Francis Robert Japp (1848-1925) estis brita kemiisto kiu malkovris la reakcion Japp-Klingemann, en 1887. Li laboris kune kun August Kekulé en la laboratorio de la Universitato de Bonn, kaj estis kunlaboranto de Alexander Crum Brown en la Universitato de Edinburgo. En 1890, li instruis kemion en la Universitato de Aberdeen kaj estis membro de la Reĝa Societo de Londono.
Selektita publikaĵaro
- Inorganic Chemistry, by Edward Frankland,... and Francis R. Japp,..., Edward Frankland, 1884
- Address to the Chemical Section: Stereochemistry and Vitalism, Francis Robert Japp, British Association for the Advancement of Science. Meeting, British Association for the Advancement of Science. Chemical section, 1898
- Interaction of Phenanthraquinone, Acetophenone, and Ammonia, 1899
- Homologues of Anhydracetonebenzil, Andrew Norman Meldrum, 1901
- Avogadro and Dalton: the standing in chemistry of their hypotheses. ... With a preface by Francis R. Japp, Andrew Norman Meldrum, Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro, John Dalton (F.R.S.), 1904
- Researches in organic chemistry carried out in the University of Aberdeen, William Maitland, Joseph Knox, James Wood, 1905
- Furfuran Derivatives from Benzoin and Phenolin, 1899
- On the action of Benzoic acid on Napthaquinone. Reprinted from the Journal of the Chemical Society, May, 1881, Norman Harry John Miller, 1882
- Triphenyloxazolone, Alexander Findlay, 1899
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