For the story of same name, he has received the Kerala Sahithya Academy Geetha Hiranyan Endowment, Anganam-E.P. Sushama Endowment and Thomas Mundasseri Award. Ozhivudivasathe Kali has been later made into the film of the same name by Director Sanal Shashidaran. It won the 46th Kerala State Award for Best Film in 2015. He was a recipient of several awards including K.A. Kodunalloor Award and T.P Kishore Memorial Award (both for Praanilokam); V.P. Shivakumar Memorial Award and SBT Award (both for Mudraraakshasam); as well as Abu Dhabi Shakti Award and Ayanam C.V. Sriraman Award (both for Kottayam 17).[citation needed]
His works have been translated into English and other Indian languages such as Tamil. His Leela and Bhootam were translated for the Tamil monthly magazine Kaalachuvadu by Tamil poet Sukumaran. Kalinaadakam which was translated to Tamil has been widely read and noted Tamil writer Perumal Murukan opined in his 19th D.C. Kizhakemuri Memorial lecture that Unni R.’s stories have extensive readership in Tamil Nadu along with the veterans such as Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai, Vaikom Muhammad Basheer, M.T. Vasudevan Nair and Madhavikutty. Several of his articles, including one on Nakulan and on Madhavikutty, were also translated to Tamil and English. Indian Literature, a bi-monthly journal of Sahitya Academy featured his translated stories – Catwalk (Vol.231/2006) and Pedestrian named Badushah (Vol 260/2010). Malayalam Literary Survey (Jan-Mar 2008) published the translation of his short story, The Kali Play.[citation needed]