Bernard Mayo
Bernard Mayo (1921 Leicester – 14. veebruar 2000) oli inglise filosoof.
Ta töötas 1968. aastani Birminghami Ülikoolis. Seejärel oli ta kuni emeriteerumiseni 1983 Saint Andrewsi Ülikooli moraalifilosoofia professor.
Ta oli 1956–1965 ajakirja Analysis ja 1973–1980 ajakirja The Philosophical Quarterly[1]
- Rules of Language. – Philosophical Studies, 1951, kd 2, lk 1–11
- Logic of Personality, Jonathan Cape 1952
- Ethics and Moral Controversy. – The Philosophical Quarterly, 1954, nr 14, 1954, lk 1–14
- Poetry, Language and Communication. – Journal of Philosophy, 1954, kd 29, nr 109, lk 131–145
- Ethics and the Moral Life, Macmillan Publishers, St. Martin's Press, 1958. Questia.
- Events and Language. – Margaret MacDonald. Philosophy and Analysis, 1954
- Professor J. J. C. Smart on temporal asymmetry. – Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 1955, kd 33, nr 1, lk 38–44
- The Incongruity of Counterparts. – Philosophy of Science, 1958, kd 25, nr 2, lk 109–115
- Objects, Events, and Complementarity. – The Philosophical Review, 1961, kd 70, nr 3, lk 340–361
- The Open Future. – Mind, 1962, kd 71, lk 1–14
- A note on J. L. Austin's performative theory of knowledge. – Philosophical Studies, 1963, kd 14, nr 1-2
- Infinitive Verbs and Tensed Statements. – The Philosophical Quarterly, 1963, kd 13, nr 53, lk 289-297
- Negative and Positive Duties: A Reply. – The Philosophical Quarterly, 1966, kd 16, nr 63, lk 159-164.
- Traces and Portents. – The Philosophical Quarterly, 1968, kd 18, nr 73, lk 289-298.
- The Incoherence of Determinism. – Journal of Philosophy, 1969, kd 44, nr 168, lk 89–100
- Space and Time Re-assimilated. – Mind, 1976, kd 85, nr 340, lk 576-580.
- Justice, Truth and Nozick. – Analysis, 1980, kd 40, nr 3, lk 119-123.
- On the Keith Lehrer-Richard Taylor Analysis of 'Can'-Statements. – Mind, New Series, 1986, kd 77, nr 306, lk 271–278
- The Philosophy of Right and Wrong, Routledge 1986.