкаПомер 22 травня 2016(2016-05-22) (84 роки)КазаньКраїна  СРСР РосіяДіяльність шахістВідомий завдяки Тренер чемпіонів світу з шахової композиціїЗнання мов російськаЗ...

For the soccer league, see American Premier League (soccer). American Premier League (APL)Most recent season or competition:2021SportCricketFounded2009Inaugural season2021Owner(s)Jay MirNo. of teams7CountryUnited StatesMost recentchampion(s)Premium Windees (2021)Most titles1Tournament formatT20Official The American Premiere League (APL) is a Twenty20 cricket league based in the United States.[1] The first league was scheduled to take place between 6 Oc...


French synchronized swimmer Muriel HerminePersonal informationNationality FranceBorn (1963-09-03) 3 September 1963 (age 60)Le Mans, FranceHeight1.78 m (5 ft 10 in)Weight59 kg (130 lb)SportSportSwimmingStrokesSynchronized swimmingClubRacing Club de France Medal record Representing  France Synchronized swimming European Aquatics Championships 1987 Strasbourg Women's solo 1987 Strasbourg Women's duet 1987 Strasbourg Women's team 1985 Sofia Women's team 198...


District in Amhara Region, Ethiopia For the music scale, see Ambassel scale. Woreda in Amhara, EthiopiaAmbassel ዐምባሰልWoredaCountryEthiopiaRegionAmharaZoneDebub WolloArea[1] • Total882.24 km2 (340.63 sq mi)Population (2012 est.)[1] • Total132,157 [2] Ambassel (Amharic: ዐምባሰል) is a woreda in Amhara Region, Ethiopia, and an amba, or mountain fortress, located in the woreda. The word Ambasel is derived from tw...

العلاقات العمانية الليتوانية سلطنة عمان ليتوانيا   سلطنة عمان   ليتوانيا تعديل مصدري - تعديل   العلاقات العمانية الليتوانية هي العلاقات الثنائية التي تجمع بين سلطنة عمان وليتوانيا.[1][2][3][4][5] مقارنة بين البلدين هذه مقارنة عامة ومرجعية للدو...


Swiss artist (1678–1714) Anna WaserSelf-portrait, 1691Born(1678-10-16)16 October 1678ZurichDied20 September 1714(1714-09-20) (aged 35)NationalitySwissKnown forpainting Anna Waser (16 October 1678 – 20 September 1714) was a Swiss painter. Life Anna Waser was born in 1678, the fifth child of a wealthy and respected family in Zurich. Wasser featured with engraved portrait in part IV of the 4 part series by Jean-Baptiste Descamps, La vie des peintres flamands, allemands et holla...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!