Horacio Baldessari
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この記事は検証可能な参考文献や出典が全く示されていないか、不十分です。出典を追加して記事の信頼性向上にご協力ください。(このテンプレートの使い方)出典検索?: 2008年の阪神タイガース – ニュース · 書籍 · スカラー · CiNii · J-STAGE · NDL · dlib.jp · ジャパンサーチ · TWL(2021年9月) 2008年の阪神タイガース成績 CS第1ス

International non-governmental organisation International Mathematical UnionIMU logo based on the Borromean ringsLegal statusunincorporated association, recognized as a charitable organization by the internal revenue service of Berlin, GermanyPurposePromoting International Cooperation in MathematicsLocationIMU Secretariat, Hausvogteiplatz 11A, D-10117 Berlin, GermanyPresidentHiraku NakajimaParent organizationInternational Science CouncilWebsitemathunion.org The International Mathematical Unio...

Para otros usos de este término, véase Pan (desambiguación). Distintas variedades de pan, con semillas de sésamo, acompañan a las decoraciones exteriores de los panes. Pan blanco (pan de harina de trigo) con su corte exterior característico. Cereales: avena, cebada, trigo y algunos panes hechos con ellos. El pan, del latín panis, es un alimento básico que forma parte de la dieta tradicional en Europa, Medio Oriente, India, América y Oceanía. Se suele preparar mediante el horneado de...

14th century Holy Roman Empress Margaret of Holland redirects here. For the daughter of Count Floris IV of Holland, see Margaret of Holland, Countess of Henneberg. Margaret IISeal of Empress MargaretCountess of Hainaut, Holland, and ZeelandReign1345–1356PredecessorWilliam the BoldSuccessorWilliam the MadQueen consort of GermanyTenure1324–1347Holy Roman EmpressTenure1328–1347Coronation17 January 1328Born1311Died23 June 1356(aged 44–45)Le QuesnoyBurialValenciennesSpouseLouis IV, Holy Ro...

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: John, Prince of Asturias – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (April 2018) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Prince of Asturias, Prince of Girona, Duke of Montblanc, Count of Cervera, and Lord of Balaguer JohnPrince of Asturias, Prin...

Country in Asia This article is about the Republic of India. For other uses, see India (disambiguation). Republic of IndiaBhārat Gaṇarājya(see other regional names) Flag State emblem Motto: Satyameva Jayate (Sanskrit)Truth Alone Triumphs[1]Anthem: Jana Gana Mana (Hindi)[a][2][3]Thou Art the Ruler of the Minds of All People[4][2] National song: Vande Mataram (Sanskrit)[c]I Bow to Thee, Mother[b][1&...

Fonticula Classificação científica Domínio: Eukaryota Reino: Opisthokonta Filo: Nucletmycea Género: Fonticula Fonticula é um género de bolor limoso celular que constitui um corpo frutífero com a forma de vulcão.[1] Em 1979 já era sabido que não apresentava uma relação próxima nem com os Dictyosteliida nem com os Acrasidae, que são os dois grupos bem estabelecidos de bolores mucosos celulares.[2] Num artigo publicado em 2009 considerava-se que estava relacionado com o género Nu...

悪人と美女 The Bad and the Beautiful ポスター(1952、ラナ・ターナーとカーク・ダグラスがモデル)監督 ヴィンセント・ミネリ脚本 チャールズ・シュニー原案 ジョージ・ブラッドショー製作 ジョン・ハウスマン出演者 ラナ・ターナーカーク・ダグラスウォルター・ピジョンディック・パウエル音楽 デイヴィッド・ラクシン撮影 ロバート・サーティース編集 コンラッド・A・ネ

Retama Bunga putih Retama raetam Klasifikasi ilmiah Kerajaan: Plantae (tanpa takson): Angiospermae (tanpa takson): Eudikotil (tanpa takson): Rosidae Ordo: Fabales Famili: Fabaceae Subfamili: Faboideae Tribus: Genisteae[1] Genus: RetamaRaf. Species 4–14; lihat teks. Sinonim Lygos Adans. Retama adalah suatu genus semak berbunga dari famili legume, Fabaceae. Tergolong kedalam tribus sapu, Genisteae. Semak sapu Retama ditemukan sebagai tumbuhan asli di Afrika Utara, daerahLevant dan sej...

Saul Perlmutter pada saat menerima Penghargaan Shaw dalam astronomi pada tahun 2006 bersama Brian P. Schmidt dan Adam G. Riess. Saul Perlmutter (lahir di Champaign, Illinois, Amerika Serikat tahun 1959; umur 63/64 tahun) adalah seorang fisikawan warga negara Amerika Serikat yang mendapat Penghargaan Nobel Fisika tahun 2011 bersama Brian P. Schmidt dan Adam G. Riess untuk penemuan ekspansi percepatan dari alam semesta melalui pengamatan supernova yang berjarak jauh. Perlmutter adalah seorang p...

