Born in the family of Austrian poet, translator and political émigré Boris Brainin (Sepp Österreicher), who belonged to the well-known Viennese Brainin family (his relatives are Hebrew publicist, biographer and public figure Reuben Brainin, Austrian/British violinist Norbert Brainin and others).
President (from 2004) of the Russian Federation Society for Music Education (RussSME) – National Affiliate of the International Society for Music Education (ISME), a member of UNESCO.[1]
Head of the Laboratory of New Technologies in Music Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University.
Art Director of Classica Nova International Music Competition.
Art Director of the net of Brainin Music Schools (Brainin-Musikschulen), Germany.
He has directed seminars/master courses at conservatoires and universities in Austria, Colombia, Germany, Italy, Russia, USA, etc. In addition he offered weekly music talks on Radio Liberty from Munich and Prague, and has literary, critical and scientific musical publications in Russian, German, English, and Italian.
Music activities
Brainin is a full Member of the International Teacher's Training Academy of Science (Moscow),[4] and of other scientific/pedagogical societies. He studied mathematics, linguistics, musical pedagogics, music theory and composition. He has had works performed in the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow, and taught at Moscow's Gnessin Music School for specially gifted children. The Brainin Teaching Method for ‘development of musical intelligence in children’[5][6][7][8] became a standard part of the curriculum. He is also a noted piano teacher for children. Among his former students there are some prize-winners of national and international competitions.
[9][10][11][12][13][14] Brainin is a researcher in microtonal music.[15][16]
Брайнин-Пассек, В. К нежной варварской речи. Стихотворения. Составитель Михаил Безродный. Предисловие Юрия Арабова. — СПб.: Алетейя, 2009. — 94 c. — (Серия «Русское зарубежье. Коллекция поэзии и прозы»). ISBN978-5-91419-277-5
^V.Brainin. Development of "predictive perception" of music in children. // In: A.R.Addessi & S.Young (Eds). MERYC2009. Proceedings of the European Network of Music Educators and Researches of Young Children, Bologna (Italy), 22nd-25th July 2009, pp.135-142. Bologna: Bolonia University Press, 2009, ISBN978-88-7395-472-9 (available in Internet)
^Valeri Brainin. Employment of Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Ideas in Ear Training ("Microchromatic" Pitch. "Coloured" Pitch). // Proceedings: International Society for Music Education 28th World Conference, Bologna, 2008, ISBN978-0-9804560-2-8 (available in Internet)