Craig on kritisoinut sitä, että yli puolet evankelikalistien papistosta uskoo universumin olevan alle 10 000 vuotta vanha ja on kutsunut tätä ”suunnattoman kiusalliseksi” ja ”tieteellisesti hölynpölyksi”.[3]Evoluutiosta Craig on todennut, että pitää Raamatun luomiskertomusta kuvaannollisena ja siten yhteensopivana biologisten evoluutioteorioiden kanssa. Näin ollen Craig sanoo, että elämän alkuperä ei ole hänelle raamatullinen kysymys, vaan tieteellinen kysymys ja on avoin seuraamaan todisteita sinne minne ne johtavat. Tällä hetkellä Craig ei näe yhtäkään teoriaa riittävänä selittämään elämän alkuperää.lähde?
Time and Eternity: Exploring God's Relationship to Time. Wheaton: Crossway. 2001.
What Does God Know? Atlanta: RZIM. 2002.
Hard Questions, Real Answers. Wheaton: Crossway Books. 2003.
(co-authored with J.P. Moreland) Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press. 2003.
(ed. with Francis Beckwith and J. P. Moreland) To Everyone an Answer: A Case for the Christian Worldview: Essays in Honor of Norman Geisler. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press. 2004.
(co-authored with Paul Copan) Creation out of Nothing: Its Biblical, Philosophical, and Scientific Exploration. Grand Rapids: Baker Bookhouse. 2004. ISBN 0801027330
(ed. with Paul Gould) The Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar: Redeeming the Soul, Redeeming the Mind. Wheaton: Crossway. 2007.
(ed. with Paul Copan) Passionate Conviction: Contemporary Discourses on Christian Apologetics. Nashville: Broadman & Holman. 2007.
(ed. with Chad Meister) God Is Great, God Is Good. Downers Grove: InterVarsity. 2009.
(ed. with Paul Copan) Contending with Christianity's Critics: Answering New Atheists & Other Objectors. Nashville: Broadman & Holman. 2009.
Suomennetut teokset
Valveilla: Uskon perusteltu puolustaminen. (On Guard: Defending your faith with reason and precision, 2010) Helsinki: Uusi tie, 2011. ISBN 978-951-619-550-9
Väittelyiden pohjalta laaditut teokset
Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? A Debate Between William Lane Craig and John Dominic Crossan (ed. Paul Copan). Grand Rapids: Baker Bookhouse. 1998.
Jesus' Resurrection: Fact or Figment? A Debate Between William Lane Craig and Gerd Ludemann (eds. Paul Copan and Ronald K. Tacelli). Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press. 2000.
Five Views on Apologetics (ed. Steven B. Cowan). Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 2000.
Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views (eds. James K. Beilby and Paul R. Eddy). Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press. 2001.
God and Time: Four Views (ed. Gregory Ganssle). Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press. 2001.
Who Was Jesus? A Jewish-Christian Dialogue. (eds. Paul Copan and Craig Evans). Louisville: Westminster-John Knox Press. 2001.
Does God Exist? The Craig-Flew Debate (ed. Stan W. Wallace). Aldershot: Ashgate. 2003.
(co-authored with Walter Sinnot-Armstrong)God?: A Debate Between a Christian and an Atheist. New York: Oxford University Press. 2003.
Is Goodness Without God Good Enough? (eds. Robert Garcia and Nathan King). Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. 2008.
What Does God Control? Four Views on Divine Providence (ed. Dennis W. Jowers). Grand Rapids: Zondervan. forthcoming.