Ultimate Factories, also known as Megafactories in non-US markets, is an American documentary television series that premiered in 2006 on the National Geographic Channel. The program explored the inner workings of factories worldwide. Each episode profiles the machinery and manpower behind each factory's main product, featuring close-ups, breakdowns, interviews, and side stories to show the sequence of events to produce the product in the factory.
National Geographic Megafactories was also broadcast under the name Ultimate Factories in the United States.[2] The show was an hour long television program and they featured a variety of factories. National Geographic's camera crews were able to get raw footage for a one hour program in seven days.[3]
As of 11 August 2013, the National Geographic Channel has broadcast the following episodes of the series:[4][5][6][7]
Because the season number, episode number and some of the airdates cannot be confirmed, these episodes are listed by their production / copyright year listed at the end of the credits of the show.
Because the season number, episode number and airdate cannot be confirmed, these episodes are listed by their production / copyright year listed at the end of the credits of the show