Japanese azalea cultivar group Satsuki azaleaSpeciesRhododendron indicumOriginJapan Satsuki azalea bonsai, 3.5 tall Satsuki azalea is a cultivar group of the species Rhododendron indicum, a type of azalea extensively cultivated and hybridized by the Japanese. It is native to the mountains of Japan. Satsuki azaleas have a diverse range of flower forms and color patterns with multiple patterns often appearing on a single plant. Satsuki bloom from May to June; the name “Satsuki” in Japanese ...

Die Liste der Baudenkmäler in Unsere Liebe Frau im Walde-St. Felix (italienisch Senale-San Felice) enthält die fünf als Baudenkmäler ausgewiesenen Objekte auf dem Gebiet der Gemeinde Unsere Liebe Frau im Walde-St. Felix in Südtirol. Basis ist das im Internet einsehbare offizielle Verzeichnis der Baudenkmäler in Südtirol. Dabei kann es sich beispielsweise um Sakralbauten, Wohnhäuser, Bauernhöfe und Adelsansitze handeln. Die Reihenfolge in dieser Liste orientiert sich an der Bezeichnun...
List of World War I memorials and cemeteries in the area of the Saint-Mihiel salient, in the present day Meuse department of the Lorraine region, located in northeastern France. In this region the monuments and cemeteries are divided into: those linked to the efforts of the French to regain the ridge at Les Éparges, from 1915 to 1918; and those linked to the American offensive of the St Mihiel salient, the Battle of St Mihiel in September 1918. War Memorials and Cemeteries: Saint-Mihiel and ...
Roderick J. McDavisMcDavis speaks in Ohio University's Baker University Center (May 2009)Born (1948-10-17) October 17, 1948 (age 75)Dayton, OhioNationalityAmericanAlma materOhio UniversityKnown forPresident of Ohio UniversityScientific careerFieldsPublic ServiceInstitutionsOhio UniversityUniversity of FloridaUniversity of ArkansasVirginia Commonwealth University WebsiteOfficial website Roderick J. McDavis (born October 17, 1948)[1] is the former 20th president of Ohio U...

هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (مايو 2021) باسكوال دي أنداغويا معلومات شخصية الميلاد سنة 1495 كوارتانغو الوفاة سنة 1548 (52–53 سنة) كوسكو مواطنة إسبانيا الحياة العملية المهنة مستكشف، و...
This article has an unclear citation style. The references used may be made clearer with a different or consistent style of citation and footnoting. (August 2023) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Town in Diego Martin Regional Corporation, Trinidad and TobagoChaguaramasTownChaguaramas seen from spaceChaguaramasLocation in Trinidad and TobagoCoordinates: 10°41′N 61°38′W / 10.683°N 61.633°W / 10.683; -61.633CountryTrinidad and TobagoCorporation...

American pornographic actor, and YouTube personality (born 1978) Johnny SinsSins in April 2007BornSteven Wolfe (1978-12-31) December 31, 1978 (age 44)Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.EducationIndiana University of PennsylvaniaOccupationsPornographic actordirectorYouTubermedia personalityYears active2006–presentHeight6 ft (183 cm)SpouseKissa Sins (sep. 2019)Awards2017 AVN Male Performer of the YearYouTube informationChannelsSinsTVYears active2017–presentSubscribers1.9...

Literaturjahr 1706 | 1707 Übersicht der Literaturjahre Weitere Ereignisse Dieser Artikel behandelt das Literaturjahr 1706. Literaturjahr 1706 Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) Johann Caspar Füssli (1706–1782). Porträtiert von Anton Graff, 1752 Johann Rudolf Kiesling (1706–1778) Maurice Quentin de La Tour (1704–1788): Madame du Châtelet–Laumont (1706–1749) John Evelyn (1620–1706) Petrus van Mastricht (1630–1706) Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Ereignisse 2 Neuerscheinungen 2.1 Prosa ...

Standing committee of the House of Representatives of the Philippines Committee on Ways and Means18th CongressHistoryNew session startedJuly 22, 2019 (2019-07-22)LeadershipChairmanJoey Salceda (PDP–Laban) since 2019 Minority LeaderStella Luz Quimbo (Liberal) since 2019 StructureSeats68 membersPolitical groupsMajority (61) PDP–Laban (13) Party-lists (13) NUP (12) Nacionalista (9) NPC (7) PFP (3) Liberal (2) Bile...

Ronald George Wreyford NorrishYayasan Nobel, 1967Lahir(1897-11-09)9 November 1897Cambridge, United KingdomMeninggal7 Juni 1978(1978-06-07) (umur 80)Cambridge, United KingdomKebangsaanUnited KingdomAlmamaterCambridge UniversityDikenal atasReaksi NorrishPenghargaanPenghargaan Nobel Kimia (1967)Royal Society[1] Medali Davy (1958)Karier ilmiahBidangKimiaInstitusiCambridge UniversityPembimbing doktoralEric Keightley Rideal Ronald George Wreyford Norrish (9 November 1897 – 7 Juni 197...