Des fonctionnalités supplémentaires, telles que le contrôle des réservations dans DHCP et d'autres capacités d'agrégation de données et de génération de rapports, sont également courantes. Les données suivies par un système IPAM peuvent inclure des informations telles que les adresses IP utilisées et les appareils et utilisateurs associés. La collecte centralisée de ces informations peut prendre en charge le dépannage et les enquêtes sur les abus[3].
Les outils IPAM sont de plus en plus importants à mesure que de nouveaux réseaux IPv6 sont déployés avec de grands pools d'adresses de nombres hexadécimaux de 128 bits et de nouvelles techniques de sous-réseau[4].
↑Bass, « Tools cure IP address-management headaches » [archive du ] [html], Network World, (consulté le ) : « IPAM products keep strict tabs on IP addresses, DNS names, MX records, aliases or any other standard DNS object attribute. An obvious extension to IPAM is the ability to push IP address information out to DNS and DHCP servers to make the information usable across the network. Some IPAM solutions completely take over the operation and configuration of DNS/DHCP services and some simply control cursory operational aspects of these services. »
↑Sandbu, « IPAM (IP Address Management) Server windows 8 » [archive du ] [html], Msandbu Org., (consulté le ) : « Audit of server configuration changes and tracking of IP address usage: Operational events are displayed for the IPAM server and managed DHCP servers. IPAM also enables IP address tracking using DHCP lease events and user logon events collected from Network Policy Server (NPS), domain controllers, and DHCP servers. Tracking is available by IP address, client ID, host name, or user name. »
↑González, « IP Address Management Tools: Best IPAM Tools for 2018 » [archive du ] [html], Router Freak!, (consulté le ) : « BlueCat Network’s incorporated software distributions of their applications allows users to run it on any virtual machine environment. It’s IPAM tool provides a user-friendly interface and does a pretty quick and accurate job of gathering all the usual data in a network such as the IP address, DNS, DHCP lease, host records and mac addresses. »
↑Bass, « Tools cure IP address-management headaches » [archive du ] [html], Network World, (consulté le ) : « BT DiamondIP offers the product in the form of an appliance (which we tested) or as software that can run on your own server hardware, both of which are accessible via Web-based and command line interfaces. But while IPControl is architecturally similar to VitalQIP, it’s much less complex. »
↑González, « IP Address Management Tools: Best IPAM Tools for 2018 » [archive du ] [html], Router Freak!, (consulté le ) : « BT Diamond IP is currently available as an appliance or as a software install. It integrates well with existing DNS and DHCP services in your network. It offers a fully-staffed managed solution making it ideal for companies with a small IT department. »
↑Davis, « Understanding IP Address Management (IPAM) » [archive du ] [html], Techgenix, (consulté le ) : « But the most crucial thing about Windows Server 2012 IPAM to differentiate it from the competition is that, by default, it only supports Microsoft devices. That’s right, it won’t inventory or support any devices except Windows servers and Windows workstations. However, you can use PowerShell to import IP addresses from non-Microsoft devices that you want added to the IPAM database. »
↑« 3 Reasons You Need an IP Address Management (IPAM) Strategy in 2017 » [archive du ] [html], Morpheus, (consulté le ) : « Morpheus Difference: If you are looking to begin using IPAM, as well as other cloud services, why not try out Morpheus, which makes provisioning, scaling, and maintenance of your apps and servers a breeze. In addition to having an excellent IPAM solution, Morpheus allows you to provision databases and servers quickly, and have your app up and running in no time! »
↑González, « IP Address Management Tools: Best IPAM Tools for 2018 » [archive du ] [html], Router Freak!, (consulté le ) : « The Solarwinds IPAM offers a lot of great features that can be easily integrated into existing systems. It is the best choice for mid-size organizations as it allows the monitoring of an entire address space from a single dashboard. »
↑Bass, « Tools cure IP address-management headaches » [archive du ] [html], Network World, (consulté le ) : « VitalQIP – delivered as software that runs on a standard network server -- from an architectural perspective is infinitely scalable and has full control of all DNS and DHCP services from either Web client, a native client that runs on a desktop and a command line interface. VitalQIP developers wrote their own DNS and DHCP services. And while they say their code is based on ISC code, it is still a proprietary implementation of the service standards. »