La calle del terror (Novela)
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La PérouillecomuneLa Pérouille – Veduta LocalizzazioneStato Francia Regione Centro-Valle della Loira Dipartimento Indre ArrondissementChâteauroux CantoneSaint-Gaultier TerritorioCoordinate46°41′N 1°31′E / 46.683333°N 1.516667°E46.683333; 1.516667 (La Pérouille)Coordinate: 46°41′N 1°31′E / 46.683333°N 1.516667°E46.683333; 1.516667 (La Pérouille) Superficie21 km² Abitanti424[1] (2009) Densità20,19 ab./km² A...

Kanashimi ni MakenaideSingel oleh Mikuni ShimokawaDirilis27 Oktober 2004FormatCDGenreJ-PopDurasi24 menit 38 detikLabelPony Canyon Kanashimi ni Makenaide adalah judul singel ke-11 dari Mikuni Shimokawa. Singel ini dirilis setelah hampir setahun setelah perilisan album kompilasi pertamanya. Tepatnya pada tanggal 27 Oktober 2004, singel ini resmi dirilis. Singel dengan kode hak cipta PCCA-02092 ini memperkenalkan tiga lagu baru yang bergenre J-Pop. Singel yang juga disebut “Kanashimi ni Makena...

يفتقر محتوى هذه المقالة إلى الاستشهاد بمصادر. فضلاً، ساهم في تطوير هذه المقالة من خلال إضافة مصادر موثوق بها. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. (ديسمبر 2019) هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها...

深田 拓也 基本情報国籍 日本出身地 静岡県静岡市駿河区生年月日 (1983-04-23) 1983年4月23日(40歳)身長体重 180 cm73 kg選手情報投球・打席 左投左打ポジション 投手プロ入り 2005年 大学・社会人ドラフト6巡目初出場 2007年6月9日最終出場 2009年8月7日経歴(括弧内はプロチーム在籍年度) 静岡県立静岡高等学校 中京大学 読売ジャイアンツ (2006 - 2010) この表について この表はテ

Bài viết này là một bài mồ côi vì không có bài viết khác liên kết đến nó. Vui lòng tạo liên kết đến bài này từ các bài viết liên quan; có thể thử dùng công cụ tìm liên kết. (tháng 8 2020) Ctenitis chingiiPhân loại khoa họcGiới (regnum)PlantaeNgành (divisio)PteridophytesLớp (class)Polypodiopsida / Pteridopsida (disputed)Bộ (ordo)Polypodiales(không phân hạng)Eupolypods IHọ (familia)DryopteridaceaeChi (genus)Cteniti...

METAFONT開發者高德納当前版本2.71828182 (2021年2月5日)[1] 操作系统跨平台类型編程語言许可协议自由軟件 Metafont是一種用於定義矢量字體的編程語言。這也是Metafont直譯器的名稱,其生成的點陣字體,可嵌入到PostScript中。Metafont由高德納發明,與也是他發明的TeX排版軟體相輔相成。 Metafont的特點之一是所有的字体都是用几何方程定义的,例如,可以用線段及貝茲曲線的相交...

هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (يوليو 2019) برايان جون معلومات شخصية الميلاد 27 يوليو 1940 (83 سنة) مواطنة المملكة المتحدة الحياة العملية المدرسة الأم كلية يسوع المهنة أستاذ جامعي اللغات الإن...

Nội dung của bài này hoặc đoạn này hầu như chỉ dựa vào một nguồn duy nhất. Mời bạn góp sức phát triển bài bằng cách bổ sung thêm những chú thích hoặc nguồn thông tin khác. (tháng 2/2022) Trong thị giác, điểm cực viễn hay viễn điểm (Cv) là điểm xa nhất mà tại đó một vật có thể được đặt (trên trục quang học của mắt) để hình ảnh của vật đó hội tụ trên võng mạc (màng lưới...

Novel by Ismith Khan The Jumbie Bird AuthorIsmith KhanPublisherMacGibbon & Kee, Ivan Obolensky, George J. McLeodPublication date1961 The Jumbie Bird is the first novel by Trinidad and Tobago-born novelist Ismith Khan. Published in 1961, the semi-autobiographical novel tells the story of the Khan family, an Indo-Trinidadian Muslim family living in Port of Spain. The novel explores the transformation of formerly indentured Indian immigrants in Trinidad and Tobago into Indo-Trinidadians. Bac...
Statue in Tirana, Albania For other uses, see Unknown Soldier. The Unknown SoldierUshtari i panjohur AlbaniaThe statue of the Unknown Soldier in the center of TiranaFor soldiers who died during World War IILocationTirana The Unknown Soldier Statue (Albanian: Ushtari i panjohur) is a war memorial in Tirana for the soldiers that fell in the struggle against the Italian invaders during Second World War. The statue is located near the Albanian parliament and the Tomb of Kapllan Pasha. It was...

