Allan C. Carlson (nacido en 1949 en Des Moines, Iowa) es un erudito y exprofesor de historia en Hillsdale College en Hillsdale (Míchigan). Es presidente emérito del Centro Howard para la Familia, la Religión y la Sociedad (Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society), exdirector del Centro de Estudios de la Familia en América (Family in America Studies Center), fundador y Secretario Internacional durante mucho tiempo del Congreso Mundial de Familias (World Congress of Families)[1] y editor de The Natural Family: An International Journal of Research and Policy newsletter.[2] También es expresidente del Instituto Rockford (en:Rockford Institute).[3]
El autor solo dispone de libros en inglés, ninguno traducido hasta el momento.
Family Questions: Reflections on the American Social Crisis, (Transaction Press, 1988)
The Swedish Experiment in Family Politics: The Myrdals and the Interwar Population Crisis, (Transaction Press,1990)
From Cottage to Work Station: The Family's Search for Social Harmony in the Industrial Age, (Ignatius Press, 1993)
The New Agrarian Mind: The Movement Toward Decentralist Thought in 20th Century America, (Transaction Press, 2000)
The American Way: Family and Community in the Shaping of the American Identity, (ISI Books, 2003)
"Wendell Berry and the Twentieth-Century Agrarian 'Series'" – Essay published in Wendell Berry: Life and Work edited by Jason Peters (U. Press of Kentucky, 2007)
Third Ways|Third Ways: How Bulgarian Greens, Swedish Housewives, and Beer-Swilling Englishmen Created Family-Centered Economies – and Why They Disappeared, (ISI Books, 2007)
The Natural Family: A Manifesto, (Spence Pub, 2007)