During the Serbian mobilization of the First Balkan War, the Chetnik detachments of the Serbian 3rd Army included: Medveđa, colon headed by captain Dušan Sekulić, Ljubomir Vulović and Nikodim Racić (Lisica-Prapaštice-Priština), and colon headed by Božin Simić (Svirci-Novo Brdo-Kačanik); Kuršumlija, under the command of captain and Chetnik vojvoda Vojislav Tankosić and captain Dragutin Nikolić (Kuršumlija-Merdare-Malo Kosovo-Štimlje-Crnoljeva-Prizren-Ljuma); Lukovo, under the command of captain Pavle Blažarić (Lukovo-Madljika-Drenica); and Kolašin, under the command of prota Vukajlo Božović.[1] Alongside these detachments, were two smaller ones located at the front of the Ibar Army, the first headed by reserve lieutenant Panta Miladinović, the second headed by Chetnik vojvoda Živko Gvozdić.[1] The commander of all these detachments was major Alimpije Marjanovic.[1]
Janićije N Popović; Vladimir Bovan (1987). Život srba na Kosovu: 1812-1912. NIRO "Književne novine". А поп Вукајло Божовић из Колашина чак у Приштину доће за то. А кад од конзула не мо- гаше да добије потврдан одговор, он се са Зафиром Николићем, кафеџијом у Приштини, реши да о томе пише непосредно краљу Милану, ...