Unlucky Plaza
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Война за независимость Индонезии Танкист индийского танкового полка осматривает лёгкий танк Marmon-Herrington CTLS индонезийских националистов, захваченный британскими войсками в ходе боёв за Сурабаю Дата 17 августа 1945—27 декабря 1949 Место Индонезия Причина Декларация независим...

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1930 film Rain or ShineDirected byFrank CapraWritten byJames Gleason (book of musical play)Maurice Marks (book of musical play)Jo SwerlingDorothy HowellProduced byHarry CohnStarringJoe CookLouise FazendaCinematographyJoe WalkerEdited byMaurice WrightProductioncompaniesColumbia PicturesFrank R. Capra ProductionDistributed byColumbia PicturesRelease date August 15, 1930 (1930-08-15) Running time90 minutesCountryUnited StatesLanguageEnglish Rain or Shine is a 1930 American pre-Cod...

Główny artykuł: Mistrzostwa Europy w Lekkoatletyce 1978. Mistrzostwa Europy w Lekkoatletyce 1978Bieg na 10 000 metrów mężczyzn Martti Vainio Venanzio Ortis Aleksandras Antipovas Venanzio Ortis Bieg na dystansie 10 000 metrów mężczyzn był jedną z konkurencji rozgrywanych podczas XII mistrzostw Europy w Pradze. Rozegrano od razu bieg finałowy 29 sierpnia 1978 roku. Zwycięzcą tej konkurencji został reprezentant Finlandii Martti Vainio. W rywalizacji wzięło udział dwudzies...

Dawenkou cultureGeographical rangeNorth ChinaPeriodNeolithic ChinaDatesc. 4300 – c. 2600 BCPreceded byBeixin cultureFollowed byLongshan cultureChinese nameChinese大汶口文化TranscriptionsStandard MandarinHanyu PinyinDàwènkǒu wénhuà The Dawenkou culture was a Chinese Neolithic culture primarily located in the eastern province of Shandong, but also appearing in Anhui, Henan and Jiangsu. The culture existed from 4300 to 2600 BC, and co-existed with the Yangshao culture. Turquoise, jad...

NZHVM 4842, Leyland-Werkspoor LE-WS, bouwjaar 1960, Stichting Haags Bus Museum Leyland-Werkspoor 4100 en A-road bussen van NZH op het Kennemerplein (Haarlem) in 1965. NZHVM 5003, Leyland-Werkspoor LE-WS, bouwjaar 1962, op de NS-busdienst (Amsterdam-Den Haag) in 1962 Uitzicht voor de chauffeur door het 'bolle raam De bolramer was een streekbus voor het Nederlandse openbaar vervoer, die werd gebouwd tussen 1956 en 1967. Van dit autobustype werden vele honderden exemplaren gebouwd. Hij kan gezie...

Not to be confused with Cuncoliem. Town in Goa, IndiaCuncolimTownCuncolimLocation in Goa, IndiaShow map of GoaCuncolimCuncolim (India)Show map of IndiaCoordinates: 15°10′12″N 73°58′48″E / 15.17000°N 73.98000°E / 15.17000; 73.98000Country IndiaState GoaDistrictSouth GoaSub-districtSalceteGovernment • TypeCouncil • MLAYuri Alemao • ChairpersonLaxman NaikElevation13 m (43 ft)Population (2011) •...

Sword attributed to Charlemagne For other uses, see Joyeuse (disambiguation). Joyeuse displayed in the Louvre. Joyeuse (pronounced [ʒwajøz] ⓘ; Old French: Joiuse; meaning joyous, joyful) was, in medieval legend, the sword wielded by Charlemagne as his personal weapon. A sword identified as Joyeuse was used in French royal coronation ceremonies since the 13th century, and is now kept at the Louvre. Description Joyeuse exhibited with its 13th century sheath at the Musée de Cluny in...

Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada Maret 2016. SMA Karya Kasih ParinduSMA Karya Kasih Parindu berdiri pada Tahun Pelajaran 1988/1989, di bawah naungan Yayasan Pendidikan Pelajar dan Mahasiswa Kalimantan Barat (YPPM-KB) yang berkantor di Pontianak. Yayasan ini dikelola oleh Bp. Engelbertus Atjang, Bp....

TamansariDesaNegara IndonesiaProvinsiJawa TimurKabupatenJemberKecamatanMumbulsariKode pos68174Kode Kemendagri35.09.23.2003 Luas5,23 km²Jumlah penduduk6423 jiwaKepadatan... jiwa/km² Artikel ini tidak memiliki referensi atau sumber tepercaya sehingga isinya tidak bisa dipastikan. Tolong bantu perbaiki artikel ini dengan menambahkan referensi yang layak. Tulisan tanpa sumber dapat dipertanyakan dan dihapus sewaktu-waktu.Cari sumber: Tamansari, Mumbulsari, Jember – berita&...

Muscle that raises the central portion of the lower lip MentalisMuscles of the head, face, and neck.DetailsOriginanterior mandibleInsertionchinNervemandibular branch of facial nerveActionselevates and wrinkles skin of chin, protrudes lower lipIdentifiersLatinmusculus mentalisTA98A04.1.03.037TA22087FMA46825Anatomical terms of muscle[edit on Wikidata] The mentalis muscle is a paired central muscle of the lower lip, situated at the tip of the chin.[1] It originates from the mentum of...

1970 song by Grateful DeadDire WolfSong by Grateful Deadfrom the album Workingman's Dead ReleasedJune 14, 1970RecordedFebruary 1970GenreCountry folk[1]Length3:14Composer(s)Jerry GarciaLyricist(s)Robert Hunter Dire Wolf is a ballad by the Grateful Dead, released as the third track on their 1970 album Workingman's Dead. The lyrics were written by Robert Hunter after watching a film adaptation of The Hound of the Baskervilles. The music, containing elements of country and folk music, was...

Nonprofit organization Not to be confused with Army Wounded Warrior Program or United States Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment. Wounded Warrior Project, CFC #11425Formation2003[1]TypeNonprofit 501(C)(3) CorporationPurposeVeterans servicesHeadquartersJacksonville, FloridaCEOMichael LinningtonKey peopleKathleen Widmer (Board Chair)Ken Hunzeker (Board Vice Chair)Staff 680WebsiteOfficial website Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) is an American charity and veterans service organization tha...

Questa voce sull'argomento economia internazionale è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Comunità economica e monetaria dell'Africa centrale(FR) Communauté économique et monétaire de l'Afrique centrale AbbreviazioneCEMAC TipoOrganizzazione internazionale Fondazione1999 Area di azioneAfrica Sito web Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale La Comunità economica e monetaria dell'Africa centrale (in francese: Communauté économique et mon...