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Den här artikeln eller avsnittet anses behöva ett mer tidlöst perspektiv. (2015-11) Hjälp gärna Wikipedia med att åtgärda problemet om du kan, eller diskutera saken på diskussionssidan. Detta är en lista över de mest sedda videorna på Youtube, enligt webbplatsens egen statistik.[1] (Listan blir snabbt felaktig eftersom visningar på Youtube förändras hela tiden) Rekord Antal visningar 1 miljon: En reklamfilm av Nike blev år 2005 den första videon att nå 1 miljon visningar.[2] ...

Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada Desember 2022. Pacar PertamaSingle karya New Super7Dirilis24 Agustus 2015Direkam2015GenrePopDurasi3.15LabelMJ MusikProduser-Kronologi New Super7 -String Module Error: Match not foundString Module Error: Match not found Pacar Pertama (2015) Pacar Pertama merupaka...

عثليا (بالعبرية: עתליה)[1] لوحة لعثليا من غيوم رو من 1553 فترة الحكم841 – 835 ق م معلومات شخصية الميلاد سنة 898 ق م[2] السامرة الوفاة ح. 836 ق مأورشليم، مملكة يهوذا سبب الوفاة الإعدام الموجز مواطنة مملكة يهوذا الديانة بعلية الزوج يهورام ملك يهوذا الأولاد أخزي...

Kerajaan Hijaz dan Nejdمملكة الحجاز ونجدMamlakat Al-Hijāz wa Najd1926–1932 Bendera Hijaz dan Nejd Lambang Hijaz dan Nejd Lagu kebangsaan: Ash al-MalikStatusDwimonarki Hijaz dan NejdIbu kotaRiyadhBahasa yang umum digunakanArabTurki UtsmaniyahAgama IslamPemerintahanMonarki absolutRaja HijazSultan/Raja Nejd • 1925–1932 Abdul Aziz bin Saud Era SejarahPeriode antar perang• Penaklukan Saudi di Hejaz 19 Desember 1925• Abdul Aziz bin Saud dimahk...
Сервіньї-ле-Сент-БарбServigny-lès-Sainte-Barbe Країна Франція Регіон Гранд-Ест Департамент Мозель Округ Мец Кантон Віжі Код INSEE 57649 Поштові індекси 57640 Координати 49°09′00″ пн. ш. 6°16′37″ сх. д.H G O Висота 205 - 281 м.н.р.м. Площа 3,09 км² Населення 478 (01-2020[1]) Густота 142...

イギリスの政治家初代ローレンス男爵ジョン・ローレンスJohn Lawrence1st Baron Lawrence 生年月日 1811年3月4日没年月日 (1879-06-27) 1879年6月27日(68歳没)称号 初代ローレンス男爵、バス勲章ナイト・グランド・クロス(GCB)、インドの星勲章ナイト・グランド・コマンダー(GCSI)、枢密顧問官(PC)配偶者 ヘンリエッタ・ハミルトン インド副王兼総督在任期間 1864年1月12日 - 1869...

Đối với các định nghĩa khác, xem Gia Hưng. Thành phố Gia HưngTên tắtHòa (禾), Gia (嘉), Tú (秀), Bản (本)Tên khácQuê hương của cá và gạo, Phủ lụaVị trí địa lý của Gia Hưng ở tỉnh Chiết GiangTổng quanQuốc gia Trung QuốcTỉnhChiết GiangLoại hành chínhThành phố cấp địa phươngMã vùng hành chính330400Cấp dưới hành chính2 thành phố, 3 thành phố cấp huyện, 2 huyệnThành lập27/7/1983Cơ quan...

2014 studio album by August AlsinaTestimonyStudio album by August AlsinaReleasedApril 15, 2014Recorded2012–2014GenreR&B[1]Length59:21LabelDef JamProducer Henry Noonie Lee (exec.) Donald D-Day Albright (exec.) Karen Kwak (co-exec.) August Alsina Cassius Jay David Claxton DJ Mustard DJ Spinz Drumma Boy Dun Deal Eric Hudson John $K McGee Jasper Cameron Knucklehead The BeatFreqz The Featherstones The Exclusives August Alsina chronology Downtown: Life Under the Gun(2013) Test...

Mound at Cahokia Mounds in Illinois Mound 34Location within Illinois todayLocationCollinsville, Illinois, Madison County, Illinois, USARegionMadison County, IllinoisCoordinates38°39′39.06″N 90°3′24.41″W / 38.6608500°N 90.0567806°W / 38.6608500; -90.0567806HistoryCulturesMiddle Mississippian cultureSite notesExcavation dates1950, 1956, 1999-2010,ArchaeologistsJames B. Griffin, Albert Spaulding, Gregory PerinoArchitectureArchitectural sty...

Family of carnivoran mammal This article is about the family of animals. For other uses, see Hyena (disambiguation). HyenasTemporal range: 22–0 Ma PreꞒ Ꞓ O S D C P T J K Pg N Early Miocene – recent The four extant species of hyena, clockwise from upper left: spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta), brown hyena (Parahyaena brunnea), aardwolf (Proteles cristata) and striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) Scientific classification Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia ...

