Xosé Luís Méndez Ferrín
Xosé Luís Méndez Ferrín (Ourense , 7 August 1938) is a Galician writer and poet and is widely considered the highest representative of contemporary Galician literature . A doctor in philology , he studied philosophy at the University of Santiago de Compostela and Romanic philology at the University of Madrid .
He teaches literature at the Instituto Santa Irene in Vigo . He also writes for the daily newspaper Faro de Vigo and directs the quarterly political critic magazine A Trabe Ouro . Ferrín is a member of the Real Academia Galega (Galician Royal Academy). He was the president of that Academy from January 2010 until February 2013, when he resigned, accused of hiring relatives [1] . On 1 March 2013 he resigned his chair of academic [2] . He is Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Vigo .
He was proposed to the Nobel Prize in literature by the Galician Writers Association in 1999. He has been awarded with the Galician Critics Prize , Spanish Critics Prize and National Critics Prize .
Ferrín maintains an active political activist life. Supporting political and social initiatives as Redes Escarlata . He is a member of the nationalist literary group Brais Pinto .
He was a founding member of Unión do Povo Galego (Union of the Galician People) and centered in a marxist independentist ideology. Also member of Frente Popular Galega (Popular Galician Front) and founder of Galiza Ceibe-OLN .
Literary work
As a poet he became notorious with his first work Voce na néboa (Voice in the fog) 1957.
Antoloxía Popular (popular anthology) 1972, with the pseudonym Heriberto Bens .
Sirventés pola destrucción de Occitania (Servants for the destruction of Occitania ) 1975.
Con pólvora e magnolias (With gunpowder and magnolias) 1977.
Poesía enteira de Heriberto Bens (Complete poetry of Heriberto Bens) 1980.
O fin dun canto (The end of a singing) 1982.
Erótica (Erotic) 1992.
Estirpe (Breed/Lineage ) 1994.
O outro (The other one) 2002.
Contra Maquieiro (Against Maquieiro) 2005
His works in prose , include narrative and essay.
Percival e outras historias (Percival and other stories) 1958.
O crepúsculo e as formigas (The twilight and the ants) 1961.
Arrabaldo do norte (Arrabaldo north) 1964.
Retorno a Tagen Ata (Return to Tagen Ata) 1971.
Elipsis e outras sombras (Ellipsis and other shadows) 1974.
Antón e os inocentes (Antón and the innocents) 1976.
Crónica de nós (Chronicles of us) 1980.
Amor de Artur (The love of Artur) 1982.
Arnoia, Arnoia 1985.
Bretaña Esmeraldina 1987.
De Pondal a Novoneyra (From Pondal to Novoneyra ) 1984.
Arraianos 1991
No ventre do silencio (Inside the womb of the silence) 1999.
External links
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