Artista grafiko izateko ikasi ondoren, bateria jotzen hasi zen Londresko rhythm and blues klubetan, non Brian Jones, Mick Jagger eta Keith Richards ezagutu zituen. 1963ko urtarrilean, hasi berria zen The Rolling Stones taldearekin bat egin zuen, bere disko eta birako agertokietako bateria-jotzaile eta azal-diseinatzaile gisa. Bere taldeak ere sortu zituen: Charlie Watts Quintet eta Charlie Watts Tentet.
The Charlie Watts Orchestra – Live at Fulham Town Hall (1986, Columbia Records)
The Charlie Watts Quintet – From One Charlie (1991, Continuum Records)
The Charlie Watts Quintet – A Tribute to Charlie Parker with Strings (1992, Continuum Records)
The Charlie Watts Quintet – Warm and Tender (1993, Continuum Records)
The Charlie Watts Quintet – Long Ago and Far Away (1996, Virgin Records)
The Charlie Watts-Jim Keltner Project (2000, Cyber Octave Records)
The Charlie Watts Tentet – Watts at Scott's (2004, Sanctuary Records)
The ABC&D of Boogie Woogie – The Magic of Boogie Woogie (2010, Vagabond Records)
The ABC&D of Boogie Woogie – Live in Paris (2012, Eagle Records)
Charlie Watts meets the Danish Radio Big Band (Live at the Danish Radio Concert Hall, Copenhagen 2010) (2017, Impulse! Records)