Na pomezí Eternaalu (Winston Smith, Prague 1990) – a sci-fi novel from the cycle 'Legends about argenite'
Jednou bude tma (Laser, Plzeň 1991) – a collection of short sci-fi stories
Meče Lorgan (Návrat, Brno 1993) – a sci-fi novel from the cycle 'Legends about argenite'
Stavitelé věží (Altar, Prague 1994) – a novel from the cycle 'Legends about argenite'
Pán všech krůpějí (Netopejr, Olomouc 2000) – fantasy novel
O snovačce a přemyslovi (In: Imperium Bohemorum, Albatros, Prague 2007) - fantasy novel
Lunapark Luna (In: Hvězdy české sci–fi, Argo, Prague 2010) - a novel from the cycle 'Legends about argenite'
Na pomezí Eternaalu (Albatros Plus, Prague 2010) – second edition of the novel, with added short stories from the cycle 'Legends about argenite'
Tajná kniha Šerosvitu (Albatros, Prague 2011) – fantasy for children, a joint project of five female writers (with Karolina Francová, Sanča Fülle, Vilma Kadlečková, Lucie Lukačovičová, Julie Nováková)
Starýma očima, za tisíc let (In: Krvavá čest, Triton, Prague 2012)
Mycelium I: Jantarové oči (Argo, Prague 2013)
Mycelium II: Led pod kůží (Argo, Prague 2013)
Mycelium III: Pád do temnot (Argo, Prague 2014)
Mycelium IV: Vidění (Argo, Prague 2014)
Mycelium V: Hlasy a hvězdy (Argo, Prague 2016)
Mycelium VI: Vrstva ticha (Argo, Prague 2021)
Mycelium VII: Zakázané směry (Argo, Prague 2022)
Mycelium VIII: Program apokalypsy (Argo, Prague 2022)