The rocks are named after Zlatil Vergilov, a member of the 1988 Bulgarian party on Livingston Island, base commander at St. Kliment Ohridski in the 1996–99 seasons.
The rocks are located at 62°38′24″S60°22′12″W / 62.64000°S 60.37000°W / -62.64000; -60.37000 which is 510 m (560 yd) northeast of Hespérides Point, 310 m (340 yd) west by south of Greenpeace Rock, and 100 m (110 yd) from the coast in front of the Bulgarian base (British mapping in 1968, Bulgarian mapping from a 1995-1996 topographic survey).
Isla Livingston: Península Hurd. Mapa topográfico de escala 1:25000. Madrid: Servicio Geográfico del Ejército, 1991. (Map reproduced on p. 16 of the linked work)
L.L. Ivanov. St. Kliment Ohridski Base, Livingston Island. Scale 1:1000 topographic map. Sofia: Antarctic Place-names Commission of Bulgaria, 1996. (The first Bulgarian Antarctic topographic map, in Bulgarian)
Antarctica, South Shetland Islands, Livingston Island: Bulgarian Antarctic Base. Sheets 1 and 2. Scale 1:2000 topographic map. Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency, 2016. (in Bulgarian)
Antarctic Digital Database (ADD). Scale 1:250000 topographic map of Antarctica. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). Since 1993, regularly upgraded and updated.