Orville Wright
Wilbur Wright
Wilbur Wright (Millville (Indiana ), 16 april 1867 - (Dayton (Ohio) , 30 maaie 1912 ) en Orville Wright (Dayton (Ohio), 19 augustus 1871 - dêre, 30 jannewaris 1948 ) wiene Amerikaanske loftfeartpioniers.
Op 17 desimber 1903 makke Orville Wright as earste minske in koarte flecht yn in fleantastel mei motor swierder as lucht, de Wright Flyer . (Der binne lykwols oaren dy't dat bestride.)[ 1]
Keppelings om utens
Wright Brothers Aeroplane Company Encyclopedic information, illustrations, photos and diagrams.
U.S. Centennial of Flight Government website; many articles and photos
To Fly Is Everything Articles, photos, historical texts
The Wright Experience Articles and photos about construction of replica gliders and airplanes
What Dreams We Have E-book by National Park Service historian
FirstFlight - flight simulation, videos and experiments
Wilbur Wright Birthplace Museum
Plane truth: list of greatest technical breakthroughs in manned flight
Video clips about the invention of the fixed-wing aircraft
The Pioneer Aviation Group Many pictures of early flying machines and a comprehensive chronology of flight attempts
PBS Nova: The Wright Brothers' Flying Machines
"Wright Flyer III (1905)" at ASME.org
National Park Service, Wright Brothers' Memorial
Wright Brothers National Memorial:Site of the First Controlled Powered Flight, a National Park Service Teaching with Historic Places (TwHP) lesson plan
Smithsonian Stories of the Wright flights
Scientific American Magazine (December 2003 Issue) The Equivocal Success of the Wright Brothers
Wright Brothers videos and archive films on Google Video
The Wright Brothers' Engines and Their Design by Leonard S. Hobbs , Smithsonian Institution Press, 1971
Wright Brothers with pictures, letters and other sources from National Archives and videos from NASA recreating first flight
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