1894 New York GiantsTemple Cup ChampionsLeagueNational LeagueBallparkPolo GroundsCityNew York CityOwnersCornelius Van CottManagersJohn Montgomery Ward ← 1893 Seasons 1895 → The 1894 New York Giants season was the franchise's 12th season. The team finished second in the National League pennant race with an 88–44 record, 3 games behind the Baltimore Orioles. After the regular season's conclusion, they participated in the first Temple Cup competition against the firs...

2016 film by Anne Émond NellyTheatrical posterDirected byAnne ÉmondScreenplay byAnne ÉmondBased onFolle (and other works)by Nelly ArcanProduced byNicole RobertStarringMylène MackayMickaël GouinSylvie DrapeauMilya Corbeil-GavreauFrancis Leplay[1]CinematographyJosée Deshaies[2]Edited byMathieu Bouchard-MaloProductioncompanyGO FilmsDistributed byLes Films SévilleRelease dates September 9, 2016 (2016-09-09) (TIFF[3]) January 20, 2017...

Filipino politician (born 1967) In this Philippine name, the middle name or maternal family name is Marcelo and the surname or paternal family name is Tiangco. The HonorableToby TiangcoOfficial portrait of Tiangco during the 19th CongressMember of thePhilippine House of Representativesfrom NavotasIncumbentAssumed office June 30, 2022Preceded byJohn Rey TiangcoIn officeJune 30, 2010 – June 30, 2019Preceded byConstituency establishedSucceeded byJohn Rey TiangcoMayor of N...

Pour un article plus général, voir Armorial des barons de l'Empire. Cet article présente et décrit les armoiries des barons militaires sous le Premier Empire de F à Z. Armorial des barons militaires de l'Empire (A-B) Armorial des barons militaires de l'Empire (C-E) Les armoiries inventoriées sur cette page respectent le système héraldique napoléonien. Lorsque ce n'est pas le cas, veuillez vous référer à l'armorial des autres personnalités nobles et notables du Premier Empire. F F...

Kota TomohonKotaDari atas, kiri ke kanan: Gunung Lokon, Festival Bunga Tomohon, Pagoda Ekayana, Gunung Empung LambangJulukan: Kota BungaPetaKota TomohonPetaTampilkan peta SulawesiKota TomohonKota Tomohon (Indonesia)Tampilkan peta IndonesiaKoordinat: 1°19′28″N 124°49′21″E / 1.324421°N 124.82254°E / 1.324421; 124.82254Negara IndonesiaProvinsiSulawesi UtaraTanggal berdiri27 Januari 2003Dasar hukumUU Nomor 10 Tahun 2003Jumlah satuan pemerintahan Dafta...

Существует также статья об озере Ярылгач. СелоМежводноеукр. Міжводнекрымскотат. Ярылгъач, Yarılğaç 45°35′05″ с. ш. 32°50′40″ в. д.HGЯO Страна Россия/ Украина[1] Регион Республика Крым[2]/Автономная Республика Крым[3] Район Черноморский район Община Меж...
Macerata miasto i gmina Panorama starego miasta od strony zachodniej Herb Państwo Włochy Region Marche Prowincja Macerata Kod ISTAT 043023 Burmistrz Sandro Parcaroli Powierzchnia 92,73 km² Wysokość 315 m n.p.m. Populacja (2015)• liczba ludności 42 750 • gęstość 464 os./km² Numer kierunkowy 0733 Kod pocztowy 62100 Położenie na mapie MarcheMacerata Położenie na mapie WłochMacerata 43°18′01″N 13°27′12″E/43,300278 13,453333 Mu...

Soldaten des 1. Hannoverschen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 74 exerzieren um 1898 auf dem Welfenplatz in Hannover Exerzieren preußischer Soldaten 1912 (Reenactment im Freilichtmuseum Roscheider Hof, Konz) Das Drill Team des 3rd Infantry Regiments In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen noch folgende wichtige Informationen: Leider keine Geschichte. Seit wann ist das Exerzieren fester Bestandteil des Militärwesens? Wie sah es in der Antike aus, wie im Mittelalter und wie in der frühen Neuzeit? Hi...
Cheung Chau Theatre in 20120. Cheung Chau Theatre in 20120. Cheung Chau Theatre (Chinese: 長洲戲院) is a former cinema in Cheung Chau, Hong Kong. History Opened in 1931, the cinema was closed in the 1990s.[1] Conservation Cheung Chau Theatre is listed as a Grade III historic building.[2] See also List of cinemas in Hong Kong References ^ Antiquities Advisory Board. Historic Building Appraisal. Cheung Chau Theatre ^ Antiquities Advisory Board. List of the 1,444 Historic...

Disambiguazione – Se stai cercando il giocatore di baseball statunitense, vedi Frank Thomas (giocatore di baseball). Questa voce o sezione sugli argomenti professionisti cinematografici e fumettisti statunitensi non cita le fonti necessarie o quelle presenti sono insufficienti. Puoi migliorare questa voce aggiungendo citazioni da fonti attendibili secondo le linee guida sull'uso delle fonti. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Frank Thomas durante la lavorazione di Robin ...