Rojanski nourrit un fort intérêt dans l'étude des oscillations électromagnétiques à haute fréquences, ce qui a poussé Sloutskine à travailler dans ce domaine[1]
(en) Erickson, John; “Radio-location and the air defense problem: The design and development of Soviet Radar 1934-40,” Social Studies of Science, vol. 2, pp. 241–268, 1972
(en) Tvrnov, O. F. and B. G. Yemets; “Fifty years of Kharkov University’s Department of Radio Physics,” Proc. of the IEEE International Crimean Conference, pp. 824–826, Sept. 2003
(en) Watson, Raymond C., Jr.; Radar Origins Worldwide: History of its Evolution in 13 Nations Through World War II, Trafford Publishing, 2009
↑(en) Slutskin, Abram A., and Dmitry S. Shteinberg, ["Electronic oscillations in two-electrode tubes"],Ukrainski Fizychni Zapysky’’ [Ukrainian Journal of Physics], vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 22-27 (1927)