TFF Süper KupaNegaraTurkiKonfederasiUEFADibentuk1966Jumlah tim2Juara bertahan ligaGalatasaray (gelar ke-14)Klub tersuksesGalatasaray (14 gelar)Penampilan terbanyakMehmet ÖzdilekRıza ÇalımbayŞenol GüneşTurgay Semercioğlu(masing-masing 8 pertandingan)Pencetak gol terbanyakHakan Şükür (5 gol)Televisi penyiaratvSitus webTFF Süper Kupa Piala Super Turki 2018 Piala Super Turki (Turki: TFF Süper Kupa) adalah pertandingan piala super sepak bola tahunan yang menampilkan juara Süper Lig ...

ソウシリーズ > ソウ (映画) ソウ Saw 監督 ジェームズ・ワン脚本 リー・ワネル製作 マーク・バーググレッグ・ホフマンオーレン・クールズ製作総指揮 ピーター・ブロックジェイソン・コンスタンティンステイシー・テストロ出演者 ケイリー・エルウィスリー・ワネルダニー・グローヴァーケン・レオンディナ・メイヤートビン・ベル音楽 チャーリー・クロウザー...

1984 film by Abel Ferrara This article is about the 1984 film. For the Netflix documentary series, see Fear City: New York vs The Mafia. For the 1975 propaganda campaign in New York City, see Fear City pamphlets. Fear CityTheatrical release posterDirected byAbel FerraraWritten byNicholas St. JohnProduced byBruce Cohn CurtisStarringTom BerengerBilly Dee WilliamsJack ScaliaMelanie GriffithCinematographyJames LemmoEdited byJack W. HolmesAnthony RedmanMusic byDick HalliganJoe DeliaProductioncompa...

Canadian ice hockey league, founded 1961 Central Canada Hockey LeagueRegion(s)Eastern OntarioCommissionerSean MarcellusFormer name(s) list Ottawa-Hull & District Junior Hockey League (1961–1964) Central Junior A Hockey League (1964–2009) Central Junior Hockey League (2009–2010) Central Hockey League (2010–2011) Central Canada Hockey League (2011–present) Founded1961; 62 years ago (1961)[1]No. of teams12Associated Title(s) Trophy list Fred Page Cup (East...

Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Kota SorongDewan Perwakilan RakyatKota Sorong2019-2024JenisJenisUnikameral Jangka waktu5 tahunSejarahSesi baru dimulai17 September 2019PimpinanKetuaPatronela Kambuaya (Golkar) sejak 18 November 2019 Wakil Ketua IMelkianus Way (Demokrat) sejak 18 November 2019 Wakil Ketua IIElisabeth Nauw (PDI-P) sejak 18 November 2019 KomposisiAnggota30Partai & kursi PKB (2) Gerindra (3) PDI-P (3) Golkar (8) ...

Italian politician Mario FuroreMEPMember of the European Parliamentfor Southern ItalyIncumbentAssumed office 2 July 2019[1][2] Personal detailsNationalityItalianPolitical partyFive Star MovementAlma materLuiss Guido Carli Mario Furore (born 25 December 1988, Foggia) is an Italian politician who was elected as a member of the European Parliament in 2019.[3] References ^ Key dates ahead. European Parliament. 20 May 2017. Retrieved 28 May 2019. ^ Key dates ahead....

US mail transportation service The Railway Mail Service of the United States Post Office Department was a significant mail transportation service in the US from the mid-19th century until the mid-20th century. The RMS, or its successor the Postal Transportation Service (PTS), carried the vast majority of letters and packages mailed in the United States from the 1890s until the 1960s. History George B. Armstrong, manager of the Chicago Post Office, is generally credited with being the founder ...

1986 live album (EP) by Black FlagAnnihilate This WeekLive album (EP) by Black FlagReleased1986RecordedAugust 23, 1985VenueThe Starry Night in Portland, OregonGenreHardcore punkLength11:55LabelSST (081)[1]ProducerGreg GinnBlack Flag chronology Who's Got the 10½?(1986) Annihilate This Week(1986) Wasted...Again(1987) Professional ratingsReview scoresSourceRatingAllMusic[2] Annihilate This Week is a single by American hardcore punk band Black Flag.[3] It ...

AMX-10P AMX-10P Jenis Kendaraan tempur infanteri Negara asal Prancis Sejarah pemakaian Pada perang Perang Teluk Sejarah produksi Diproduksi 1973–sekarang Spesifikasi Berat 14,2 ton Panjang 5,85 m Lebar 2,78 m Tinggi 2,57 m Awak 3 awak + 8 tentara Perisai Perisal frontal resisten terhadap 23 mm API dari jarak 300 m Senjatautama 20mm kanon otomatis M693 F1 (800 rpm) Senjatapelengkap 7,62mm senapan mesin koaksial (2.000 rpm) Jenis Mesin Hispano-Suiza HS 115280 hp (210 ...

Municipality in Šibenik-Knin, CroatiaTisnoMunicipalityOpćina TisnoMunicipality of Tisno Three settlements of which the municipality consists: Jezera, Tisno and Betina.TisnoLocation of Tisno within CroatiaCoordinates: 43°48′N 15°39′E / 43.800°N 15.650°E / 43.800; 15.650Country CroatiaCounty Šibenik-KninGovernment • MayorAntonio Štrkalj (SDP)Area[1] • Municipality66.7 km2 (25.8 sq mi) • Urban19.2...