Knaus is the initiator and project manager of the cooperation projects fraLine (1999–2014)[9] and fraMediale (since 2009).[10] From 2011 to 2015 he was Managing Director of the Research Center Frankfurt Technology Center Media - FTzM, whose Scientific Director[11] he is to this day. He is the initiator of the fraMediale Prize,[12] publisher of the fraMediale book series in the kopaed publishing house[13] and project manager of the open access publication project "Forschungswerkstatt Medienpädagogik" ("Research Workshop Media Education")[14]
Membership in scientific organizations
Knaus is a member of the steering group of the initiative "No Education without Media!" (Keine Bildung ohne Medien – KBoM!)[15] and as well member of the board of the Association for Media Education and Communication Culture (GMK); he ist member of the German Informatics Society (GI),[16] the German Educational Research Association (GERA | DGfE),[17] and the Professional Group School (GMK)[18] as well as a spokesperson for the Qualitative Research Section (GMK).[19] He is co-author of the interdisziplinary working group "Dagstuhl/Frankfurt triangle for Education in the digitally networked World"[20] and one of the supporters of the "Digital Education Charter"[21] of the German Informatics Society (GI).
Knaus, Thomas (2024): Educational Impulses for Redesigning (Online) Teaching in the Post-Pandemic World – A Discussion and Evaluation of Lessons Learned, Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society – WJDS, 4 (4), Special Issue: Education in the Digital World, S. 1–36.
Knaus, Thomas (2023): Emotions in Media Education: How media based emotions enrich classroom teaching and learning, In: Social Science & Humanities OPEN, 8 (1), pp. 1–6.
Knaus, Thomas (2022): Making in media education: An activity-oriented approach to digital literacy, In: Journal of Media Literacy Education, 14(3), 53-65.
Knaus, Thomas; Junge, Thorsten; Merz, Olga (2022): Lehren aus der Lehre in Zeiten von Corona – Mediendidaktische Impulse für Schulen und Hochschulen, Munich: kopaed.
Brinda, Torsten; Brüggen, Niels; Diethelm, Ira; Knaus, Thomas; Kommer, Sven; Kopf, Christine; Missomelius, Petra; Leschke, Rainer; Tilemann, Friederike; Weich, Andreas (2019): Frankfurt Triangle for Education in the Digital World - An Interdisciplinary Model [Frankfurt-Dreieck zur Bildung in der digital vernetzten Welt – Ein interdisziplinäres Modell][22][23]
Knaus, Thomas (2020): Technology criticism and data literacy. The case for an augmented understanding of media literacy, In: Journal of Media Literacy Education, 12(3), 6-16.
Knaus, Thomas; Engel, Olga (2018): Spannung? Potentiale! – Digitaler Wandel in Bildungseinrichtungen (Vol. 6), Munich: kopaed.
Knaus, Thomas; Engel, Olga (2016): Wi(e)derstände – Digitaler Wandel in Bildungseinrichtungen (Vol. 5), Munich: kopaed.
Knaus, Thomas; Döring, Nicola; Ludewig, Yvonne (2013): Die Wirksamkeit von Medienbildungsinitiativen: Erfolge, Probleme und Lösungsansätze, In: MedienPädagogik (Suisse).[24]
Knaus, Thomas; Bohnet, Nastasja (2019): Lernen mit Kopf, Herz und Handy – Zum Forschungsstand zu Emotionen (in) der Medienbildung, In: MedienImpulse – Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik (BMBWF, Vienna (Austria)[25] 57/4, p. 1–41.
Knaus, Thomas (2017/2018/2019): Media Pedagogy Research Workshop. Projects – Theories – Methods [Vol. 1|2|3], Munich: kopaed.
Knaus, Thomas (2017): Understanding - Connecting - Responsibility. Why Media Education and Computer Science Education concern us all and why we should develop them together, in: Diethelm, Ira (Hrsg.): Informatische Bildung zum Verstehen und Gestalten der digitalen Welt, Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik (LNI – Lecture Notes in Informatics, P-274), S. 31–48.[26]
Knaus, Thomas (2017): The Potential of Digital Media – Theoretical Observations on the Educational and Teaching Potential of Tablet Computers, New Zealand Journal of Teachers’ Work (ISSN1176-6662), Vol. 14, Issue 1, pp. 40–49.
Knaus, Thomas (2009): Kommunigrafie – Eine empirische Studie zur Bedeutung von Text und Bild in der digitalen Kommunikation, Munich: kopaed.
^Knaus, Thomas (2019). "Learning with Head, Heart and Hand-Held Device. On the Current State of Research on Emotions in Media Education". MedienImpulse. 57/4: 1–41. doi:10.21243/mi-04-19-01.