Uberi toimikud on 10. juulil 2022 Guardianile lekitatud andmekogu Uberi tegevuse kohta aastatel 2013–2017. Guardian jagas enam kui 124 000 failist koosnevat andmekogu Uurivate Ajakirjanike Rahvusvahelise Konsortsiumi (ICIJ) ja mitme muu meediaväljaandega.[1][2][3]
- Harry Davies, Simon Goodley, Felicity Lawrence, Paul Lewis, Lisa O'Carroll The Uber files | Uber broke laws, duped police and secretly lobbied governments, leak reveals. TheGuardian.com, 10 juuli 2022
- By Sydney P. Freedberg, Nicole Sadek, Brenda Medina, Agustin, Karrie Kehoe. How Uber won access to world leaders, deceived investigators and exploited violence against its drivers in battle for global dominance | When the ride-hailing giant called, powerful politicians answered, leaked text messages and emails reveal. ICIJ, 10. juuli 2022