Weekend Playhouse is a one-hour UK television anthology drama series produced by London Weekend Television (LWT) and airing on ITV from 8 July to 19 August 1984. There were seven episodes.
Bob Hoskins (Eddie Reed), David Beames (Jack), Janet Key (Anne Reed), Heather Tobias (Mother), Andrew O'Brien (Michael Reed), John Tams (Farmworker), Donald Tandy (Dave), Al Ashton (Joe), Trevor Butler (Keith), Barbara Peak (Teacher, Joyce), John Anton (Milkman).
Prunella Scales (Olive Dodd), Judy Parfitt (Daphne Mayhew), Anthony Bate (Reverend V. J. Sinclair Dodd (Jack), Bernard Horsfall (Logan Mayhew), Richard Austin (Gregory Dodd), Daniel Moynihan (Julian Abbott), Pearl Hackney (Miss Bullivant), Luke Dolan (Patrick Lumsden), Joanna Dolan (Isabelle Lumsden), Hugh Dickson (Roger Barclay).