unOrdinary is a superherowebcomic written and illustrated by American artist Chelsey Han, better known as "uru-chan" (written only with lowercase letters). It was serialized on Tapas from November 2015 until January 2016; it has been published weekly on the platform Webtoon since May 2016, with its chapters collected into two volumes as of July 2024. The story follows a powerless high school student named John Doe navigating a world full of superpowered people. The narrative focuses on how a society built on raw strength affects those at the bottom of the hierarchy, and the brutality of the institutions used to enforce it.[2][3][4][5]
At the Ringo Awards, unOrdinary has won three awards for Fan Favorite Villain category in 2017, 2018, and 2020.[6][7][8] It also received one nomination for Best Webcomic category in 2017.[9]
Plot and themes
Set primarily in Wellston Private High School, it features John as a second-year transfer student enrolled in a school full of students with superhuman abilities, despite having no abilities whatsoever, thus labelled as a 'cripple'. There, he meets Seraphina, a 'god-tier' student, also known as Wellston's Ace, who can manipulate time. Despite being at extreme ends of the hierarchy, Seraphina and John strike a close friendship.